Selection of fragrant houseplants

Almost all of us have houses. houseplants. It is believed that they have a beneficial effect on the atmosphere of the room, in particular, purify the air. We choose plants according to the attractiveness of leaves, shoots and blooms, endurance and unpretentiousness, checking whether they are suitable for the conditions in our house.

But the fact that many houseplants can surprise you with a pleasant or not very aroma is often forgotten, and this is very important. Subtle, refined or, conversely, heavy and overwhelming, and sometimes very unpleasant, the aroma of plants can radically change the atmosphere in the house!

Today's edition. "Site" It will tell you what houseplants you should settle in the house if you want to get smell in addition to openwork leaves or beautiful flowers. Each of them has its own unique smell!

Flavory plants
  1. Coffee.
    Yeah, yeah, you heard right, coffee. This is definitely not about the drink! Homemade coffee thanks to the breeding of new compact varieties with abundant flowering is again in vogue. The aroma of a flowering coffee tree drives away drowsiness, eliminates fatigue, increases creativity and allows you to tune in to work, activates memory and thinking. This is one of the best morning flavors. In the bedroom or living room, coffee is not very appropriate, but in the kitchen or in the working corner, a small bush on the windowsill can work wonders no worse than a cup of your favorite fragrant drink!

  2. geran
    Many varieties of pelargonium (the second name of geranium) are distinguished by a subtle and light aroma, which gives freshness to any room. The smell of geranium increases if the flower is grown on the south side or in good light. The strongest smell of geranium species with flowers of dark shades, such as burgundy and dark red. 520562.

  3. Citrus
    Lemon, orange, pomelo, mandarin are often grown at home. All parts of plants have a pleasant aroma: both leaves and flowers, and shoots themselves. The flowering mandarin boasts a special sweetness and fabulousness, but other representatives of the citrus family conquer with a combination of saturation, cheerfulness and an amazing, beneficial aroma. The only drawback is that it is quite difficult to achieve flowering in such plants. The inhabitants of the subtropics love the sun, heat and do not tolerate shadows and drafts.

  4. myrtle
    Myrtle releases essential oils into the air, which have a powerful bactericidal and soothing effect. Like oleander, myrtle is the owner of one of the best sedative aromas. But unlike a more aggressive colleague, he acts softly and will suit almost everyone. This plant contributes to the prevention of colds, normalizes the cardiovascular system, and also leads to relaxation, achieving internal harmony, prevents fatigue and eliminates the effects of stress.

  5. Roses
    The delightful aroma of roses in house varieties is felt no less, and often manifests itself much brighter, thanks to the abundance of flowers, the compact size of the bush and the limited amount of air in the room, in which essential oils are felt more strongly. The smell of a flowering rose relieves tension and fatigue, eliminates nervousness, gives self-confidence, with constant exposure contributes to the normalization of metabolism, reduces appetite, helps to cope with various diseases of the respiratory system.

  6. Jasmine
    The charming jasmine can be grown both in the garden and in room conditions. Different types of aromas differ: from light floral to strong spicy. There are varieties that smell very intrusive, such should be grown in the fresh air or in a flower gallery. It is best to choose large-flowered jasmine for the house. Adult plants bloom from spring to autumn with large white flowers with a pleasant aroma. These flowers are added to green tea during the industrial cultivation of this variety of jasmine.

  7. Murray
    Murraya is rarely seen in homes. This small shrub can easily be formed as a small tree. The flowers are very fragrant, they are white and as if covered with wax. Flowering can last all year round. It exudes a delicate but strong aroma of jasmine. The smell is persistent, interesting. But, if there are many flowers, it is better to keep pots with them in rooms where no one sleeps and spends a long time.

My mom just loves the pots. Parents in the house already collected a whole collection of orchids, as well as geranium and violets. But when the place on the windowsill and table ends, you have to look for a new habitat for green pets. I suggest you familiarize yourself with a selection of bright ideas of flower shelves for the house. If you love flowers, these options are for you!

Such vases are among the best. fragrance. They are able to fill our homes with sweet clouds and deserve special attention and proper selection, as they affect our health, mood, and even performance!

Separately, I want to mention that, placing fragrant plants in the apartment, you should definitely think about which flower to put. It is better not to keep fragrant flowers in the bedroom, for other rooms it is important to choose the right one. fragrant.

Smells affect well-being and create mood. Some comfort, others, on the contrary, give cheerfulness and strength. For which room to use plants, will tell only your own feelings.


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