Marva Oganyan: Fasting for gastritis and peptic ulcer disease
Marv Ohanian is a biochemist with 45 years of experience, doctor of naturopathy, author of the bestseller "Environmental medicine future of civilizations" and the speaker of the Online beauty Schools and health UrbanQueen.
Use recipes from this collection or from the books of Wharekauri Marva Oganyan. The Internet has a lot of incorrect information, be careful, because it affects your health and the health of your loved ones!
5 recipes health Ohanyan Marwa
1. The main herbs from Marva Oganyanto do herbal teas from the leaves of mint, marjoram, Melissa, plantain, mother and stepmother, thyme, licorice root, yarrow flower (Helichrysum), repeshok, chamomile, bearberry, field horsetail, sage, nettle, motherwort, Valerian root, hop cones, rose hips, tricolor violet, calendula, buckthorn bark, St. John's wort, hawthorn.
Need disturb in equal proportions all herbs to 1 Cup of each, put in an enamel pan and mix thoroughly. Then 2 tablespoons of this mixture pour 1 liter of boiling water, to insist in a thermos or enamel pan for 30 minutes.
After half an hour strain and begin to drink 1 glass every hour, adding to each Cup 1-2 teaspoons of honey and 2-3 tablespoons of lemon juice or sour berries. Juice should be freshly squeezed. In a pinch, you can substitute 1 teaspoon of Apple cider vinegar.
Drink 1 glass every hour. Per day to drink 10 to 12 glasses. During the day alternate drinking of a decoction of juice every hour for 1 glass of juice or broth (in total per day you must drink at least 3l of broth and 2-3 cups of juice). If you suspect gastritis is recommended to drink only the broth of mint (1 tablespoon mint pour 1 liter of boiled water) with honey. Nothing more eating and drinking.
Fasting: 21 days, herbs and juices. Then enter in the diet of green shakes and smoothies prepared with the principles of compatibility of products. And smoothly switch to raw vegetable food.
2. Fasting for gastritis and peptic ulcer disease and ulcerative colitis (UC)for suspected gastritis is recommended to use only mint broth (2 tablespoons peppermint pour 1 liter of boiling water, to insist 40 minutes in a glass flask or an enamel saucepan, drain) with honey, drink 1 St hour, adding 1 tsp. NO LEMON!
Nothing more eating and drinking.
Fasting is to be completed in a period of 7 or 14 or 21 days, depending on the General status of the patient and his inner desire is.
Then go to juices the food. 10 days of carrot-beet juice (carrot 2\3, beet 1\3). Drink every hour, alternating with mint decoction (juice-mint juice-mint).
3. Fasting if you are allergic to grass, and honey, depending on the condition of the patient in the beginning to drink only water with lemon. Then, in the process of improvement, added 1 herb – Mint. After a few days you can try med – 1\2 tsp per Cup. After 2 days 1 tsp, even after 2 days of 1.5 tsp of honey, and so on to bring to a 2 tsp of honey per Cup.
Usually after 5-6 days from the beginning of the cleanse, you can add all the herbs.
4. Fasting childrento Starve is recommended that the child as much as he is, but still all individually. It is very important to breathe fresh air, walk.
18-19 PM:
1 dessert spoon(depending on weight), pre-Pogorelovo in a water bath of castor oil + 1 teaspoon of lemon juice=stir and drink, drink a decoction of herbs with honey and lemon juice.
Drink the broth about 1l to 20, glass after glass. It is advisable to lie down on a heating pad on the liver area.
To stand, to walk and to go to bed at 21.
In the morning to do 2 enemas polytropos syringe or a mug Esmarch.
Enema: in 2 litres of warm water t38 add 2 large teaspoons of table salt or sea food + 2 tsp baking soda, dissolved in a glass and pour in a two liter mug douches or politravma to fill the syringe.
If you use a mug Esmarch to change the plastic enema tip into the vapor tube (18). The tip gosatwatch lubricated and inserted into the rectum.
After the enema a warm shower, avoid eating at least 2 or better 3 days, excessive drinking of decoction with honey and lemon juice + intestinal lavage every morning.
With a 3-day broth alternated with citrus juice.
With a 4-day broth with honey and lemon+citrus juice and watermelon juice in between drinking the broth and juice of melon, at lunch a slice of melon for dinner and a peach.
Day 5 — Breakfast juice and apricot, melon lunch, dinner, a peach and some watermelon.
Day 6 — morning fruit juice and fruit lunch salad with tomatoes and herbs(coriander, dill)+pepper+ lemon juice dressing, dinner fruit.
This is a sample menu, and of course to look at the state of the child and that he wants to eat.
Every day freshly squeezed juices and at least 2 cups of broth. It is important to remember that fruits have everything you need, especially on the recovery period.
After cleansing your child start to drip the juice of red beet and a good vyskakovaci 2 weeks 3 times a day, then a break and again.
The red beet juice to make: grate the beetroot and squeeze out the juice through a strainer into a jar and refrigerate, the next day to make a new one.
5. Pregnant fastingto cleanse affected not only the intestines but also other organs: liver, kidney, especially the lungs and bronchial tubes, which sit in a perennial deposits of mucus and pus, should the first five days, to abstain from food and take only tea, infused with herbs that possess cleansing with honey (1-3 teaspoons in 1 Cup) and lemon juice or viburnum, cherry, plum, pomegranate (about 3 tablespoons fresh-squeezed juice to 1 Cup).
Intestinal lavage with 1 l of 2 consecutive 5 days of each trimester with the addition of baking soda and salt.
This tea perfectly cleanses and nourishes all the tissues of the mother and fetus and it is very quiet 5-7 days to abstain from food: a decoction of rose hips.
Fasting should be carried out each trimester. From the 8th day of 10 days of juice (all juices, fruit, vegetable, juice greens with carrot juice (except nettle juice). This abstinence together with daily colonic thoroughly cleans the blood and lymph of the expectant mother, it brings great joy to her child, which begins to feed on the blood clean of toxins and poisons emitted into the blood years of garbage accumulated in the colon and lungs.
After a 5-7 day abstinence from food (these days you can also drink freshly squeezed citrus juices) the woman should start juices food with the addition of fresh fruit.published
Author: Marv Ohanian, prepared by Natalia Svetovoy
P. S. And remember, just changing your mind - together we change the world! ©
Source: //www.urbanqueen.ru/
Use recipes from this collection or from the books of Wharekauri Marva Oganyan. The Internet has a lot of incorrect information, be careful, because it affects your health and the health of your loved ones!
5 recipes health Ohanyan Marwa
1. The main herbs from Marva Oganyanto do herbal teas from the leaves of mint, marjoram, Melissa, plantain, mother and stepmother, thyme, licorice root, yarrow flower (Helichrysum), repeshok, chamomile, bearberry, field horsetail, sage, nettle, motherwort, Valerian root, hop cones, rose hips, tricolor violet, calendula, buckthorn bark, St. John's wort, hawthorn.

Need disturb in equal proportions all herbs to 1 Cup of each, put in an enamel pan and mix thoroughly. Then 2 tablespoons of this mixture pour 1 liter of boiling water, to insist in a thermos or enamel pan for 30 minutes.
After half an hour strain and begin to drink 1 glass every hour, adding to each Cup 1-2 teaspoons of honey and 2-3 tablespoons of lemon juice or sour berries. Juice should be freshly squeezed. In a pinch, you can substitute 1 teaspoon of Apple cider vinegar.
Drink 1 glass every hour. Per day to drink 10 to 12 glasses. During the day alternate drinking of a decoction of juice every hour for 1 glass of juice or broth (in total per day you must drink at least 3l of broth and 2-3 cups of juice). If you suspect gastritis is recommended to drink only the broth of mint (1 tablespoon mint pour 1 liter of boiled water) with honey. Nothing more eating and drinking.
Fasting: 21 days, herbs and juices. Then enter in the diet of green shakes and smoothies prepared with the principles of compatibility of products. And smoothly switch to raw vegetable food.

2. Fasting for gastritis and peptic ulcer disease and ulcerative colitis (UC)for suspected gastritis is recommended to use only mint broth (2 tablespoons peppermint pour 1 liter of boiling water, to insist 40 minutes in a glass flask or an enamel saucepan, drain) with honey, drink 1 St hour, adding 1 tsp. NO LEMON!
Nothing more eating and drinking.
Fasting is to be completed in a period of 7 or 14 or 21 days, depending on the General status of the patient and his inner desire is.
Then go to juices the food. 10 days of carrot-beet juice (carrot 2\3, beet 1\3). Drink every hour, alternating with mint decoction (juice-mint juice-mint).
3. Fasting if you are allergic to grass, and honey, depending on the condition of the patient in the beginning to drink only water with lemon. Then, in the process of improvement, added 1 herb – Mint. After a few days you can try med – 1\2 tsp per Cup. After 2 days 1 tsp, even after 2 days of 1.5 tsp of honey, and so on to bring to a 2 tsp of honey per Cup.
Usually after 5-6 days from the beginning of the cleanse, you can add all the herbs.
4. Fasting childrento Starve is recommended that the child as much as he is, but still all individually. It is very important to breathe fresh air, walk.
18-19 PM:
1 dessert spoon(depending on weight), pre-Pogorelovo in a water bath of castor oil + 1 teaspoon of lemon juice=stir and drink, drink a decoction of herbs with honey and lemon juice.
Drink the broth about 1l to 20, glass after glass. It is advisable to lie down on a heating pad on the liver area.
To stand, to walk and to go to bed at 21.
In the morning to do 2 enemas polytropos syringe or a mug Esmarch.
Enema: in 2 litres of warm water t38 add 2 large teaspoons of table salt or sea food + 2 tsp baking soda, dissolved in a glass and pour in a two liter mug douches or politravma to fill the syringe.
If you use a mug Esmarch to change the plastic enema tip into the vapor tube (18). The tip gosatwatch lubricated and inserted into the rectum.
After the enema a warm shower, avoid eating at least 2 or better 3 days, excessive drinking of decoction with honey and lemon juice + intestinal lavage every morning.
With a 3-day broth alternated with citrus juice.
With a 4-day broth with honey and lemon+citrus juice and watermelon juice in between drinking the broth and juice of melon, at lunch a slice of melon for dinner and a peach.
Day 5 — Breakfast juice and apricot, melon lunch, dinner, a peach and some watermelon.
Day 6 — morning fruit juice and fruit lunch salad with tomatoes and herbs(coriander, dill)+pepper+ lemon juice dressing, dinner fruit.
This is a sample menu, and of course to look at the state of the child and that he wants to eat.
Every day freshly squeezed juices and at least 2 cups of broth. It is important to remember that fruits have everything you need, especially on the recovery period.
After cleansing your child start to drip the juice of red beet and a good vyskakovaci 2 weeks 3 times a day, then a break and again.
The red beet juice to make: grate the beetroot and squeeze out the juice through a strainer into a jar and refrigerate, the next day to make a new one.
5. Pregnant fastingto cleanse affected not only the intestines but also other organs: liver, kidney, especially the lungs and bronchial tubes, which sit in a perennial deposits of mucus and pus, should the first five days, to abstain from food and take only tea, infused with herbs that possess cleansing with honey (1-3 teaspoons in 1 Cup) and lemon juice or viburnum, cherry, plum, pomegranate (about 3 tablespoons fresh-squeezed juice to 1 Cup).
Intestinal lavage with 1 l of 2 consecutive 5 days of each trimester with the addition of baking soda and salt.
This tea perfectly cleanses and nourishes all the tissues of the mother and fetus and it is very quiet 5-7 days to abstain from food: a decoction of rose hips.
Fasting should be carried out each trimester. From the 8th day of 10 days of juice (all juices, fruit, vegetable, juice greens with carrot juice (except nettle juice). This abstinence together with daily colonic thoroughly cleans the blood and lymph of the expectant mother, it brings great joy to her child, which begins to feed on the blood clean of toxins and poisons emitted into the blood years of garbage accumulated in the colon and lungs.
After a 5-7 day abstinence from food (these days you can also drink freshly squeezed citrus juices) the woman should start juices food with the addition of fresh fruit.published
Author: Marv Ohanian, prepared by Natalia Svetovoy
P. S. And remember, just changing your mind - together we change the world! ©
Source: //www.urbanqueen.ru/