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Absolute fasting: full mobilization of vitality

"Watch the nature, learn from it, take the best and improve, no limit to perfection»

. Dry fasting is now considered one of the new treatments. Meanwhile, this method was born at the dawn of humanity. Moreover, we can confidently say that from the beginning of the currently existing forms of animal life they actively enjoyed by all members of the animal kingdom.

The process of fasting without water is known for a very long time, thousands of years, but unfortunately, the majority of mankind are not used, many do not even know about it. The nature of dry fasting is by far more often and more humid than starvation. All living matter uses a variety of dry fasting (hibernation, hypobiosis, hibernation) for survival, treatment and improvement of its kind.

Let's discuss whether this natural process?

Yes, it is a natural process, it is written in the genetic code of humans and animals. Once an animal gets sick, especially if it is serious, then immediately it refuses food and water, as well, and the human body. But often the person does not respond to such a state of the body, eats and drinks through force, often drinking something that only hurts him just "eats" ... pills.

When the body is sick, it begins in the full mobilization of the vital forces in the rescue, protection, use and reserves, unless, of course, they are still there. And so the body is not distracted by "work" with food and water, the body's recovery program includes the "failure" of pitaniyai and water. Such situations may be under stress conditions.

With regard to the deliberate abstention from the purpose of improvement of food and water, it probably was the result of observations on humans and animals, which "inevitably fasting" has a beneficial effect. These observations were repeated many times, then remembered and passed down from generation to generation, along with other knowledge. In the early period of the pre-written history of mankind experience such treatment was "oral heritage," all members of the family or tribe, and the very practice of medicine were the elders - as the most experienced members of primitive society

. The history of dry fasting system is rooted in antiquity, and above all to the Indian yogis. It has been said that yoga has always been excellent observers of nature, flora and fauna. That is why, in its recommendations, they sought in every way, so that the man was closer to nature, to nature. Yoga drew attention to the fact that none of the animals when they are sick, there will not be, and if seriously ill and refuses water.

Abstinence from food and water is deeply rooted in Chinese traditional medicine. It aims not just regulation of the body's health, but the idea of ​​certain of its evolutionary transformation. Chinese healers believed that due to changes in the quality and quantity of food consumed by the physical you can gradually move to the "energy" foods, and then completely on the net, so-called "authentic" or "original" Cosmos energy.

This system was a gradual abandonment of material food in general. First, we eat more of the material (in terms of hardness) food, then move on to the jelly of fruits and vegetables, and then in the diet altogether remained only own saliva so air broadcast. There were and there are many techniques of art, which in ancient times was called "Bigu».

The customs of the North American Indians dry fasting also occupies an important place. American Indians saw fasting as an important and indispensable test in turning the boy into a warrior. The boy was brought to the top of the mountain, and it was left there for four days and four nights without food or water. Fasting was considered, without exception, all American Indians as a means of purification and strengthening. At different periods of his life Indian left alone in the wilderness, fasting and meditating.

Fasting and meditation - these are two integral component of any updates. If it is not - it inevitably follows death as an individual, and the whole nation

. Later, with the emergence and flourishing of religions treated patients gradually transferred to the jurisdiction of the ministers of religious cults - shamans and priests, and the very treatment of patients and training doctors concentrated in the temples. That is why the ancient prescriptions of hunger is very often closely associated with certain mystical beliefs are part of a particular religious practice.

So, the first Christian ascetics are often refused food and water, but did so mainly because of religious motives. For the same purpose were themselves multi-day fasting, or, in other words, the post, the Persian sun-worshipers. The priests, the Druids in the Celtic tribes, as well as the priests of ancient Egypt, had to pass the test of prolonged fasting before you can be admitted to the next stage of initiation.

And in those days the word "post" meant complete abstinence from food and water. It was only later, this notion began to mean the replacement of one product by others, say, butter - vegetable oil -.. Fish, etc. Any of the ancient people, which have remained and have come to us written monuments of culture, or so-called "sacred texts" or "letters," "scriptures", you can find a lot of praise treat hunger. Almost all the ancient peoples of refusal of food and water was considered the best way to cleanse the body.

In our country, an absolute limit on food and water (dry fasting) became applicable in clinical practice only in recent years [Zakirov VA 1990; Khoroshilov IE, 1994]. Although the desirability of limiting the reception of water during complete fasting even wrote Pashutin V. (1902), Pevzner M. (1958), Vivini Y. (1964).

From a physiological point of view of the body in the process of total fasting is not experiencing significant fluid deficit, because for every kilogram of fissile fat mass (or glycogen) is released daily to 1 liter of endogenous (metabolic) of water.

loss of body fluids (for pulmonary cutaneous perspiration and urine output) is small at ordinary temperature conditions constitute from 1, 5 to 2 liters per day. Thus, the shortage of water does not exceed 0, 5-1 liters every day, that in conditions of reduced basic metabolism is quite physiologically acceptable.

If the absolute lack of food and water is not more than 4.3 d., Dehydration does not go beyond the boundaries of mild. (Blue & lt; hot & gt; plants lose a shift of up to 5 liters of sweat, the same happens in the steam room)

. Dry fasting gives a greater health effect than starvation (with water), as on the third day of absolute starvation acidosis occurs, after which the patient's state of health is significantly improved, and there is the greatest therapeutic effect to the body. Fasting with water crisis occurs only after 7-16 days.

Dry hunger for 3-4 days does not lead to severe dehydration of the body (the body allocates about 1 liter of water daily endogenous, the splitting of fats) and transferred comparatively difficult. Implementation of 3 - day dry fasting is equivalent to 7-9 days fasting with water

. The discharge period is held in the same three stages, as at full starvation, but the timing of their occurrence reduced. Stage "food drive" lasts several hours (very individually), the stage of "growing ketoacidosis" from 1 to 3 nights stay.

Already on the third day of absolute starvation occurs "ketoatsidoticheskaya crisis", after which the well-being of patients is significantly improved (stage compensated ketoacidosis). Contrary to popular belief, that the dry fasting subjective carry heavy wet, there is probably an inverse relationship. Feelings of thirst does not occur in patients (with the exception of a small dry mouth), hunger and poor health caused by ketoacidosis, cropped faster.

When using the dry fasting is observed earlier onset and more complete degradation of deposited fat. Within 24 hours of cholesterol and triglycerides in the blood increases. The proportion of fat in the body's energy supply increases to top 2 days of absolute fasting from 15 to 31%. Reduction of excessive body weight from 2 to 3 kg per day, with 40% of lost weight is water, 30-40% - due to the splitting of fatty tissue, 15-20% - due to loss of lean body mass, mainly glycogen and liver skeletal muscle (Khoroshilov IE, 1994).

VA Zakirov (1989) shows a higher efficiency of dry W's daily fast in comparison with W's daily wet - in the treatment of patients with bronchial asthma. We can assume that for three days. absolute starvation match 7-9 days. total fasting without water restrictions. Apparently, quite a sound recommendation outpatient weekly 24-36-hour dry fast (Smith PK).

It is advisable to combine and absolute and total fasting. In July 1994, in Moscow at the 1 International Congress on Traditional Medicine and Nutrition from Russia presented a report on "experience in the application of short-term fasting in the treatment of acute infectious colds adult" (A. H. coconut, AA Alifanov) which it states that the most justified the use of absolute or combined (absolute and complete) of fasting, as if abstinence from oral fluid significantly increases the concentration of factors of nonspecific resistance of the upper. Respiratory tract to commonly cause colds virus infection - lysozyme, interferon, etc. (VA Zakirov, 1990)

.. Clinical experiment conducted in the mid 90s on the basis of the Ivanovo Medical Academy, showed that the absolute fasting (no food or water) has good prospects in terms of the treatment of tumors and severe immunodeficiencies. In the dry fasting achieved higher concentrations of biologically active substances, hormones, immune cells and immunoglobulins in body fluids, which makes it a powerful immune enhancing effect.

This technique is used on very strict conditions when the life force in cancer patients sufficiently maintained, and it is desirable to use it in the initial stages of the disease, because in addition to detoxification of the body is necessary to have reserves for its restoration. Otherwise, excessive stress to the body - hunger can undermine the rest energy of the body and accelerate the sad ending, especially after chemotherapy, radiation or the presence of comorbidities!

There are two types of dry hunger.

One, the most hard and dry, is associated with a complete rejection of the water not only from drinking, but also from any contact with water. That is, we do not wash, do not swim, do not take a bath, try not to wash their hands and not in contact with water.

Another, more gentle way associated with the abandonment of the use of water inside, while the outside is allowed contact with water in any possible and accessible way.

Now Let us examine the processes occurring in the methods of fasting, their differences and dignity. Let's start with the fact that the dry fasting puts the body into a more stringent conditions than water fasting. The processes in the body, which are aimed at survival, much deeper under dry starvation. The body must not only adjust to a different power consumption and reserves, but also to resist dehydration.

Also, when dry fasting we are working not only to live without fear of food, but without water. As a result, we penetrate much deeper into the inner world, coming into contact with the deepest fears. As a consequence, the transformation of the inner world is much deeper.

At refusal of food and water after 18-20 hours of noticeable changes occur in the blood, the state of the mucous membranes. Healthy body cells begin to take from the weak, the sick and the alien, not only food but also water. Patients with poor-quality cells, how would dry out and rejected.

Furthermore, the aqueous medium in the absence of various viruses, bacteria and even worms stop reproducing, and if starvation continues for several days, then they leave the die or body. This is only a small part of the processes taking place within us. In the dry fasting is destroyed mucus that has accumulated in our body, respectively, it ceases to be a breeding ground for different pathological microorganisms. The viability of each cell of the body very quickly and significantly increased.

Within us when dry fasting involves a process aimed at a significant upgrade. It starts as soon as we leave the dry fasting. The whole body refreshed and rejuvenated.

In the dry fasting effectively cleaned vessels. Perfectly cleaned and updated mucous membranes of the stomach and intestine, the oral cavity.

For dry fasting important special mood. For most people it is psychologically difficult to endure. Although many people who have decided and have received such an experience, often moving in their practice is to dry starvation. Enema with a dry hunger contraindicated. Even if the intestine does not work, he quickly recovered and immediately exit from fasting. Permissible to make a small series of enemas before fasting, especially if you feel clogged, the body slagging, if you have a tendency to headaches.

Let us return to the two types of dry hunger.

The first method is complete rejection of contact with water, both inside and outside. The body is placed in the most harsh and critical conditions activates the hidden internal resources for their survival. The body begins to slowly shrink. And first of all, our shrink disease, mucus, viruses, tumors, swellings. They dry out due to the fact that the cells of the body take away their food and fluid.

As a result, cells become very strong and alive. Water consumption is reduced and the fluid. Changing breathing. Updated lungs. If so hungry for three days, and more incredibly increases the sensitivity. We begin to feel a pungent smell, feel subtle energy state of the people, it is difficult to be in energy-dirty spaces, and, conversely, very nice in the net. Begin dream ponds, streams of water. Sometimes in a dream you drink water and quench thirst. It dries the mouth, lips, throat and dries the skin.

A great advantage of this type of fasting - a renewal and rejuvenation of the skin and mucous membranes. The second type of dry fasting - the refusal of admission into the water, but contact with water from the outside. Proponents of this type was Porfiry Ivanov. He called fasting 40-42 hours weekly on dry, while pour water, swim in open water. He himself was so hungry for a long time.

Some people dry fasting for several days, sitting for hours in the bathroom, wash frequently, moisten the head. External contact with water facilitates the portability of fasting, it is easier to starve any longer. Each contact with water cleans pores, refreshes, it gives vivacity. True then more often thirsty.

internal cleansing effects of fasting in the second as almost the same as in the first, probably a little weaker. But the rejuvenation of the skin is much less. If we rinse the mouth and throat, then cleared as the mucous weaker. When we come into contact with water, the leather absorbs water. Activated skin nutrition. This advantage of this method. It is also advisable to contact with clean water.

On the basis of this condition there is another type of combination of fasting: dry + water. Fasting day or several - dry, and then exit the dry and more water starvation. Fasting on water after a dry hunger is easy and pleasant. I focus on the fact that water fasting goes after dry, and not vice versa. This kind of fasting allows moisture to nourish cells, prolonging the cleansing effects. It is an exotic way, and I would recommend it only to those people who have completely mastered fasting on water and dry, have a long experience of these practices.

Dry fasting is limited in duration. The Guinness Book of Records recorded the record - 18 days of dry fasting.