Names of the sun.

From the astrological point of view, any name (not only a name, but any part of the universe) can be related to one of the planets. Astrological planets is only 10, and each of them are their "own" names. In this article we will talk about the names of the sun.
Illustration. Solar names from the standpoint of astronomy sun - is a star. In terms of astrology, the sun - a planet. And this is a bright and warm the planet, upon which all life on Earth. Solar names - carriers of the same life-affirming, saving energy and light. Therefore, a person with a solar name is likely to be a warm, bright and optimistic. It is unlikely that it will be a gray mouse. Although, of course, much depends on the full data. Last name, first name and personal horoscope - only taking into account all these data we can determine the true name of the mystery man to understand what's in a name for a particular destiny ...
Names of the Sun carry a strong creative drive, so we can recommend them as alias public people. With that it is not only about the potential celebrities (actors, singers, writers, etc.), because the sun protects all people whose profession is connected with performances in public (teachers and lecturers - are also here), with entertainment of various kinds, happy and creative approach to any occupation. Yes, these are the people of the sun - bright, enthusiastic, and able to inspire, to lead for a large audience. People with the names of the sun are usually very well aware of the children, because they themselves, in fact, are great kids who like everything to be fun, beautiful and fireworks :)
If you call your baby Sunny name, it is possible that he will be an active and energetic. Solar Quality - is the leadership and the desire to be the center of attention, the desire to shine and cause applause. If you want to call the child, and you want to see the full force and power of spiritual and self-aware person, call it the name of the sun.
But, of course, not everyone can wear the solar names. Is a name to your newly born child of, can be found using our service "Calendar Name", where for each particular date are lists of recommended and undesirable names.
The ability to bear the name of the sun you can appreciate and individual horoscope vashogo baby. Unless, of course, even a little versed in astrology :) Keep in mind that it is not necessary to give "solar names" the baby, the Sun in the horoscope which struck or "responsible" for 6, 8, 12 houses of the horoscope (standing in them, is the ruler or co-ruler).
If you do not understand astrology, and would love to find the right, suitable for the child's name (or for yourself) is better to consult a specialist for personal advice. You can also go to the forum Astro crumbs where a professional astrologer for free to help you choose a name for your offspring.
Finally I would like to remind you that all the above written the names of the sun - is general information based on astrological principle of this planet.
A full list of the names of the Sun
(given the names of "mixed»)
Names for girls Sun:
Azariah, Aida, Aisha, Anastasia, Angelina Antonida, Antonina, Anfisa, Bela, Boyana, Velislava, Victoria, Virineya, Helena, Helium, Golinduha, Darren, Darius, Dominica, Eve, Evstolia, Catherine, Elim, Zaire, Elyria Ines, Hippolyte, Justin, Iphigenia, Carolina, Casino, Kiriena, Minodora, Miroslav, Muse, Neonilla, Ninel, Olympia, Paul, Pamela, Rima, Rose, Rufina, Stephanie, Phoebe, Fedor Felitsitata, Feodosia, Theodoulia, Feopistiya, Phoebe, Chloe, Yaroslav.
Names for boys Sun:
Augustine Avdelay, Aviv Avtonom, Agapit, Aquila, Anthimus, Arpila, Artemon, Archippus, Ahaz, Achaicus, Bernard, Bidzina, Praying Mantis, Vadim, Bacchus, Varipsav, Varsonofy, cornflowers, Wilhelm, Vifony, Vladislav, Vseslav, Vyacheslav, Guy, Gamaliel Gantiol, Ged, Helium, George Herman Grozdan, Davikt, Daniel, Darius, Dick Dietrich Dometius, Domnin, Dormidont, Evdokia Evmeny, Eustochius, Eleutherius, Elpidy, Epaphras, Erasmus, Erastus, Yermil, Jesper, Hilary, Isaiah, Iuvenaly, Qasim, Castor, Kelso, Kirik, Conon, copra, Cornelius, Kriskentian, Kronides Kuzma, Kuksha, lamps, Laodicea Luarsab, Lukillian, Mauritius, Mavsima Manfred, Mar Mardary, Maruf, Matthias, Meletios, Milan, Mineon, Myron, Mitrofan, Michael Muko, Neon, Nikifor, Olympia, Onis, Pankratov, Papila Parfyonov, Plato, Poluvy wiping Roland, Savel, Saverio, Sadof, Severin, Sigits Zion, Socrates Suimvl Tertius, tigers, Tikhon Ualery, Favy, Faustus, Fedosov, Theodosius, Theodoret, Feostih, Theophylact, Felix, Flavian, Florentius, Foca, Fotin, Christopher, Shamil, Julius.
Please note that the name matches the Sun meet, if the name to the letter written repeats! Ualery - is the name of the Sun, and Valery - this is the name, which protects Saturn. Just one letter difference, which fundamentally changes the names of the planets of Conformity. Be careful!
I-See you there!