Flowers that are suitable for bedrooms
Bedroom is the place in the apartment where people spend the most time. But they sleep, mostly. For the active part of humanity stay in the bedroom in the waking state lasts about half an hour a day and whether they have flowers or not – for most people it is not so important.
Waking up in the morning is best to see green leaves in the sun on the window than the dumpy house across the street.
A comfortable bedroom will give you lots of associations before you sleep, and beautiful plants help to create a peaceful atmosphere to unwind after a working day, to reach a state of psychological comfort.
Much more important than beautiful design the air that you breathe all night.
Not recommended for bedroom plants with a strong smell – hyacinths, potted Jasmine, lilies.
Before to decorate the room with flowers, see if there is someone from the family members allergic to certain plants. New untested flowers better not to enter directly into the bedroom, hold them for a while in another room, look.
The danger may be not the plants themselves, and mold in the soil or on stems, tongs, different fungal diseases of your new home flowers. Sometimes offered for sale, the plants treated for the prevention of fungicides or other substances, to put it mildly, not very useful in the air of the bedroom. Pots with flowers at the head of the bed is possible and beautiful, but it is better not to do it.
Plants in the bedroom should not encumber the passage, it is better not to place containers of flowers on unstable shelving units. Sometimes at night have to Wake up because of the ringing of the telephone or the crying child, and a large cactus — this is something that is best to stumble awake in the dark, and then until the morning pulling thorns out of the small pajamas.
The light green leaves of indoor plants produce oxygen during photosynthesis (solar energy, water, carbon dioxide, minerals creates molecules need organic substances), and a little carbon dioxide in the breathing process. At night photosynthesis stops, but plant to breathe never ceases.
Tell lurid stories about people sleeping in the rooms with all sorts of potted flowers, and not the next morning the plants suffocated them with carbon dioxide. But if you've ever had to spend the night in the woods, don't know how to sleep in unfamiliar surroundings, and breathe certainly easy and no CO2 you are not strangled. The amount of carbon dioxide exhaled by man far exceeds the amount of CO2 produced homemade flower. Would require approximately 10,000 kg of plants to produce this amount of carbon dioxide that produces normal people. If your bedroom is 10,000 kg of plants open the door, just in case.
Many house plants have antibacterial properties, and one of the best methods of air purification – the right landscaping bedrooms, in particular, the use of plants emit into the environment is volatile, has a lot of useful properties. Research scientists in the house which a lot of plants, it is much less likely to get sick with the flu.
Perfectly saturates the air with essential oils ordinary geranium. But there are people who are allergic to the pelargonium (geranium).
Bactericidal properties are all indoor citrus. In stores it is easy to buy a lemonand Mandarinand calamondin. You can grow a citrus tree from seeds, but it will bear no fruit.
Flower shops offer lavender and rosemary, you can purchase a Bay tree, Myrtle, eucalyptus and peppermint.
Suitable for bedroom plants well absorb the harmful substances from the air, for example unpretentious Chlorophytum or Spathiphyllum. They absorb formaldehyde, xylene, toluene and other substances that can be released into the air with a plastic coating, furniture.
From the point of view of design can give you the following advice: if the size of your bedrooms are large enough, it is best to put one big tub plant — palm tree or ficus near a window — they need good lighting.
Among the good figs:
Indoors smaller place sanseviero or aspidistra. These plants are undemanding and tolerate shade.
If the window in your bedroom with black-out curtains for other plants may be insufficient lighting.
Very impressive looks and tsissus. It feels good in the sun and in the shade, and temperature extremes won't hurt him. Grows well in removing from the window.
Some flowers on the windowsill suitable for a small bedroom. It can be violets, cyclamen, pelargonium, cactus, depending on what orientation you have the window.
For the bedroom in the student hostel will suit exotic but completely unpretentious zamioculcas. If you will be away for a week on vacation, forgetting to water it, nothing bad will happen.
Perfectly fit into the interior of a student's bedroom miniature arrangement of cactusand succulents.
If the walls are plain and all of it decorated in soft pastel colours, you can spice it up variegated plants, would be appropriate flowering plants - Azalea, Anthurium, tuberous begonia.
Many exotic tropical plants need high humidity and temperature, they can not tolerate drafts. Therefore, frequently ventilated bedroom is better to choose the most unpretentious flowers. Suitable plants that are resistant to diseases and pests, care is minimal.published
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: //greendom.net/articles/110-bedroom.html
Waking up in the morning is best to see green leaves in the sun on the window than the dumpy house across the street.

A comfortable bedroom will give you lots of associations before you sleep, and beautiful plants help to create a peaceful atmosphere to unwind after a working day, to reach a state of psychological comfort.
Much more important than beautiful design the air that you breathe all night.
Not recommended for bedroom plants with a strong smell – hyacinths, potted Jasmine, lilies.

Before to decorate the room with flowers, see if there is someone from the family members allergic to certain plants. New untested flowers better not to enter directly into the bedroom, hold them for a while in another room, look.
The danger may be not the plants themselves, and mold in the soil or on stems, tongs, different fungal diseases of your new home flowers. Sometimes offered for sale, the plants treated for the prevention of fungicides or other substances, to put it mildly, not very useful in the air of the bedroom. Pots with flowers at the head of the bed is possible and beautiful, but it is better not to do it.

Plants in the bedroom should not encumber the passage, it is better not to place containers of flowers on unstable shelving units. Sometimes at night have to Wake up because of the ringing of the telephone or the crying child, and a large cactus — this is something that is best to stumble awake in the dark, and then until the morning pulling thorns out of the small pajamas.

The light green leaves of indoor plants produce oxygen during photosynthesis (solar energy, water, carbon dioxide, minerals creates molecules need organic substances), and a little carbon dioxide in the breathing process. At night photosynthesis stops, but plant to breathe never ceases.

Tell lurid stories about people sleeping in the rooms with all sorts of potted flowers, and not the next morning the plants suffocated them with carbon dioxide. But if you've ever had to spend the night in the woods, don't know how to sleep in unfamiliar surroundings, and breathe certainly easy and no CO2 you are not strangled. The amount of carbon dioxide exhaled by man far exceeds the amount of CO2 produced homemade flower. Would require approximately 10,000 kg of plants to produce this amount of carbon dioxide that produces normal people. If your bedroom is 10,000 kg of plants open the door, just in case.
Many house plants have antibacterial properties, and one of the best methods of air purification – the right landscaping bedrooms, in particular, the use of plants emit into the environment is volatile, has a lot of useful properties. Research scientists in the house which a lot of plants, it is much less likely to get sick with the flu.

Perfectly saturates the air with essential oils ordinary geranium. But there are people who are allergic to the pelargonium (geranium).
Bactericidal properties are all indoor citrus. In stores it is easy to buy a lemonand Mandarinand calamondin. You can grow a citrus tree from seeds, but it will bear no fruit.
Flower shops offer lavender and rosemary, you can purchase a Bay tree, Myrtle, eucalyptus and peppermint.
Suitable for bedroom plants well absorb the harmful substances from the air, for example unpretentious Chlorophytum or Spathiphyllum. They absorb formaldehyde, xylene, toluene and other substances that can be released into the air with a plastic coating, furniture.
From the point of view of design can give you the following advice: if the size of your bedrooms are large enough, it is best to put one big tub plant — palm tree or ficus near a window — they need good lighting.
Among the good figs:
- ficus Benjamin
- elastica,
- lyrate,
- howea Forster,
- hamedoreya fine.
Indoors smaller place sanseviero or aspidistra. These plants are undemanding and tolerate shade.
If the window in your bedroom with black-out curtains for other plants may be insufficient lighting.
Very impressive looks and tsissus. It feels good in the sun and in the shade, and temperature extremes won't hurt him. Grows well in removing from the window.
Some flowers on the windowsill suitable for a small bedroom. It can be violets, cyclamen, pelargonium, cactus, depending on what orientation you have the window.

For the bedroom in the student hostel will suit exotic but completely unpretentious zamioculcas. If you will be away for a week on vacation, forgetting to water it, nothing bad will happen.
Perfectly fit into the interior of a student's bedroom miniature arrangement of cactusand succulents.
If the walls are plain and all of it decorated in soft pastel colours, you can spice it up variegated plants, would be appropriate flowering plants - Azalea, Anthurium, tuberous begonia.
Many exotic tropical plants need high humidity and temperature, they can not tolerate drafts. Therefore, frequently ventilated bedroom is better to choose the most unpretentious flowers. Suitable plants that are resistant to diseases and pests, care is minimal.published
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: //greendom.net/articles/110-bedroom.html
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