Buy indoor orchids and cacti from the company Ukraflora with delivery in Kiev.

Indoor plants in the interior are again in trend. Flowers in pots are actively used to decorate rooms, because the task of plants is not only to filter toxins, but also to decorate. By the way, with the zoning of space, indoor flowers cope better than any decor elements.
Of course, not all rooms can be turned into greenhouses. Apartments with a small number of meters will look heavy with an abundance of tall plants in floor pots. But following the basic principles of landscaping, with the help of ordinary room flowers, you can expand the space of even a tiny studio and make it cozy.
Indoor deciduous plants, regardless of height, require a separate space and should not be overlapped with furniture or other plants. Their juicy foliage looks decorative and hides empty corners, design flaws, and also serves as a decoration of the room. For small rooms suitable, for example, low monsters and ficus in floor pots, weaving vines to create green walls and, of course, small crotons and ferns for placement on tables and window sills. Table deciduous plants can be grouped with ensembles, selecting them in height and shade of greenery.

Choosing plants for the house, it is advisable to inquire in advance about the requirements for care. If you are a busy person, then Ukraflora consultants will help you choose the most unpretentious types and varieties of indoor flowers. Contrary to popular belief, indoor orchids are not particularly difficult to care for. It is enough to place the flower in diffuse sunlight at room temperature and immerse the orchid in water once a week. In this case, orchids will delight you with flowering several times a year. In turn, cacti and leaf succulents are the most shade-tolerant and resistant to lack of moisture. These plants can withstand several weeks without watering and grow without sunlight, for example, under office lighting.
Professional florists and landscape designers of the company Ukraflora will prompt the rules of care for selected plants, help to green residential and office premises, homesteads and areas around municipal buildings. The widest range of plants, accumulated since 1993, will allow you to choose the best specimens for the tasks set. Regular customers of the company are retail buyers of plants for home, design bureaus, and retail chains.
You can buy an orchid in Kiev in the store of the company Ukraflora on Salyutnaya Street. You can order different types of decorative and deciduous room flowers and succulents in the Ukraflora online store. Delivery of plants in reliable packaging is carried out in Kiev and Ukraine.
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