How to fertilize houseplants

Not everyone likes it. houseplants. However, for some people, they are just like children who need attention and care.

A large number of plants is useful both to improve the air quality in the apartment and to lift the mood. How can you not be happy, looking at all the greenery and bright flowers?

For flowers to please you with their splendor, you need to best indoor fertilizers plants.

Of course, there are many purchasing options. However, not all housewives are delighted with the amount of chemistry that these supplements contain. In addition, many people have a whole front garden in the apartment. If there are so many plants, the cost of fertilizer can be too high.

That is why we have compiled a list of fertilizers that are waste and cheap variations of home feeding.

Effective alternatives to purchased fertilizers
  1. Banana peel
    I guess that's it. best fertilizer for houseplants. Bananas contain a huge amount of magnesium, potassium and phosphorus. These substances play a key role in growth and fruiting.

    How to use a banana peel in this role? At the bottom of the pot, lay a drainage layer in the form of ceramzite or pebbles, then put some earth. Cut the banana peel into small pieces and place it on top of the ground. Then plant the flowers as usual.

  2. Yeast.
    Yeast contains cytokines. These are substances that are responsible for cell division. It is they who contribute to the rapid growth of plants. Also, such development provides vitamin B, which is also contained in yeast.

    To fertilize plants, mix 1 g of dry yeast and 1 tsp of sugar with a liter of water. The solution must be infused for 3 hours. Before feeding, dilute it with water in a ratio of 1: 5.

  3. Wood ash
    Feeding with wood ash is popularly considered one of the most powerful and effective ways to improve the appearance of plants. Ash also has disinfectant qualities. It is best to use such feeding for geranium, fuchsia and begonia.

    Dilute 25 grams of ash in a liter of water and insist for a week. Water this plant solution 1 time in 12 days.

  4. sugar
    Sugar is the best source of glucose, which is an important building material for plants. Feed sugar solution plants can not be more often than 1 time per month. Ratio of sugar and water for solution: 1 tbsp. spoon per 1 liter.

  5. Succinic acid
    It is developed in the process of processing amber. The beneficial properties of this acid increase the immunity of plants and their endurance.

    In order to quickly restore the plant, treat the leaves or roots with a solution of succinic acid. Use 25 g of powder per 1 liter of water. This fertilizer is especially loved by citrus fruits, as well as aglaonem, marante and ficus.

  6. Waste from citrus and fruit
    You can also fertilize the land of indoor plants with the skin of lemon, orange and mandarin. This fertilizer saturates the soil with nitrogen, and also repels many types of pests.

  7. Coffee and tea
    Many use sleeping coffee and tea brewing to increase the looseness of the soil. However, be careful with the brewing. Be sure to dry it before use and store it in a separate bag.

Even with a minimal budget, you can effectively fertilize the soil and significantly improve the condition and appearance of your pets!


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