Tips for caring for potted rose

No wonder rose is considered the Queen of flowers.
Common varieties for indoor growing are remontant, pernetiana, hybrid tea and the polyanthus roses. Besides the external differences between them not much, they all have the same shaped leaves and large flowers.
Correct care intended to preserve the decorative effect purchased hive room rose at least 5-6 years, and to propagate this plant in large quantities by the permanent SNiP. Roses love South Windows and balconies for its content, but also nourishing the soil in the pot. In warm time of the year they need fresh air and abundant watering, and in the period of flowering feeding at least once a week. The growth required in handling larger pots.
Roses do not grow when watered with cold water, and fade from overheating in the heat. React negatively to withered flowers left on the plant, and they need time to remove. If the transplant earthen room was destroyed and there was injury to the roots, the rose is a long time to be sick.

Room rose in a pot
When buying roses no need to replant. Put the pot in partial shade and give time to adapt to the new climate. Watered flower as often as it dries the soil in his pot, using only the supernatant for at least a day the water temperature slightly higher than room temperature. Good for growth and General condition of the plants spraying of the leaves. It is produced of boiled cold water or with a solution of special vitamins in the same water. Gun need one that gives misty spray. Daily spraying of the leaves do not produce.
Turning the plant into a new pot with a diameter a little more carefully. The roots when handling I try to disturb as little as possible, and the top of earthen coma possibly remove to put new soil. For growth and flowering, roses require nutrient substrate, for example, consisting of 4 parts humus earth, 4 parts peat and 1 part sand.
Grafting a rose, it is good to add to the soil the fertilizer granules. If the pot for transplanting entirely new, it should be pre-soaked for 2 hours in warm water. On the bottom is definitely laid out drainage, there should be a hole to drain water. After perelivania the rose, not watered, put on the day in partial shade and sprayed.
Standing at the window, the plant must be timely to turn to rose growing evenly and not stretched to the light. When autumn comes and the temperature drops to 12-15 ° C, it is transferred from your private balcony or garden home, where they begin to prepare for winter. This process includes more rare watering and cease fertilization. If possible, the winter rose put on the window sill cold room, with temperature not higher than 17 o C. In the apartment you can put a rose between frames or not to tape the window in the winter. As a minimum you need to protect rose from any heaters.

Rose room will delight you with its subtle beauty
Often, before the winter, the rose cut, leaving 5 live buds on the branch. If this is not done, the spring rose bloom much later and less abundantly. Uncut Bush often looks unkempt, naked, as the leaves and branches on long shoots grow unevenly. Pruning can be done in early spring before the roses start the movement of juice and growth. The trimmed branches are used for breeding, autumn cuttings for next spring can bloom. Rose in winter is not growing and blooming, all the leaves with it circled. Care would be the prevention of pests and careful inspection of their appearance, and in rare spraying.
New leaves and branches appear at the rose spring should be watered liberally and fed with mineral fertilizer. When the threat of night frost has passed, put a rose in the garden or on the balcony, accustomed to bright sunlight gradually. First, put in the shady part of the garden, and then when it takes about 2 weeks, take out the sun.published
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: domashniy.ru/