Adult ficus after winter bald, fed in March and admiring fresh leaves
Anyone who is at least indirectly familiar with the cultivation of domestic plants, knows such a plant as ficus. Probably, if you take 3 random post-Soviet families, then at least one of them definitely grew or is still growing. But no one really knows what to do if ficus. To our great regret, it was usually just thrown into the trash or taken to the entrance.
Sad, but what to do. After all, there were no problems where you could find a new young pot. Friends, relatives and even neighbors have always been willing to help with transplanting their plants. Don't tell me, people used to be kinder.
Ficus Opal How to Grow Ficus The Simple Answer cutting. However, the main problem is that different types of ficus need different conditions.
For example, rubbery subspecies it is vital that the stem of the cutting was a leaf with a formed eye. Little ones. Ficus need cuttings from 10 cm in size. Only then can their cutting be successfully carried out. Weaving. Ficus can be propagated if there are at least 4 leaves on the cutting.
When is the cutting done? Early spring - Perfect. By autumn you will have a healthy, strong young plant.
To carry out cutting, you need:
So, the plant has already taken root and hopes for a long happy life to please you with its appearance and abundance of leaves. So what does it take?
The simplest and most obvious answer is sunshine. Our plant needs constant feeding with sunlight. So always put it on the lit side of the house. By the way, it is because of the lack of light that ficus goes bald in winter. First thing you have to do is solve it.
Despite the fact that ficus is not too picky to the saturation of the soil with useful trace elements, from time to time the soil in the pot should be filled. And if you really want to please your green friend, just transplant him. Renewed ground for him is like a second wind for you and me.
Don't flood the plant. He doesn't need you hanging around with a waterer all day long. If the land is dry by at least a third, then you can safely water. But before that, leave the ficus in the sun and in complete peace.
If ficus is still opal Ficus, like many other plants, sometimes it is necessary to feed. When exactly you need to feed the flower, you will know by the fact: it will begin to shed the leaves. But nothing, if you do everything quickly and clearly, in the near future the plant will grow stronger and become even stronger.
What ficus needs is nitrogen. All his problems are based on the lack of this substance. There are several ways to feed an unpretentious plant. You can choose any one to your liking, so caring for a green friend should not be a burden for you.
Urea. Gardeners often use it in beds, and it will work for your pot. Only we will not sprinkle it with soil, but spray the leaves of ficus with a special solution. It is kneaded in the proportion of 5 g of urea per 1 liter of warm water. A regular sprinkler will do.
Store fertilizers. Go to an ordinary hardware store and in most cases you will see organic fertilizer there. Take the cheapest, there's nitrogen. Do some extra-root feeding if you need it. By the way, this tool can also feed a number of houseplants without flowers such as Tradescantia and Zamioculcas.
The miracle cure. We will share with you the recipe for a super-secret pharmacy solution. You'll need 10% ammonia with nitrogen compound and a syringe. 2 ml of ammonia with a syringe mix with 1 liter of water, it will not be possible to measure on the eye. That's it. You can feed them any way you want.
The text is written a lot, but if you look at the care of ficus, as well as its reproduction, the process is quite simple. But if you do everything wisely, your plant will feel good and look no less good. We hope you appreciate it!

Sad, but what to do. After all, there were no problems where you could find a new young pot. Friends, relatives and even neighbors have always been willing to help with transplanting their plants. Don't tell me, people used to be kinder.
Ficus Opal How to Grow Ficus The Simple Answer cutting. However, the main problem is that different types of ficus need different conditions.
For example, rubbery subspecies it is vital that the stem of the cutting was a leaf with a formed eye. Little ones. Ficus need cuttings from 10 cm in size. Only then can their cutting be successfully carried out. Weaving. Ficus can be propagated if there are at least 4 leaves on the cutting.
When is the cutting done? Early spring - Perfect. By autumn you will have a healthy, strong young plant.
To carry out cutting, you need:
- With a clean sharp tool, make an incision slightly below the kidney. Each cutting must have an undamaged kidney.
- If juice is released from the incision, you need to let it drain and wipe with a tampon.
- Cut for several hours in a container with warm water. Then treat them with "Kornevin" or a similar growth-stimulating agent.
- Now you need to plant cuttings in pots with a mixture of earth, sand and perlite. The leaves are folded into a tube and fixed with a thread. This is necessary to reduce the loss of moisture.
- Ideally, you need to cover the plant with a plastic bag to reduce heat return. And, of course, carry out infrequent watering and spraying.
So, the plant has already taken root and hopes for a long happy life to please you with its appearance and abundance of leaves. So what does it take?

The simplest and most obvious answer is sunshine. Our plant needs constant feeding with sunlight. So always put it on the lit side of the house. By the way, it is because of the lack of light that ficus goes bald in winter. First thing you have to do is solve it.
Despite the fact that ficus is not too picky to the saturation of the soil with useful trace elements, from time to time the soil in the pot should be filled. And if you really want to please your green friend, just transplant him. Renewed ground for him is like a second wind for you and me.

Don't flood the plant. He doesn't need you hanging around with a waterer all day long. If the land is dry by at least a third, then you can safely water. But before that, leave the ficus in the sun and in complete peace.
If ficus is still opal Ficus, like many other plants, sometimes it is necessary to feed. When exactly you need to feed the flower, you will know by the fact: it will begin to shed the leaves. But nothing, if you do everything quickly and clearly, in the near future the plant will grow stronger and become even stronger.
What ficus needs is nitrogen. All his problems are based on the lack of this substance. There are several ways to feed an unpretentious plant. You can choose any one to your liking, so caring for a green friend should not be a burden for you.

Urea. Gardeners often use it in beds, and it will work for your pot. Only we will not sprinkle it with soil, but spray the leaves of ficus with a special solution. It is kneaded in the proportion of 5 g of urea per 1 liter of warm water. A regular sprinkler will do.
Store fertilizers. Go to an ordinary hardware store and in most cases you will see organic fertilizer there. Take the cheapest, there's nitrogen. Do some extra-root feeding if you need it. By the way, this tool can also feed a number of houseplants without flowers such as Tradescantia and Zamioculcas.

The miracle cure. We will share with you the recipe for a super-secret pharmacy solution. You'll need 10% ammonia with nitrogen compound and a syringe. 2 ml of ammonia with a syringe mix with 1 liter of water, it will not be possible to measure on the eye. That's it. You can feed them any way you want.
The text is written a lot, but if you look at the care of ficus, as well as its reproduction, the process is quite simple. But if you do everything wisely, your plant will feel good and look no less good. We hope you appreciate it!
Mother Cecilia is married to a priest, as she manages not to frown, not to grumble and not to get tired.
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