The healing properties of a miracle plant. That is why the ficus should be in every home!
Ficus - it's one of the most rewarding and undemanding houseplants. He is very good cleans the air in the room and has a positive effect on health.
Earlier, people believed that the ficus absorbs negativity and purifies the atmosphere in the house from anxiety. If you want to attract good luck and abundance in the home, you should get a Ficus benjamina (Ficus with small leaves).
Ficus use in the treatment of coughs and colds. Tincture of the leaves treat rheumatism, arthritis and arthrosis. This plant helps even in the treatment of hemorrhoids.
How to be treated with fikusa
Ficus to treat sustavovTebe need leaf ficus 80 ml of strong
Preparation grind fig leaf grinder, zaley received strong mass, close the lid. Keep in a cool dark place for at least 14 days. Skip infusion through cheesecloth, pour into a bottle of dark glass and store in a cool place. Before going to bed, take a warm bath with the addition of salt, and then sodium joints tincture. Top Tie woolen scarf. We perform the procedure no more than 7 days.
Treatment launched kashlyaTebe need 1 leaf ficus 1 hour. L. honey 1, 5, Art. water
Preparation Put a pot of water on the stove. Bring the liquid to a boil. Then put it in the water of fig leaf for three minutes. Get on top of the sheet and it laid out the honey. Then attach this sheet to the chest and wrap up the flannel cloth. Compress need to hold up in the morning. We perform the procedure until full recovery.
effective remedy for warts or zhirovikovTebe need 80 ml juice ficus 40 ml vinegar
Preparation mince large sheets of ficus, press them through a cheesecloth. To juice add vinegar essence. Zaley mixture into a bottle of dark glass and close the cover. Put a 2 means a drop in the affected area without affecting the surrounding skin. Ingredients you need to hold a maximum of 10 seconds and then rinse with water. The procedure should be carried out at night until the complete disappearance of warts.
treatment of dysentery and intestinal rasstroystvTebe need 50 ml juice ficus 100 ml of alcohol
Preparation Only plucked leaves of ficus grind in a meat grinder, squeeze through cheesecloth cake. Pour the juice into alcohol ficus. Insist the mixture in a bottle of dark glass in the refrigerator for two days. On the first day drink a tablespoon every 2 hours. In the second and third day, drink infusion 5 times a day. On the fourth day, drink 1 teaspoon three times a day after meals.
rapid relief from tooth boliTebe need 1 tbsp. l. juice ficus 3 tbsp. l. alcohol
Preparation Pour into a glass of juice ficus alcohol. Insist in a dark place for two days. Moisten a cotton wool in the tincture. Put it on the sore tooth and hold a little bit. Then Get cotton and rinse your mouth with a decoction of camomile.
Ficus - it is a wonderful therapeutic tool, but should be aware of contraindications. Treatment of this plant is contraindicated for pregnant women and children. You can not to apply the tools of ficus , if you have heart problems. Before you try to imagine folk medicine, you should first consult a doctor of traditional medicine.
Share with your friends with this information about medicinal properties ficus. Most likely, it will be very useful to them!
Earlier, people believed that the ficus absorbs negativity and purifies the atmosphere in the house from anxiety. If you want to attract good luck and abundance in the home, you should get a Ficus benjamina (Ficus with small leaves).
Ficus use in the treatment of coughs and colds. Tincture of the leaves treat rheumatism, arthritis and arthrosis. This plant helps even in the treatment of hemorrhoids.
How to be treated with fikusa

Ficus to treat sustavovTebe need leaf ficus 80 ml of strong
Preparation grind fig leaf grinder, zaley received strong mass, close the lid. Keep in a cool dark place for at least 14 days. Skip infusion through cheesecloth, pour into a bottle of dark glass and store in a cool place. Before going to bed, take a warm bath with the addition of salt, and then sodium joints tincture. Top Tie woolen scarf. We perform the procedure no more than 7 days.
Treatment launched kashlyaTebe need 1 leaf ficus 1 hour. L. honey 1, 5, Art. water
Preparation Put a pot of water on the stove. Bring the liquid to a boil. Then put it in the water of fig leaf for three minutes. Get on top of the sheet and it laid out the honey. Then attach this sheet to the chest and wrap up the flannel cloth. Compress need to hold up in the morning. We perform the procedure until full recovery.
effective remedy for warts or zhirovikovTebe need 80 ml juice ficus 40 ml vinegar
Preparation mince large sheets of ficus, press them through a cheesecloth. To juice add vinegar essence. Zaley mixture into a bottle of dark glass and close the cover. Put a 2 means a drop in the affected area without affecting the surrounding skin. Ingredients you need to hold a maximum of 10 seconds and then rinse with water. The procedure should be carried out at night until the complete disappearance of warts.
treatment of dysentery and intestinal rasstroystvTebe need 50 ml juice ficus 100 ml of alcohol
Preparation Only plucked leaves of ficus grind in a meat grinder, squeeze through cheesecloth cake. Pour the juice into alcohol ficus. Insist the mixture in a bottle of dark glass in the refrigerator for two days. On the first day drink a tablespoon every 2 hours. In the second and third day, drink infusion 5 times a day. On the fourth day, drink 1 teaspoon three times a day after meals.
rapid relief from tooth boliTebe need 1 tbsp. l. juice ficus 3 tbsp. l. alcohol
Preparation Pour into a glass of juice ficus alcohol. Insist in a dark place for two days. Moisten a cotton wool in the tincture. Put it on the sore tooth and hold a little bit. Then Get cotton and rinse your mouth with a decoction of camomile.
Ficus - it is a wonderful therapeutic tool, but should be aware of contraindications. Treatment of this plant is contraindicated for pregnant women and children. You can not to apply the tools of ficus , if you have heart problems. Before you try to imagine folk medicine, you should first consult a doctor of traditional medicine.
Share with your friends with this information about medicinal properties ficus. Most likely, it will be very useful to them!
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