Selective yellow
BBDO Branding Site and continue a series of articles devoted to color in brendinge.Poprobuem at least a little to improve the mood in the autumn by a gray color. Today let's talk about the yellow - the sun, positive, cheerful and at the same time the information, the consumer and the "cheap" color.
Every day should contain bright move. i>
Even the most ridiculous. i>
Even if it would be a yellow scarf, i>
tied to birch. i>
Joseph Emets i>
The facts that you may know them: Yellow - the color of the sun, so it is often symbolizes warmth, happiness and pleasure. This color is light and warm, it causes a person positive emotions associated with joy and gladness, energizes and gives vitality. If you think that you do not like, do not understand, or oppresses you a sense of inner rigidities, use the yellow color! This color stimulates mental activity. Preference yellow means the desire for independence, the search for new knowledge. The yellow color has a warm, exhilarating effect. Yellow helps us to hope and expect the best, but the data of many studies show that the yellow color in large quantities causes excitement in the brain and affects the person's behavior. This is the bright color of the spectrum. The words "yellow", "green" and "gold" - the same origin. The word "green" was formed on the basis of common Slavic zelen and is akin to the adjective "yellow". In addition, the word "yellow" and the German Gold - «gold», «ashes» (because ash gray-yellow) of the same root as the "gold". Since the color change frequently, and the alternation of the ancient sound "r" and "z" goes back to the Indo-European era. Yellow - female color is the color of intuition inherent feminine. In ancient Egypt, the yellow represented the woman. In Greek mythology, the color belonged to Aphrodite, Athena, and the East yellow and white interchangeable and yellow signifies the feminine yin. In Brazil, this color - a symbol of despair, the Muslims of Syria - a symbol of death. In China, yellow is very popular and long considered sacred because it is a symbol of the empire, power and grandeur. Yellow means prosperity for America. For the Russian people yellow - a sign of separation and betrayal. During the mass disorders and quarantine in Europe hung a yellow flag. Until the XII century yellow color associated only with joy and happiness, but after he became the XII century characterized by venality, adultery and treachery. Even Judah began to depict in yellow robes. Also yellow clothing were given to the victims of the Inquisition. According to Confucius, "a sign of faith is enclosed in a yellow color." Yellow - a symbol of the deity of wealth, success and achievements in many world religions (Buddhism, Judaism, Tantrism, Islam). In English, yellow associated with cowardice. In Arabic, "yellow smile" called insincere. In French, "yellow laughter» (rire jaune) - artificial Delaney. After the release of the magazine «Yellow Book» England yellow long become a symbol of all the strange and eccentric, designating the whole epoch associated with names Oscar Wilde and Aubrey Beardsley. Yellow sunflowers Oscar Wilde found a continuation in the orange carrot, costume adorned Alexei torsion. Mayakovsky has always caused a furor his famous yellow blouse. The appearance of this unusual costume, he explained by chance: "The costumes I never did. There were two blouses - most heinous kind. The proven way - to adorn a tie. No money. He took his sister a piece of yellow tape. He ties. Furor. So, the most notable and beautiful in man - his tie. Obviously increase the tie, and increase sensation. And since the dimensions are limited ties, I went to the trick: did galstukovuyu shirt and tie rubashkovy. " And another quote: "I - a smart aleck, whose supreme pleasure tumble, pulled a yellow jacket in a gathering of people, noble bereguschie under chinnymi frock coat, suit and jacket modesty and decorum». At the present time all over the world recognized by the yellow smiley. Graphite pencils dyed yellow. This is due to the fact that, historically, the best graphite was in China, and yellow painted only Chinese pencils. Decree of Nicholas I, to legitimize pre-revolutionary Russian question * itutsiyu and brothels, millet * itutkam were required to be special "yellow card", which was described in detail in particular their health status. The yellow light has a minimum dispersion in the atmosphere, so the signal is used as a warning color. Often it comes in conjunction with oblique black stripes to increase the contrast. The yellow traffic light indicates that it is forbidden to start the movement at the junction, but you can continue the work already begun by motion. Yellow card in soccer means a warning. The expression "yellow jersey", denotes a man advancing in something everyone else. Yellow jersey was first introduced to the cycling Tour de France 1903. Yellow T-shirts associated with the newspaper L'Auto, which sponsored the tour and printed on yellow paper. Now the yellow jersey is used in many other cycling in skiing and biathlon. the tabloids called shoddy editions chasing sensationalism and gossip. The term comes from the comic book The Yellow Kid, printed in the years 1894-1898 in the newspaper New York World and New York Journal American. Both newspapers have been known that the reported murders, accidents and so on. N., To entertain readers. In addition, they began to debate among themselves because of the authorship of the comics. A third newspaper called them "yellow press", and the expression was winged. The Yellow House - a colloquial term meaning a psychiatric hospital. Walls in such institutions are often painted in yellow. It was believed that this calming effect on the patients.
Shades zheltogo
100% Yellow - the brightest shade of yellow, it is completely absent the other three components of CMYK. A simple formula makes this shade the most common.
Golden yellow is obtained by adding in a little yellow magenta. This is a group of yellow-orange shades, characteristic, for example, natural or amber honey. Compared with the pure yellow color is perceived as more friendly and naturally due to its heat. It is more common in nature. His most often used to simulate gold color
Lime - hue between yellow and green, so named for the color of the fruit. It is obtained by adding a small amount of blue yellow. This is a cool and fresh color, undeservedly rarely therefore uses in advertising and branding.
Olive - a darker shade of yellow. Close to the color green fruit of the olive tree. It may be formed by adding a small amount of black to yellow color. With further addition of black olive becomes ocher. Colour contributes to peace and tranquility. It is often used in the interiors despite the fact that it absorbs a lot of light, the dimming area, and require bright lighting.
Lemon - a yellow lighter shade. It can be obtained, if a little diluted yellow white.
Yellow is widely used in advertising, as the human eye sees it first and it is the longest of flowers in memory. But these wonderful properties of yellow becomes only the vicinity of the saturation, contrast it with flowers. The most profitable neighbor for yellow - this, of course, black. By contrast, the degree of this couple surpasses even the black and white combination.
Yellow and black - the brightest and most aggressive color combination, we meet him in the objects that require attention. In nature - color is toxic, dangerous to the life of animals. In the life of man more attention is required, for example, on the road or on a construction site, with a rush: taxi, fencing tapes, operating machinery, navigation signs, warning signs, etc. And all because of a combination of - one of the most easily distinguishable to the eye.
Yellow and white - the embodiment of light and heat. In advertising it as a separate combination it is rarely used because It has weak contrast, but is found in the design of products or the interior, if you want to create a feeling of warmth and coziness, affection and friendliness.
Yellow with green - the most fun combination. Two of the "non-serious", open the color in the neighborhood create summer, very sunny mood. In addition, this combination is clearly associated with the flags of sunny countries like Jamaica, Brazil and many African countries. With this combination is easy to go too far, in large quantities, it would be annoying and cause distrust.
Blue - the color contrast to the bright yellow. The combination contains both brightness and depth. It is very noticeable and is often used for consumer goods, and is often found in sporting goods.
Red enhances the qualities of the yellow, as a positive and warmth, a very friendly mix. This combination is often used to create associations with the availability and simplicity, such as the fast food industry. Most common among entertainment brands: Chupa-Chups, M & M`s (red and yellow), the heroes of Disney, the clown Ronald McDonald, etc.
Examples of the use of yellow in kommunikatsiyahVydelenie / informativnost
Yellow faster than other color is read by the brain, so it is actively used, if need something to distinguish quickly convey information or just to attract attention. It is to draw attention, not to say aggressive leadership position or to say about himself, it allows to make red. In order to work more yellow, dark substrates are often used - especially the combination yellow + black. Here's how it works.
The history of the iconic Yellow Pages telephone directory originates in 1883. In one of the print shops, which printed telephone directories, the usual color is out of paper. Then they had to use only the remaining paper - yellow. This release directory attracted the attention of so many people and had incredible success. It was this accident served as the inspiration for Ruben Donnelly, who in 1886 created the brand «Yellow Pages», became the founder of an entire industry.
Classical paper for notes manufactured by 3M c 1968 (under the name of Post-it - c 1980). Fortune magazine included it in the list of the most important inventions of the XX century. In the most common form, it certainly has a yellow color and dimensions of 76 by 76 mm.
Yellow Cab John Hertz was founded in 1915. By this time, the market there are many companies engaged in a taxi. The competition was incredibly high, and differentiate from the competition was virtually impossible. To achieve its business objectives Hertz hired consultants, who convinced him that the yellow - the most noticeable and eye-catching color. The consultants advised to repaint all the machines in the yellow taxis. Thus, the company Hertz managed to win the competition and perpetuate the tradition of "yellow cabs" that exists to this day. And in 1929, Herz has decided to set up his own company to issue car rental. Convinced in practice prospects yellow, he decided to postpone the famous colors and logo of his new company Hertz Rent-a-Car.
An interesting example of the company Nikon, the main color is black and yellow. Thus for roof installations they chose yellow writing logo. Few people decided to take this step - because the day the color is almost invisible against the background of the sunny sky, but at night all the risks are justified and signage night Nikon pronounced the rest!
International non-governmental organization Amnesty International draws attention to human rights violations and calls for compliance with international standards. Its objective is to mobilize the public to put pressure on those who violate human rights. Corporate colors organization - bright yellow and black - it is best to attract attention.
Simplicity, accessibility, skidkiZhelty color is often used by companies involved in direct sales, to attract attention. The most common color for the labels on discounts and various promotions, of course, yellow. IKEA Even when you need to draw attention to discounts or promotions, can adapt the color of its logo, using a combination of yellow and black.
Best Buy company first introduced its famous logo-yellow price tag in 1987, it represents a low cost and a friendly customer-oriented brand policy.
The company's mission BIC - to make life easier for consumers. BIC products provide affordable solutions to everyday needs. This is the case since the establishment of the first product - a ballpoint pen BIC Cristal, both simple and reliable.
Two more examples of using the yellow car manufacturers in the mass segment: Renault and Opel. This affordable machine, though not position themselves as such.
Energy, vitality, skorostSrazu start with one of the most striking examples - DHL. The brand uses in its logo a combination of warm yellow and red colors. Yellow perfectly underlines the value of the company, its speed, power and agility. As if in confirmation of our words, as we wrote this article, DHL launched advertising banners with the slogan "Yellow - the color of speed».
Another example of the use of yellow for the declaration rate - Western Union. The value of this brand is speed, trust, reliability and convenience that allows the company to always be close to our customers, so when they need support.
Lipton Company was founded in the late XIX century, Thomas Lipton in Glasgow, Scotland. Under the slogan "from the plantation directly into the cup," wanted to make Lipton tea a popular and approachable drink for everyone - high quality products, but at a reasonable price. From the start of sales in the market have been offered three varieties of tea Lipton. The best of them is called Quality-1, it was sold in a yellow box with a red emblem Lipton. Now this variety is known worldwide as the Lipton Yellow Label. Lipton tea with yellow package is distributed in 150 countries, but it did not sell in the UK itself. The main advantage of grocery products tea brand Lipton theanine content is conducive to the stimulation of brain activity, the development of energy and good mood. That is why the Lipton brand has positioned itself as a drink that causes a surge of energy and inspiration.
Friendliness, chat, funZhelty - is very positive, friendly and open flowers. Even in categories traditionally considered that the need to emphasize the seriousness and professionalism, there is room yellow.
Italian bank "new generation» CheBanca! based on consultation and training model. In branding it uses a very rare combination of white and yellow; in interior design - absolutely transparent walls, diaphanous, and mobile offices with a bright yellow color, which can be easily installed anywhere. All this combined with a completely new standards of customer service (for example, the manager and the client are on the same side of the table and talking like good friends) forms the image of a friendly, understanding and availability of each bank.
Raiffeisen BANK - a good example of how traditional "dangerous" combination of yellow and black can be converted in a very friendly. His vivid emotional image shows that the bank - not something formal, cold and unfamiliar, but on the contrary - is warm and intimate. Clogan Bank: "The difference in respect».
Another bank that is positioned as a one-pot - New Zealand's ASB. It communicates on an equal footing and talks to customers in the same language. His whole communication is based on the nuances of communication and speed of conversational speech.
Now the representative sphere of communications - Beeline familiar to all. After re-branding in 2005 promised many new design short life and do not believe that the "dangerous" combination of colors can bring some useful results. However, the idea behind the brand, was able to overcome stereotypes in people's minds, and now yellow and black image of Beeline is strongly associated with the brightness, simplicity, friendliness and positive emotions.
Australian wine brand Yellow Tail has carried out a revolution in the wine market. This wine brand completely changed attitude to the category. For Yellow Tail wine - is an affordable, easy to drink for everyone.
via www.adme.ru/kreativnyj-obzor/zelenyj-eto-novyj-chernyj-bbdo-branding-268655/
Every day should contain bright move. i>
Even the most ridiculous. i>
Even if it would be a yellow scarf, i>
tied to birch. i>
Joseph Emets i>
The facts that you may know them: Yellow - the color of the sun, so it is often symbolizes warmth, happiness and pleasure. This color is light and warm, it causes a person positive emotions associated with joy and gladness, energizes and gives vitality. If you think that you do not like, do not understand, or oppresses you a sense of inner rigidities, use the yellow color! This color stimulates mental activity. Preference yellow means the desire for independence, the search for new knowledge. The yellow color has a warm, exhilarating effect. Yellow helps us to hope and expect the best, but the data of many studies show that the yellow color in large quantities causes excitement in the brain and affects the person's behavior. This is the bright color of the spectrum. The words "yellow", "green" and "gold" - the same origin. The word "green" was formed on the basis of common Slavic zelen and is akin to the adjective "yellow". In addition, the word "yellow" and the German Gold - «gold», «ashes» (because ash gray-yellow) of the same root as the "gold". Since the color change frequently, and the alternation of the ancient sound "r" and "z" goes back to the Indo-European era. Yellow - female color is the color of intuition inherent feminine. In ancient Egypt, the yellow represented the woman. In Greek mythology, the color belonged to Aphrodite, Athena, and the East yellow and white interchangeable and yellow signifies the feminine yin. In Brazil, this color - a symbol of despair, the Muslims of Syria - a symbol of death. In China, yellow is very popular and long considered sacred because it is a symbol of the empire, power and grandeur. Yellow means prosperity for America. For the Russian people yellow - a sign of separation and betrayal. During the mass disorders and quarantine in Europe hung a yellow flag. Until the XII century yellow color associated only with joy and happiness, but after he became the XII century characterized by venality, adultery and treachery. Even Judah began to depict in yellow robes. Also yellow clothing were given to the victims of the Inquisition. According to Confucius, "a sign of faith is enclosed in a yellow color." Yellow - a symbol of the deity of wealth, success and achievements in many world religions (Buddhism, Judaism, Tantrism, Islam). In English, yellow associated with cowardice. In Arabic, "yellow smile" called insincere. In French, "yellow laughter» (rire jaune) - artificial Delaney. After the release of the magazine «Yellow Book» England yellow long become a symbol of all the strange and eccentric, designating the whole epoch associated with names Oscar Wilde and Aubrey Beardsley. Yellow sunflowers Oscar Wilde found a continuation in the orange carrot, costume adorned Alexei torsion. Mayakovsky has always caused a furor his famous yellow blouse. The appearance of this unusual costume, he explained by chance: "The costumes I never did. There were two blouses - most heinous kind. The proven way - to adorn a tie. No money. He took his sister a piece of yellow tape. He ties. Furor. So, the most notable and beautiful in man - his tie. Obviously increase the tie, and increase sensation. And since the dimensions are limited ties, I went to the trick: did galstukovuyu shirt and tie rubashkovy. " And another quote: "I - a smart aleck, whose supreme pleasure tumble, pulled a yellow jacket in a gathering of people, noble bereguschie under chinnymi frock coat, suit and jacket modesty and decorum». At the present time all over the world recognized by the yellow smiley. Graphite pencils dyed yellow. This is due to the fact that, historically, the best graphite was in China, and yellow painted only Chinese pencils. Decree of Nicholas I, to legitimize pre-revolutionary Russian question * itutsiyu and brothels, millet * itutkam were required to be special "yellow card", which was described in detail in particular their health status. The yellow light has a minimum dispersion in the atmosphere, so the signal is used as a warning color. Often it comes in conjunction with oblique black stripes to increase the contrast. The yellow traffic light indicates that it is forbidden to start the movement at the junction, but you can continue the work already begun by motion. Yellow card in soccer means a warning. The expression "yellow jersey", denotes a man advancing in something everyone else. Yellow jersey was first introduced to the cycling Tour de France 1903. Yellow T-shirts associated with the newspaper L'Auto, which sponsored the tour and printed on yellow paper. Now the yellow jersey is used in many other cycling in skiing and biathlon. the tabloids called shoddy editions chasing sensationalism and gossip. The term comes from the comic book The Yellow Kid, printed in the years 1894-1898 in the newspaper New York World and New York Journal American. Both newspapers have been known that the reported murders, accidents and so on. N., To entertain readers. In addition, they began to debate among themselves because of the authorship of the comics. A third newspaper called them "yellow press", and the expression was winged. The Yellow House - a colloquial term meaning a psychiatric hospital. Walls in such institutions are often painted in yellow. It was believed that this calming effect on the patients.
Shades zheltogo

100% Yellow - the brightest shade of yellow, it is completely absent the other three components of CMYK. A simple formula makes this shade the most common.

Golden yellow is obtained by adding in a little yellow magenta. This is a group of yellow-orange shades, characteristic, for example, natural or amber honey. Compared with the pure yellow color is perceived as more friendly and naturally due to its heat. It is more common in nature. His most often used to simulate gold color

Lime - hue between yellow and green, so named for the color of the fruit. It is obtained by adding a small amount of blue yellow. This is a cool and fresh color, undeservedly rarely therefore uses in advertising and branding.

Olive - a darker shade of yellow. Close to the color green fruit of the olive tree. It may be formed by adding a small amount of black to yellow color. With further addition of black olive becomes ocher. Colour contributes to peace and tranquility. It is often used in the interiors despite the fact that it absorbs a lot of light, the dimming area, and require bright lighting.

Lemon - a yellow lighter shade. It can be obtained, if a little diluted yellow white.
Yellow is widely used in advertising, as the human eye sees it first and it is the longest of flowers in memory. But these wonderful properties of yellow becomes only the vicinity of the saturation, contrast it with flowers. The most profitable neighbor for yellow - this, of course, black. By contrast, the degree of this couple surpasses even the black and white combination.

Yellow and black - the brightest and most aggressive color combination, we meet him in the objects that require attention. In nature - color is toxic, dangerous to the life of animals. In the life of man more attention is required, for example, on the road or on a construction site, with a rush: taxi, fencing tapes, operating machinery, navigation signs, warning signs, etc. And all because of a combination of - one of the most easily distinguishable to the eye.

Yellow and white - the embodiment of light and heat. In advertising it as a separate combination it is rarely used because It has weak contrast, but is found in the design of products or the interior, if you want to create a feeling of warmth and coziness, affection and friendliness.

Yellow with green - the most fun combination. Two of the "non-serious", open the color in the neighborhood create summer, very sunny mood. In addition, this combination is clearly associated with the flags of sunny countries like Jamaica, Brazil and many African countries. With this combination is easy to go too far, in large quantities, it would be annoying and cause distrust.

Blue - the color contrast to the bright yellow. The combination contains both brightness and depth. It is very noticeable and is often used for consumer goods, and is often found in sporting goods.

Red enhances the qualities of the yellow, as a positive and warmth, a very friendly mix. This combination is often used to create associations with the availability and simplicity, such as the fast food industry. Most common among entertainment brands: Chupa-Chups, M & M`s (red and yellow), the heroes of Disney, the clown Ronald McDonald, etc.
Examples of the use of yellow in kommunikatsiyahVydelenie / informativnost

Yellow faster than other color is read by the brain, so it is actively used, if need something to distinguish quickly convey information or just to attract attention. It is to draw attention, not to say aggressive leadership position or to say about himself, it allows to make red. In order to work more yellow, dark substrates are often used - especially the combination yellow + black. Here's how it works.
The history of the iconic Yellow Pages telephone directory originates in 1883. In one of the print shops, which printed telephone directories, the usual color is out of paper. Then they had to use only the remaining paper - yellow. This release directory attracted the attention of so many people and had incredible success. It was this accident served as the inspiration for Ruben Donnelly, who in 1886 created the brand «Yellow Pages», became the founder of an entire industry.
Classical paper for notes manufactured by 3M c 1968 (under the name of Post-it - c 1980). Fortune magazine included it in the list of the most important inventions of the XX century. In the most common form, it certainly has a yellow color and dimensions of 76 by 76 mm.

Yellow Cab John Hertz was founded in 1915. By this time, the market there are many companies engaged in a taxi. The competition was incredibly high, and differentiate from the competition was virtually impossible. To achieve its business objectives Hertz hired consultants, who convinced him that the yellow - the most noticeable and eye-catching color. The consultants advised to repaint all the machines in the yellow taxis. Thus, the company Hertz managed to win the competition and perpetuate the tradition of "yellow cabs" that exists to this day. And in 1929, Herz has decided to set up his own company to issue car rental. Convinced in practice prospects yellow, he decided to postpone the famous colors and logo of his new company Hertz Rent-a-Car.
An interesting example of the company Nikon, the main color is black and yellow. Thus for roof installations they chose yellow writing logo. Few people decided to take this step - because the day the color is almost invisible against the background of the sunny sky, but at night all the risks are justified and signage night Nikon pronounced the rest!

International non-governmental organization Amnesty International draws attention to human rights violations and calls for compliance with international standards. Its objective is to mobilize the public to put pressure on those who violate human rights. Corporate colors organization - bright yellow and black - it is best to attract attention.
Simplicity, accessibility, skidkiZhelty color is often used by companies involved in direct sales, to attract attention. The most common color for the labels on discounts and various promotions, of course, yellow. IKEA Even when you need to draw attention to discounts or promotions, can adapt the color of its logo, using a combination of yellow and black.
Best Buy company first introduced its famous logo-yellow price tag in 1987, it represents a low cost and a friendly customer-oriented brand policy.

The company's mission BIC - to make life easier for consumers. BIC products provide affordable solutions to everyday needs. This is the case since the establishment of the first product - a ballpoint pen BIC Cristal, both simple and reliable.

Two more examples of using the yellow car manufacturers in the mass segment: Renault and Opel. This affordable machine, though not position themselves as such.
Energy, vitality, skorostSrazu start with one of the most striking examples - DHL. The brand uses in its logo a combination of warm yellow and red colors. Yellow perfectly underlines the value of the company, its speed, power and agility. As if in confirmation of our words, as we wrote this article, DHL launched advertising banners with the slogan "Yellow - the color of speed».

Another example of the use of yellow for the declaration rate - Western Union. The value of this brand is speed, trust, reliability and convenience that allows the company to always be close to our customers, so when they need support.

Lipton Company was founded in the late XIX century, Thomas Lipton in Glasgow, Scotland. Under the slogan "from the plantation directly into the cup," wanted to make Lipton tea a popular and approachable drink for everyone - high quality products, but at a reasonable price. From the start of sales in the market have been offered three varieties of tea Lipton. The best of them is called Quality-1, it was sold in a yellow box with a red emblem Lipton. Now this variety is known worldwide as the Lipton Yellow Label. Lipton tea with yellow package is distributed in 150 countries, but it did not sell in the UK itself. The main advantage of grocery products tea brand Lipton theanine content is conducive to the stimulation of brain activity, the development of energy and good mood. That is why the Lipton brand has positioned itself as a drink that causes a surge of energy and inspiration.
Friendliness, chat, funZhelty - is very positive, friendly and open flowers. Even in categories traditionally considered that the need to emphasize the seriousness and professionalism, there is room yellow.
Italian bank "new generation» CheBanca! based on consultation and training model. In branding it uses a very rare combination of white and yellow; in interior design - absolutely transparent walls, diaphanous, and mobile offices with a bright yellow color, which can be easily installed anywhere. All this combined with a completely new standards of customer service (for example, the manager and the client are on the same side of the table and talking like good friends) forms the image of a friendly, understanding and availability of each bank.

Raiffeisen BANK - a good example of how traditional "dangerous" combination of yellow and black can be converted in a very friendly. His vivid emotional image shows that the bank - not something formal, cold and unfamiliar, but on the contrary - is warm and intimate. Clogan Bank: "The difference in respect».

Another bank that is positioned as a one-pot - New Zealand's ASB. It communicates on an equal footing and talks to customers in the same language. His whole communication is based on the nuances of communication and speed of conversational speech.

Now the representative sphere of communications - Beeline familiar to all. After re-branding in 2005 promised many new design short life and do not believe that the "dangerous" combination of colors can bring some useful results. However, the idea behind the brand, was able to overcome stereotypes in people's minds, and now yellow and black image of Beeline is strongly associated with the brightness, simplicity, friendliness and positive emotions.

Australian wine brand Yellow Tail has carried out a revolution in the wine market. This wine brand completely changed attitude to the category. For Yellow Tail wine - is an affordable, easy to drink for everyone.
via www.adme.ru/kreativnyj-obzor/zelenyj-eto-novyj-chernyj-bbdo-branding-268655/