Kindergarten cook told what cereals to mix with each other, so that the porridge was 10 times tastier
Porridge is included in the diet of almost every person. Someone prefers whole grain crops, someone focuses on gluten-free products. It’s no secret how to cook them properly. However, not all hostesses know, How to cook cereals is really delicious. Let’s fix this misunderstanding and share some culinary tricks with you!
Boiled porridge as a side dish is a classic of the culinary genre. Few people use cereals as an independent dish, because it is, at least, boring. However, only a couple of culinary tricks will help to transform any porridge beyond recognition.
For example, cereals mixing. Successful tandem makes the taste of porridge much more interesting and richer. In addition, different textures play. Some grains are more elongated, some, on the contrary, round.
What cereals are combined with each other
The tricks of cooking any porridge Experienced housewives have long not cooked cereals just with salt. You can improve the taste of porridge with the help of various spices. For example, turmeric, curry, smoked paprika, ginger. We also advise experimenting with the addition of hops-suneli and nutmeg.
If you are ready to go even further, add some fresh herbs to the finished freshly brewed porridge. With cereals perfectly combined parsley, basil, dill, as well as thyme, oregano and rosemary. But it has its own characteristics. For example, do not use thyme stalks and rosemary. It will be enough to cut only the leaves.
The taste of the dish will become much more interesting thanks to useful fragrant oils. They say you can't spoil butter porridge. This is exactly the case. Try adding a bit of sesame, nut or flaxseed oil to boring rice or buckwheat.
Do not forget about the classic combination of butter and buckwheat. In sweet cereals, safely add coconut oil or ghee oil. By the way, we wrote a whole article about this interesting oil. We share it here.
As you can see, several additional ingredients can be added to the porridge at once. But how do you do it without overdoing it? Keep a couple of ready-made ideas, and then try to come up with your own combinations.
Remember that cooking knows no boundaries. You can try unusual combinations and cook cereals in a new way. Do not be afraid to make mistakes and mix ingredients that, at first glance, seem far from each other. Bon appetit!

Boiled porridge as a side dish is a classic of the culinary genre. Few people use cereals as an independent dish, because it is, at least, boring. However, only a couple of culinary tricks will help to transform any porridge beyond recognition.

For example, cereals mixing. Successful tandem makes the taste of porridge much more interesting and richer. In addition, different textures play. Some grains are more elongated, some, on the contrary, round.
What cereals are combined with each other
- Many people underestimate millet. And in vain, because this cereal is perfectly combined with white rice, bulgur and quinoa. In turn, quinoa is suitable for cooking along with rice or bulgur.
- Few people like to eat boiled crushed half. However, mixing it with bulrug or millet, you will get a completely new and pleasant porridge.
- To enrich the taste of ordinary buckwheat, it can be boiled together with green buckwheat. Double dose of taste and benefit! This is a great idea for those who do not like the taste of green buckwheat. It is also mixed with white rice.
The tricks of cooking any porridge Experienced housewives have long not cooked cereals just with salt. You can improve the taste of porridge with the help of various spices. For example, turmeric, curry, smoked paprika, ginger. We also advise experimenting with the addition of hops-suneli and nutmeg.

If you are ready to go even further, add some fresh herbs to the finished freshly brewed porridge. With cereals perfectly combined parsley, basil, dill, as well as thyme, oregano and rosemary. But it has its own characteristics. For example, do not use thyme stalks and rosemary. It will be enough to cut only the leaves.
The taste of the dish will become much more interesting thanks to useful fragrant oils. They say you can't spoil butter porridge. This is exactly the case. Try adding a bit of sesame, nut or flaxseed oil to boring rice or buckwheat.

Do not forget about the classic combination of butter and buckwheat. In sweet cereals, safely add coconut oil or ghee oil. By the way, we wrote a whole article about this interesting oil. We share it here.
As you can see, several additional ingredients can be added to the porridge at once. But how do you do it without overdoing it? Keep a couple of ready-made ideas, and then try to come up with your own combinations.
- You can make a spoonful of stains (you can add millet or bulgur to it). After cooking, tuck the porridge with butter or ghee butter, and then sprinkle a generous handful of chopped parsley. A hearty and delicious side dish is ready!
- You can get an unusual dish by cooking together white rice and quinoa with the addition of curry and ginger. Such porridge will perfectly complement finely sliced rosemary and pumpkin oil.
- If you like rice, try adding some lime peel, basil and mint to it at the end of the cooking. Also suitable is one of the oils: coconut, cream or sesame.
- Double porridge of millet and bulgur you will like even more if you add a little turmeric, fresh thyme and sesame oil to it.
Remember that cooking knows no boundaries. You can try unusual combinations and cook cereals in a new way. Do not be afraid to make mistakes and mix ingredients that, at first glance, seem far from each other. Bon appetit!
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