Five bad names for kids
It would seem that a name is just a set of sounds. However, these sounds carry a huge flow of information, a certain energy, which later affects our fate. Name has a huge impact on a person’s character: it can soften or enhance certain traits. This is an important part of the individuality of a person. Therefore, it is necessary to take a responsible approach to naming.
Since ancient times, people have carefully approached the choice of a name, because a person lives with it for a lifetime. The name should be considered from all sides: how it will sound, combined with the surname, what it means. After all, every detail leaves its mark on the fate of a person. Marianna AbravitovaA well-known psychologist, tarologist and clairvoyant, told what to avoid when choosing a child's name.
What is the name of the child?
Name the baby You can do whatever you want. But do not forget that this is not a fleeting trifle, but what will remain with the child for life. The name is the path a person takes, and it is very important that this path is long and happy. And if the right name can make a child’s life easier and more harmonious, why not take it seriously?
What do you think about that? How important is it to find the right and strong name for your child? Share with us in the comments!

Since ancient times, people have carefully approached the choice of a name, because a person lives with it for a lifetime. The name should be considered from all sides: how it will sound, combined with the surname, what it means. After all, every detail leaves its mark on the fate of a person. Marianna AbravitovaA well-known psychologist, tarologist and clairvoyant, told what to avoid when choosing a child's name.
What is the name of the child?
- Negative associations
If a name is associated with a person who brought negative emotions, do not give it to your child. Even if someone in the family insists on it. Here you can not abandon your beliefs. The fact is that without even realizing it, you will transfer negative experiences from the past to your child. According to the psychic, this can adversely affect the fate of the baby and your relationship with him. Before naming a child, remember all the people with the chosen name you know. Think about what your name is associated with, what emotions it evokes. If there is even the slightest doubt, it is better to abandon it.
DepositPhotos - Combination of sounds
It is important to think about how the name sounds in combination with the surname and patronymic. If there are growling sounds in your last name, the soft name will sound wrong. This immediately causes dissonance, such names are more difficult to perceive. Same thing with patronymic. No need for frills, if the patronymic is hard and cumbersome, then it is better to choose a short name. For example, Alexander Dmitrievich – it sounds difficult. Irritating combinations cause conflict with others. This is especially evident in school, children often do not think about the personal qualities of a classmate, but see in him only the bearer of a too complex and unsound name.
DepositPhotos - Historical names
These are the names of those people whom history has remembered as villains. Such names have absorbed all the negative energy of the events of the past, they will not bring a person anything good. And in society, it is unlikely that such a name will be perceived normally. For example, a boy named Adolf is unlikely to cause a stormy delight in others, even in what country he was born.
DepositPhotos - Substitution
In no case should a child be given the name of a person who died early. Parents often name a child after a relative or even an older child they have lost. It’s a way to survive the loss. But that's a big mistake. At the level of your perception there is a substitution. Parents begin to perceive the baby as the embodiment of the deceased. This is bad for the fate of the child. There is often debate about whether a child can be named after grandparents. The clairvoyant assures that if they have lived a long life, then, of course, it is possible.
DepositPhotos - Exotic names
Do not give children names that are out of the local culture. So you're programming a child's mind to be a stranger in society. Also, think about how such a name will be combined with a surname and patronymic. For example, Jessica Petrovna is completely ridiculous. Even if you really like a foreign name, think: how to live with it?
Name the baby You can do whatever you want. But do not forget that this is not a fleeting trifle, but what will remain with the child for life. The name is the path a person takes, and it is very important that this path is long and happy. And if the right name can make a child’s life easier and more harmonious, why not take it seriously?
What do you think about that? How important is it to find the right and strong name for your child? Share with us in the comments!