I mercilessly cut off the violets to a month later gasp from the lush flowering.

Violets on the windowsill They are able to please caring owners with delicate and beautiful flowers. These neat plants do not require much space, large pots, kilograms of special substrates. But their small bushes create an incredible atmosphere of grace and grace in the house.

To grow a violet bush of extraordinary beauty, you will have to sweat a little. Novice growers may not attach much importance to what happens on their windowsill. That could be a serious mistake. This will not always lead to the loss of the plant, but will significantly worsen the appearance of such a violet. It's about stepchildren - side shoots growing from the sinuses of leaves.

Flower growers-amateur is quite difficult to determine that they are a stepson, and not a flowernose. That is why it is important to wait until the tiny cutting is about one centimeter in size. By the way, violet stepsons are definitely not something bad. Just need them. spot and separate from the main flower. So you can get a neat bush of violets with a flat top. Stepchildren lead to the fact that violets will look clumsy and heterogeneous.

Keep in mind that the exception in this situation is considered to be trailer. The abundance of additional cuttings in such violets is only welcome, because they can grow to a decent size and even hang down, like plants in suspended pots. This plant is easy to recognize, because sometimes for many branches you can not see the pot itself. Moreover, not every flower shop boasts the presence of trailer varieties of violets in its range.

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Publication by Elena Latsyk... L.E.V. (Violets) (@fialki_ehmeya77)

When it comes to small bushes of violets, it is clearly better to remove excess shoots. It is most convenient to do this with the help of ordinary toothpicks. Just prick the stepson on the violet with a toothpick so that the wooden tool is located parallel-cut. Apply a small effort to tuck in the extra sprout without severely injuring it.

Keep in mind that the stepson must be removed completely. After you remove the cutting, carefully examine the violet bush for other stepsons or remaining tails. If you want to fill up your windowsill with a new neighbor, stepchild. If there is no such desire, then just get rid of unnecessary greenery.

What provokes the appearance of stepchildren on the violet and can this be prevented? Of course, not everyone agrees to arrange such dances with tambourine around their own flowers, to make sure that nothing superfluous grows, and immediately remove everything. Pay attention to how much fertilizer you bring to your green pets. Too much nitrogen fertilizer It can cause the growth of unnecessary cuttings.

For example, in senpolii (Uzambar violets), the appearance of additional sprouts may be due to flower disease. The plant feels that it is not well, so it tends to give new sprouts and somehow continue its existence. Also, the growth of additional branches may precede trauma Senpolia.

In order not to remove the flower foliage instead of the stepson, try. inspect your own plant. In stepchildren, the leaves are more round in shape, while in peduncles, on the contrary, they are pointed. If you are afraid of injuring a flower with the wrong actions, then you can wait. Over time, you will notice that the flower bud forms its own, which the stepson cannot exactly boast of. So you can easily determine who to say goodbye to and move to another pot.

Beautiful violets on the windowsill If you want to get additional skills in caring for violets, you can look for topical Some kind of social network. Experienced growers will be happy to tell you what to do and what not to do. Perhaps they will even send photos of their own plants, which will become a visual encyclopedia for the beginner.

Do you grow? windowsill? Share with our subscribers your own experience of growing these beautiful flowers. What has become a major problem for you on your way to a beautiful flower bed in the house? Were there any stepsons that needed to be removed?


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