You want to be healthy? Find out why you need your own garden!
We often hear that environmentally friendly products are becoming increasingly rare in cities. More and more have to see the beautiful and juicy-looking apples, tomatoes "as the selection", exotic fruits, nuts overseas. Not a secret that the price is inversely proportional to the nutritional value. Now it is obvious, if not every Russian consumer, then certainly most of the Russian population.
However, common sense is often inferior to the economic benefits. In the example of the USA can be seen as a welcome fruit and vegetables grown in the usual way. Under "normal" has meant an abundance of pesticides and toxic chemicals, the use of technology and growth hormones. In Western countries, organic (eco-friendly) products, in contrast, hit by high prices, and their production is extremely disadvantageous because of the high cost and low yield. But more and more there is research that shows the gulf that lies between the fruit and vegetables grown on the laws of nature, and the products grown using chemicals.
Since February 26, 2003 in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, which is issued by the American Society of Chemistry, the largest of the world scientific community in this area, there were the results of the study, according to which the ecologically grown products were more effective in the fight against cancer. The level of antioxidants that prevent cancer, fruits and vegetables grown without fertilizers, was significantly higher than in fruits and vegetables grown by the traditional technologies with the use of pesticides and herbicides.
The researchers concluded that the chemicals interfere with the formation of phenolic substances that perform a protective function for the natural plants. Flavonoids -fenolnye connection - act as antioxidants. Many of these are produced by the plant in response to natural stress resulting konkurrentsii between plants or as a protection against insects. For example, when a sheet creeps aphids, the plant produces phenolic substances to protect themselves.
When used in agriculture girbitsidy and pesticides, this need for protection decreases. This is reflected in the total amount of antioxidants that generates plant. In accordance with the results of the study, which was conducted in the University of California (Davis), led by Dr. Alison Mitchell, the amount of antioxidants in maize grown without chemical fertilizers, it was at 58, 5% higher than the normal. In BlackBerry - 50%, from strawberry - 19%
. Such studies are not unique. In recent years, they are held in many countries and now supporters of traditional farming with the use of pesticides is becoming harder to convince customers of the usefulness or even safety of such products. For example, June 2, 2002 by the same Society of Chemistry published a report which stated that clean oranges contain 30% more vitamin C. Clarke Professor of Truman State University (pcs. Montaña) argued that the often environmentally friendly products come from small farms, and it is not known under what criteria it considered to be "natural", "nutritious" and "healthy". It is expected that vitamin C is twice as much in ordinary oranges grown in all modern technology, believing that if a bright orange oranges and large, and the nutritional value is higher. But, to his surprise, the chemical isolation and method of nuclear magnetic resonance showed that the natural and ordinary-looking little oranges contain 30% more vitamin C. Clark suggested as the cause of this "optical illusion." According to him, selhozpromyshlennost using nitrogenous fertilizers, resulting in the plants absorb more water. "You buy a big juicy orange, but in the end it is full of water, and nutritional value in it is very small," - says Professor Clark
. Now these comparative experiments, researchers are primarily interested in the ability of plants to produce phytonutrients, phytochemicals, which in addition to vitamins and minerals are found in all plants. Compounds in the structure including the phenolic group, called flavonoids. That was the main topic in the experiment with antioxidant abilities corn, blackberries and strawberries. Other representatives of phytonutrients - isoflavones (phytoestrogens synonyms or plant estrogens). They have similar effects to the female sex hormones (estrogens). They are rich soybeans and products thereof. Allyl sulfides, and other phytonutrients that make up the garlic and onions, called organosernistymi compounds or organosulfidami.
Previously stated that the phytonutrients in fruits and vegetables, which are also called "natural toxins" or "natural pesticides", are dangerous to health, and supposedly they are much more dangerous than synthetic pesticides. This was one of the main arguments in favor of agriculture, based on the use of chemical fertilizers. However, epidemiological data do not support this view. On the contrary, it is known that the more of the diet of fruits and vegetables, the lower the risk of cancer, diabetes or heart disease.
Naturally, as in the use of any substance, phytonutrients toxicity is dose-dependent. These "toxic" substances are useful in certain, namely, in the nature, quantities.
The benefits of phytonutrients in fruits and vegetables has been confirmed by numerous studies. Many of these compounds are excellent antioxidants. They are able to prevent the free radicals caused by a chain reaction that leads to disturbances in the body and stimulates aging.
Studies have confirmed that more than environmentally friendly tomatoes lycopene (an antioxidant, reduces the risk of prostate cancer and protects the skin from harmful exposure to sunlight), in natural apples longer flavonoids, which also bind free radicals and possess anti-tumor effect.
In 2002, Italian scientists have found a higher content of polyphenols, antioxidants in clean peaches and pears. A recent study in Denmark (2001), scientists have concluded that in general, in vegetables grown without fertilizers, phytonutrients content above 10 - 50%. the following conclusion was made: "If phytonutrients are important components of the nutritional value of fruits and vegetables in the diet of developed countries, organic farming more than meets the needs of the nation, than traditional»
. Benefits of natural food, raw foodists, or why your garden?
But how to turn back the process? Launched years ago, the mechanism is not so easy to stop. In the universities and agricultural academies in the West are taught mainly Conventional (traditional) farming, thus preparing new "experts", whose calling - to achieve a large crop in any way and feed the country. For example, recently the Minister of Agriculture Renate Künast Germany stated that the proportion of environmentally friendly products will reach only 20% of the total agricultural production in Germany for ten years. This is a great indicator for the European countries.
Russia in this process occupies a prime location. Now the country has developed a unique situation in which there is a real chance to become one of the leading suppliers of environmentally friendly products.
According to Vasily Ryabov, Head of the Department of Plant Agriculture Ministry, the amount of mineral and organic fertilizers used in our country, ten times less than in many developed countries, for example, 11 times less than in the US, 23 times less than in China. In addition, Russia is much less used means of chemical protection against a variety of pests and diseases in the fields. Of course, this is due primarily to a lack of funds on expensive fertilizers and insecticides, but also in light of recent events, it speaks to the obvious benefits - Russian products is not so polluted as the Western and have a higher nutritional value
. This fact, according to the Minister of Agriculture Alexei Gordeyev, can become a competitive advantage for Russia in entering the international arena. After all, according to him, 80% of agricultural production in Russia meets the criterion of "environmentally friendly". The global market for organic products in recent years is booming: in 2020, it is estimated the Ministry of Agriculture experts, its capacity could reach 400 billion dollars. Moreover, they believe Russia has a chance to take about a quarter of the market. To do this, you must develop and implement a program of legislative support environmentally friendly production that will meet the requirements of potential importing countries.
Thus, living in the Russian city, you can still enjoy that domestic fruit and vegetables on the "environmentally friendly" compared with overseas. But for a true naturists at some point, this is not enough, even if the amount of fertilizer per 1 hectare decreased in recent years, from 100 kg to one glass, according to Vladimir Chernikov, Vice-Rector of the Moscow Agricultural Academy. Timiryazev. In the end, rawfoodist naturopathic concludes that in the present health need not go to the store, but "the nature».
It is generally known that the local fruits and vegetables contain more nutrients and better satisfy the needs of the organism. But there is a difference between plants grown in fields and wild species growing in the area?
In nature, plants are always in perfect symbiosis for the area. The fact that many used to call konkurrentsiey between species, seeing throughout the fight, you can take as a community and mutual support. More Peter Kropotkin, observing the nature of Siberia, competitive contrasted "mutual aid" and so called his work, which showed that individuals help each other no less important for evolution than the struggle for existence and the right of the strongest.
Plants live by the same laws, cooperation and thereby prospering. There is a science of allelopathy, which studies the effect of plants on each other. Already known for hundreds of wild herbs that improve the nutritional quality of crops. Certain combinations which, by the way, in nature can be seen everywhere, help to "fight" with "harmful" insects, improve the taste of the fruit, relieve people from unnecessary work. As mentioned above, research has confirmed the plant's ability to produce certain very necessary human substances (fitunutrienty) in response to the "natural stress».
Modern agricultural science is gradually getting rid of the term "weeds". The use of a reasonable part of the concept - "collateral wild herbs." It turns out that nature has rights - they are useful. In the German textbook on organic agriculture weed given by the following definition: "the weeds - are plants that have a positive impact on the quality and yield of crops." A good example is a useful "weed" dolls, which, however, so disliked because he zapolonyayut a grain field that he even went to church literature as a symbol of vice, intruding into the fold of the Church.
There is one significant difference between the plants grown in the fields, and wild plants. Finally it has become apparent that the increased concentration of carbon dioxide affects the yield of the atmosphere. And a very good effect on the eye. Yields are rising. But there is one problem: the fruits lose their nutritional value. Peter Curtis, a professor of evolution, ecology and biology of organisms in the State University of Ohio, says that "harvests more abundant under elevated CO2 content in the atmosphere, even if the conditions are not perfect plant growth. But there kopromiss between quality and quantity. While the plants are more productive, the nutritional value of their fruit drops ... now to get the same nutrients, we need to eat more. »
As a result of increased levels of carbon dioxide in plant seeds is reduced nitrogen content (average 14%). According to Curtis, nitrogen is essential for the formation of protein in the body of animals and humans. Now we need to think about how to compensate for these losses.
For wild plants of the above does not apply. The reduced amount of nitrogen was detected only in the fields of crop plants. As it explains Curtis, wild plants are limited in their capabilities. They can use the high CO2 content for the survival and protection but not for reproduction. Crops being protected from diseases and insects with pesticides, use this luxury to increase offspring, but due to the loss of its quality.
Higher nutritional value of wild plants is also confirmed by field experiments on rodents. Rodents fed steppe and wild grasses with their habitats are more resistant to radiation than those who received conventional laboratory power supply.
So, it is difficult to argue with the fact that nutrition is necessary to increasingly turn to nature. Modern Conventional farming gradually comes to a standstill, and not only in terms of the use of pesticides, insecticides and non-natural method of cultivation. Cultivars are often too much different from wild representatives, often not for the better.
But this raises another difficult question, how far and in what ways people can get involved in what has already been created for the perfect plan.
What role is played by a man in an already created an ideal biotope? Is it possible to change the nature "by itself"? In other words, is it possible to control the plant world and in particular to obtain desired yields of the desired nutritional value without the use of means of conventional agriculture? It turns out you can. But as? Yes, with the help of creative ideas ...
At first glance, this statement seems fantastic and unreasonable. But in this area is currently being research, and not just anywhere, but in IZMI Russian Academy of Sciences (Institute of Terrestrial Magnetism, Ionosphere and Radio Wave Russian Academy of Sciences. But more on that later.
It would be reasonable to start with a historical reference - with previous studies in the field of "miraculous" the interaction between man and plant, which was launched more our Soviet scientists Semyon and Valentina Kirlian in the 30s of the last century. Then, using the film in the field of electric current, disposed between two electrodes, luminescence was found around all living things, including plants. Later it was called Kirlian glow.
In the USSR, all the time studies were carried out in this area. Only through Kirlian photography has been found that if one hand podnesёt to the plant, then becomes more intense illumination (50%). Also found that plants are always properly react to changes in thinking and emotional state: if you bring a hand to the plant and to assume that it is warm, plant shines brighter, and if we assume that it is cold, the glow on the contrary weakens. Even then, it was concluded that the Kirlian photography will be in demand in agriculture and Nutrition (food science). This method is proposed to use for the storage of fruits and vegetables and to determine seed germination. Also investigated spring wheat germ, which showed a strong luminescence in comparison with other germs. More information about these experiments can be found in the book "Questions of bio-energy," which was published in Almaty in 1969.
And Western scholars, who later also learned to take pictures of this glow, conducted a number of significant research in this area. For example, the English scientist Milmeru smart and it was found that if just plucked leaf of a plant to put next to the already dying leaf, ripped off one day before the experiment begins to transmit a fresh energy to his "brother." It was also found that damaged or cut leaves change from the usual glow yellow to red.
Of course, research is not limited to just photos. Parallel experiments were conducted in different areas, which opened up new information about the interaction of plants and humans. In 1965, Professor Clive Baxter engaged in the improvement of one of the versions of "lie detector", or polygraph. Working on your device, Baxter sensor is connected to the leaf philodendron house plant. Когда он достал зажигалку, только с намерением вызвать у растения стресс, опалив его, кривая на ленте самописца энергично поползла вверх.
В это трудно было поверить, но получалось, что растение прочло мысли человека. И тогда Бакстер поставил другой эксперимент. Автоматический механизм в моменты, выбранные датчиком случайных чисел, опрокидывал чашку с креветкой в кипяток. Рядом стоял все тот же филодендрон с наклеенными на листья датчиками.
Самописец каждый раз при опрокидывании чашки фиксировал эмоциональную кривую: цветок сочувствовал креветке. Бакстер как истинный криминалист смоделировал и преступление. В комнату, где находились два цветка, по очереди заходило шесть человек. Седьмым был сам экспериментатор. Войдя, он увидел, что один из филодендронов сломан. Бакстер попросил участников эксперимента снова по одному пройти через комнату. В тот момент, когда в помещение зашел человек, сломавший цветок, датчики зафиксировали эмоциональный всплеск: филодендрон опознал «убийцу» собрата.
Этот эксперимент тогда вызвал большой интерес в научном мире, и нашлось много желающих продолжить исследования в этом направлении. Марсель Фогель, сотрудник фирмы IBM и преподаватель Калифорнийского университета, отнесясь с большим недоверием к подобному «околонаучному» эксперименту, решил его опровергнуть. В результате он не только убедился в реальности такой взаимосвязи, но и сам внёс большой вклад в развитие этого направления. После публикации его экспериментов, которые доказывали что растения реагируют на мысли человека, посыпались предложения использовать растения в таможенном деле, криминалистике и даже в военной практике.
В нашей стране в 70-х годах подобные опыты проводил профессор В. Пушкин в Институте общей и педагогической психологии (Москва). Свои эксперименты, которые также явно свидетельствовали об эмоциональной взаимосвязи растений и человека, он объяснял единством информационных процессов, протекающих в клетках растения и в нервной системе человека. Это единство, говорил он, наследие тех времён, когда на Земле появилась первая молекула ДНК — носитель жизни и наш общий предок.
В Тимирязевской академии к таким утверждениям отнеслись холодно, но опыты всё-таки проводить стали. Они велись под руководством профессора И. Гунара. Он сначала объяснял колебания стрелки на приборах элементарными изменениями электрической ёмкости, которая меняется в зависимости от расположения объектов. Но потом всё же изменил своё мнение, установив, что электрические импульсы в растениях подобны нервным всплескам человека и животных. И. Гунар предположил, что сигналы из внешней среды передаются в определённый центр, где после их обработки готовится ответная реакция. Он даже установил, что этот центр находится в шейке корней, которые способны сжиматься и разжиматься, как это делает сердечная мышца.
Сейчас уже известно, что в мембранах растительных клеток есть каналы, которые называются плазмодезматы. По ним от клетки к клетке движутся сигналы. Заряженные ионы, которые возникают в результате цепной химической реакции, вызванной какими-либо внешними факторами, начинают двигаться по этим каналам. А любое движение электрического разряда приводит к возникновению электоромагнитного поля.
Российские учёные в ИЗМИ РАН пошли ещё дальше. Они стали изучать солитоны, волны-носители информации, которые могут существовать в пространстве очень долго, подпитываясь энергией окружающей среды. Под руководством профессора физики Петра Горяева с помощью приборных измерений удалось проследить путь следования солитонов по цепочке ДНК. Подробно этот процесс описан в монографии П. Горяева <Волновой геном>. Волна проходит по цепочкам и считывает с них всю наследственную информацию. Характеристики солитонов во время этого процесса постоянно меняются и к моменту завершения считывания они хранят в себе программы синтеза белков и построения живого организма в пространстве и времени. В 1990-х годах Петр Горяев вместе с сотрудниками Математического института РАН воздействовал на солитоны с помощью записанной на магнитофон человеческой речи.
Результаты были потрясающими — под воздействием речи солитоны активизировались. Потом были проведены опыты с пшеницей, которую подвергли большой дозе радиации, при которой у семян рвутся цепочки ДНК, и они становятся нежизнеспособными. После обработки такой пшеницы солитонами человеческой речи, половина семян ожила. И в микроскоп было видно, что хромосомы восстановились.
Нужно отметить, что это были не обычные отдельные слова, а построенная определённым образом речь, похожая на молитву или белый стих. Здесь тоже нет ничего удивительного. Этим сейчас занимается такое направление в науке, как нейролингвистическое программирование. Так «программировать» может любой человек, если включит свои чувства, иными словами если его мысль, подкреплённая чувствами, будет достаточно сильна. Тогда и слова будут выстраиваться в определённой последовательности. Как удалось установить Горяеву, ДНК и человеческая речь имеют одну и ту же математическую структуру. У них одинаковое геометрическое строение, т.е. ДНК построена по законам человеческой речи. Невольно можно вспомнить «в начале было Слово, и Слово было у Бога, и Слово было Бог».
Результаты опыта с пшеницей были потом подтверждены в Великобритании, Франции, США. Разработана программа трансформации человеческой речи в электромагнитные колебания. Они накладываются на искусственные солитоны, а потом подвергаются взаимодействию с генетическим аппаратом растений. В результате качество растений заметно улучшается, убыстряется их рост.
Естественно, что взаимодействие человека и растений изучают не только физики, но и биологи. Кандидат биологических наук М. Н. Прохоров пишет: «Однако сам по себе факт взаимодействия человека с растениями, отмечаемый ещё с прошлого века разными учёными, нас серьёзно интересовал не только с позиций методики опытов, но и с позиций практического использования. Поэтому мною были проведены с 1978 г. лабораторные, а с 1987 г. широкие полевые опыты по возможности НЕПОСРЕДСТВЕННОГО влияния человека на рост и развитие растений и в отдельных случаях — на состояние и поведение животных. Поскольку эти эксперименты проходили во взаимодействии с академическими и сельскохозяйственными ПИИ, различными государственными и общественными организациями, о результатах этой работы имеются многочисленные официальные свидетельства, из которых можно однозначно заключить, что ЧЕЛОВЕК МОЖЕТ ОСУЩЕСТВЛЯТЬ НЕПОСРЕДСТВЕННОЕ УПРАВЛЕНИЕ РАЗВИТИЕМ ОКРУЖАЮЩЕЙ ПРИРОДНОЙ СИСТЕМЫ, и для этого не нужны ни пестициды, ни минеральные удобрения. Это было подтверждено в экспериментах на десятках и сотнях гектаров пашни, с десятками и сотнями тонн зерна и картофеля, в системах типа „Человек — растения“, „Человек — поле“, „Человек — стадо“, а в последнее время начинает подтверждаться и для системы „Человек — металл“ (расплав)».
Но как управлять природой? Что для этого нужно уметь? По словам М. Прохорова, "… для успешной и систематической реализации этой возможности человека в масштабах производства необходимы, помимо общеобразовательной подготовки, два условия: любить окружающую природу (в частности непосредственные объекты воздействия) и второе — НЕПРЕМЕННО ОЩУТИТЬ СЕБЯ ЧАСТЬЮ ПРИРОДЫ… "
Конечно, отдельному человеку масштабы производства не нужны, ведь, ознакомившись с вышеприведёнными фактами, он рано или поздно сам придёт к выводу, что оторванность от природы и жизнь в искусственном пространстве не способствуют здоровью. А возврат в естественную среду и общение с природой, наоборот, приоткрывают заманчивые возможности и позволяют ощутить давно позабытые человеком преимущества такого образа жизни.
However, common sense is often inferior to the economic benefits. In the example of the USA can be seen as a welcome fruit and vegetables grown in the usual way. Under "normal" has meant an abundance of pesticides and toxic chemicals, the use of technology and growth hormones. In Western countries, organic (eco-friendly) products, in contrast, hit by high prices, and their production is extremely disadvantageous because of the high cost and low yield. But more and more there is research that shows the gulf that lies between the fruit and vegetables grown on the laws of nature, and the products grown using chemicals.

Since February 26, 2003 in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, which is issued by the American Society of Chemistry, the largest of the world scientific community in this area, there were the results of the study, according to which the ecologically grown products were more effective in the fight against cancer. The level of antioxidants that prevent cancer, fruits and vegetables grown without fertilizers, was significantly higher than in fruits and vegetables grown by the traditional technologies with the use of pesticides and herbicides.
The researchers concluded that the chemicals interfere with the formation of phenolic substances that perform a protective function for the natural plants. Flavonoids -fenolnye connection - act as antioxidants. Many of these are produced by the plant in response to natural stress resulting konkurrentsii between plants or as a protection against insects. For example, when a sheet creeps aphids, the plant produces phenolic substances to protect themselves.
When used in agriculture girbitsidy and pesticides, this need for protection decreases. This is reflected in the total amount of antioxidants that generates plant. In accordance with the results of the study, which was conducted in the University of California (Davis), led by Dr. Alison Mitchell, the amount of antioxidants in maize grown without chemical fertilizers, it was at 58, 5% higher than the normal. In BlackBerry - 50%, from strawberry - 19%
. Such studies are not unique. In recent years, they are held in many countries and now supporters of traditional farming with the use of pesticides is becoming harder to convince customers of the usefulness or even safety of such products. For example, June 2, 2002 by the same Society of Chemistry published a report which stated that clean oranges contain 30% more vitamin C. Clarke Professor of Truman State University (pcs. Montaña) argued that the often environmentally friendly products come from small farms, and it is not known under what criteria it considered to be "natural", "nutritious" and "healthy". It is expected that vitamin C is twice as much in ordinary oranges grown in all modern technology, believing that if a bright orange oranges and large, and the nutritional value is higher. But, to his surprise, the chemical isolation and method of nuclear magnetic resonance showed that the natural and ordinary-looking little oranges contain 30% more vitamin C. Clark suggested as the cause of this "optical illusion." According to him, selhozpromyshlennost using nitrogenous fertilizers, resulting in the plants absorb more water. "You buy a big juicy orange, but in the end it is full of water, and nutritional value in it is very small," - says Professor Clark
. Now these comparative experiments, researchers are primarily interested in the ability of plants to produce phytonutrients, phytochemicals, which in addition to vitamins and minerals are found in all plants. Compounds in the structure including the phenolic group, called flavonoids. That was the main topic in the experiment with antioxidant abilities corn, blackberries and strawberries. Other representatives of phytonutrients - isoflavones (phytoestrogens synonyms or plant estrogens). They have similar effects to the female sex hormones (estrogens). They are rich soybeans and products thereof. Allyl sulfides, and other phytonutrients that make up the garlic and onions, called organosernistymi compounds or organosulfidami.
Previously stated that the phytonutrients in fruits and vegetables, which are also called "natural toxins" or "natural pesticides", are dangerous to health, and supposedly they are much more dangerous than synthetic pesticides. This was one of the main arguments in favor of agriculture, based on the use of chemical fertilizers. However, epidemiological data do not support this view. On the contrary, it is known that the more of the diet of fruits and vegetables, the lower the risk of cancer, diabetes or heart disease.
Naturally, as in the use of any substance, phytonutrients toxicity is dose-dependent. These "toxic" substances are useful in certain, namely, in the nature, quantities.
The benefits of phytonutrients in fruits and vegetables has been confirmed by numerous studies. Many of these compounds are excellent antioxidants. They are able to prevent the free radicals caused by a chain reaction that leads to disturbances in the body and stimulates aging.
Studies have confirmed that more than environmentally friendly tomatoes lycopene (an antioxidant, reduces the risk of prostate cancer and protects the skin from harmful exposure to sunlight), in natural apples longer flavonoids, which also bind free radicals and possess anti-tumor effect.
In 2002, Italian scientists have found a higher content of polyphenols, antioxidants in clean peaches and pears. A recent study in Denmark (2001), scientists have concluded that in general, in vegetables grown without fertilizers, phytonutrients content above 10 - 50%. the following conclusion was made: "If phytonutrients are important components of the nutritional value of fruits and vegetables in the diet of developed countries, organic farming more than meets the needs of the nation, than traditional»
. Benefits of natural food, raw foodists, or why your garden?
But how to turn back the process? Launched years ago, the mechanism is not so easy to stop. In the universities and agricultural academies in the West are taught mainly Conventional (traditional) farming, thus preparing new "experts", whose calling - to achieve a large crop in any way and feed the country. For example, recently the Minister of Agriculture Renate Künast Germany stated that the proportion of environmentally friendly products will reach only 20% of the total agricultural production in Germany for ten years. This is a great indicator for the European countries.
Russia in this process occupies a prime location. Now the country has developed a unique situation in which there is a real chance to become one of the leading suppliers of environmentally friendly products.
According to Vasily Ryabov, Head of the Department of Plant Agriculture Ministry, the amount of mineral and organic fertilizers used in our country, ten times less than in many developed countries, for example, 11 times less than in the US, 23 times less than in China. In addition, Russia is much less used means of chemical protection against a variety of pests and diseases in the fields. Of course, this is due primarily to a lack of funds on expensive fertilizers and insecticides, but also in light of recent events, it speaks to the obvious benefits - Russian products is not so polluted as the Western and have a higher nutritional value
. This fact, according to the Minister of Agriculture Alexei Gordeyev, can become a competitive advantage for Russia in entering the international arena. After all, according to him, 80% of agricultural production in Russia meets the criterion of "environmentally friendly". The global market for organic products in recent years is booming: in 2020, it is estimated the Ministry of Agriculture experts, its capacity could reach 400 billion dollars. Moreover, they believe Russia has a chance to take about a quarter of the market. To do this, you must develop and implement a program of legislative support environmentally friendly production that will meet the requirements of potential importing countries.
Thus, living in the Russian city, you can still enjoy that domestic fruit and vegetables on the "environmentally friendly" compared with overseas. But for a true naturists at some point, this is not enough, even if the amount of fertilizer per 1 hectare decreased in recent years, from 100 kg to one glass, according to Vladimir Chernikov, Vice-Rector of the Moscow Agricultural Academy. Timiryazev. In the end, rawfoodist naturopathic concludes that in the present health need not go to the store, but "the nature».
It is generally known that the local fruits and vegetables contain more nutrients and better satisfy the needs of the organism. But there is a difference between plants grown in fields and wild species growing in the area?
In nature, plants are always in perfect symbiosis for the area. The fact that many used to call konkurrentsiey between species, seeing throughout the fight, you can take as a community and mutual support. More Peter Kropotkin, observing the nature of Siberia, competitive contrasted "mutual aid" and so called his work, which showed that individuals help each other no less important for evolution than the struggle for existence and the right of the strongest.
Plants live by the same laws, cooperation and thereby prospering. There is a science of allelopathy, which studies the effect of plants on each other. Already known for hundreds of wild herbs that improve the nutritional quality of crops. Certain combinations which, by the way, in nature can be seen everywhere, help to "fight" with "harmful" insects, improve the taste of the fruit, relieve people from unnecessary work. As mentioned above, research has confirmed the plant's ability to produce certain very necessary human substances (fitunutrienty) in response to the "natural stress».
Modern agricultural science is gradually getting rid of the term "weeds". The use of a reasonable part of the concept - "collateral wild herbs." It turns out that nature has rights - they are useful. In the German textbook on organic agriculture weed given by the following definition: "the weeds - are plants that have a positive impact on the quality and yield of crops." A good example is a useful "weed" dolls, which, however, so disliked because he zapolonyayut a grain field that he even went to church literature as a symbol of vice, intruding into the fold of the Church.
There is one significant difference between the plants grown in the fields, and wild plants. Finally it has become apparent that the increased concentration of carbon dioxide affects the yield of the atmosphere. And a very good effect on the eye. Yields are rising. But there is one problem: the fruits lose their nutritional value. Peter Curtis, a professor of evolution, ecology and biology of organisms in the State University of Ohio, says that "harvests more abundant under elevated CO2 content in the atmosphere, even if the conditions are not perfect plant growth. But there kopromiss between quality and quantity. While the plants are more productive, the nutritional value of their fruit drops ... now to get the same nutrients, we need to eat more. »
As a result of increased levels of carbon dioxide in plant seeds is reduced nitrogen content (average 14%). According to Curtis, nitrogen is essential for the formation of protein in the body of animals and humans. Now we need to think about how to compensate for these losses.
For wild plants of the above does not apply. The reduced amount of nitrogen was detected only in the fields of crop plants. As it explains Curtis, wild plants are limited in their capabilities. They can use the high CO2 content for the survival and protection but not for reproduction. Crops being protected from diseases and insects with pesticides, use this luxury to increase offspring, but due to the loss of its quality.
Higher nutritional value of wild plants is also confirmed by field experiments on rodents. Rodents fed steppe and wild grasses with their habitats are more resistant to radiation than those who received conventional laboratory power supply.
So, it is difficult to argue with the fact that nutrition is necessary to increasingly turn to nature. Modern Conventional farming gradually comes to a standstill, and not only in terms of the use of pesticides, insecticides and non-natural method of cultivation. Cultivars are often too much different from wild representatives, often not for the better.
But this raises another difficult question, how far and in what ways people can get involved in what has already been created for the perfect plan.
What role is played by a man in an already created an ideal biotope? Is it possible to change the nature "by itself"? In other words, is it possible to control the plant world and in particular to obtain desired yields of the desired nutritional value without the use of means of conventional agriculture? It turns out you can. But as? Yes, with the help of creative ideas ...
At first glance, this statement seems fantastic and unreasonable. But in this area is currently being research, and not just anywhere, but in IZMI Russian Academy of Sciences (Institute of Terrestrial Magnetism, Ionosphere and Radio Wave Russian Academy of Sciences. But more on that later.

It would be reasonable to start with a historical reference - with previous studies in the field of "miraculous" the interaction between man and plant, which was launched more our Soviet scientists Semyon and Valentina Kirlian in the 30s of the last century. Then, using the film in the field of electric current, disposed between two electrodes, luminescence was found around all living things, including plants. Later it was called Kirlian glow.
In the USSR, all the time studies were carried out in this area. Only through Kirlian photography has been found that if one hand podnesёt to the plant, then becomes more intense illumination (50%). Also found that plants are always properly react to changes in thinking and emotional state: if you bring a hand to the plant and to assume that it is warm, plant shines brighter, and if we assume that it is cold, the glow on the contrary weakens. Even then, it was concluded that the Kirlian photography will be in demand in agriculture and Nutrition (food science). This method is proposed to use for the storage of fruits and vegetables and to determine seed germination. Also investigated spring wheat germ, which showed a strong luminescence in comparison with other germs. More information about these experiments can be found in the book "Questions of bio-energy," which was published in Almaty in 1969.
And Western scholars, who later also learned to take pictures of this glow, conducted a number of significant research in this area. For example, the English scientist Milmeru smart and it was found that if just plucked leaf of a plant to put next to the already dying leaf, ripped off one day before the experiment begins to transmit a fresh energy to his "brother." It was also found that damaged or cut leaves change from the usual glow yellow to red.
Of course, research is not limited to just photos. Parallel experiments were conducted in different areas, which opened up new information about the interaction of plants and humans. In 1965, Professor Clive Baxter engaged in the improvement of one of the versions of "lie detector", or polygraph. Working on your device, Baxter sensor is connected to the leaf philodendron house plant. Когда он достал зажигалку, только с намерением вызвать у растения стресс, опалив его, кривая на ленте самописца энергично поползла вверх.
В это трудно было поверить, но получалось, что растение прочло мысли человека. И тогда Бакстер поставил другой эксперимент. Автоматический механизм в моменты, выбранные датчиком случайных чисел, опрокидывал чашку с креветкой в кипяток. Рядом стоял все тот же филодендрон с наклеенными на листья датчиками.
Самописец каждый раз при опрокидывании чашки фиксировал эмоциональную кривую: цветок сочувствовал креветке. Бакстер как истинный криминалист смоделировал и преступление. В комнату, где находились два цветка, по очереди заходило шесть человек. Седьмым был сам экспериментатор. Войдя, он увидел, что один из филодендронов сломан. Бакстер попросил участников эксперимента снова по одному пройти через комнату. В тот момент, когда в помещение зашел человек, сломавший цветок, датчики зафиксировали эмоциональный всплеск: филодендрон опознал «убийцу» собрата.
Этот эксперимент тогда вызвал большой интерес в научном мире, и нашлось много желающих продолжить исследования в этом направлении. Марсель Фогель, сотрудник фирмы IBM и преподаватель Калифорнийского университета, отнесясь с большим недоверием к подобному «околонаучному» эксперименту, решил его опровергнуть. В результате он не только убедился в реальности такой взаимосвязи, но и сам внёс большой вклад в развитие этого направления. После публикации его экспериментов, которые доказывали что растения реагируют на мысли человека, посыпались предложения использовать растения в таможенном деле, криминалистике и даже в военной практике.
В нашей стране в 70-х годах подобные опыты проводил профессор В. Пушкин в Институте общей и педагогической психологии (Москва). Свои эксперименты, которые также явно свидетельствовали об эмоциональной взаимосвязи растений и человека, он объяснял единством информационных процессов, протекающих в клетках растения и в нервной системе человека. Это единство, говорил он, наследие тех времён, когда на Земле появилась первая молекула ДНК — носитель жизни и наш общий предок.
В Тимирязевской академии к таким утверждениям отнеслись холодно, но опыты всё-таки проводить стали. Они велись под руководством профессора И. Гунара. Он сначала объяснял колебания стрелки на приборах элементарными изменениями электрической ёмкости, которая меняется в зависимости от расположения объектов. Но потом всё же изменил своё мнение, установив, что электрические импульсы в растениях подобны нервным всплескам человека и животных. И. Гунар предположил, что сигналы из внешней среды передаются в определённый центр, где после их обработки готовится ответная реакция. Он даже установил, что этот центр находится в шейке корней, которые способны сжиматься и разжиматься, как это делает сердечная мышца.
Сейчас уже известно, что в мембранах растительных клеток есть каналы, которые называются плазмодезматы. По ним от клетки к клетке движутся сигналы. Заряженные ионы, которые возникают в результате цепной химической реакции, вызванной какими-либо внешними факторами, начинают двигаться по этим каналам. А любое движение электрического разряда приводит к возникновению электоромагнитного поля.
Российские учёные в ИЗМИ РАН пошли ещё дальше. Они стали изучать солитоны, волны-носители информации, которые могут существовать в пространстве очень долго, подпитываясь энергией окружающей среды. Под руководством профессора физики Петра Горяева с помощью приборных измерений удалось проследить путь следования солитонов по цепочке ДНК. Подробно этот процесс описан в монографии П. Горяева <Волновой геном>. Волна проходит по цепочкам и считывает с них всю наследственную информацию. Характеристики солитонов во время этого процесса постоянно меняются и к моменту завершения считывания они хранят в себе программы синтеза белков и построения живого организма в пространстве и времени. В 1990-х годах Петр Горяев вместе с сотрудниками Математического института РАН воздействовал на солитоны с помощью записанной на магнитофон человеческой речи.
Результаты были потрясающими — под воздействием речи солитоны активизировались. Потом были проведены опыты с пшеницей, которую подвергли большой дозе радиации, при которой у семян рвутся цепочки ДНК, и они становятся нежизнеспособными. После обработки такой пшеницы солитонами человеческой речи, половина семян ожила. И в микроскоп было видно, что хромосомы восстановились.
Нужно отметить, что это были не обычные отдельные слова, а построенная определённым образом речь, похожая на молитву или белый стих. Здесь тоже нет ничего удивительного. Этим сейчас занимается такое направление в науке, как нейролингвистическое программирование. Так «программировать» может любой человек, если включит свои чувства, иными словами если его мысль, подкреплённая чувствами, будет достаточно сильна. Тогда и слова будут выстраиваться в определённой последовательности. Как удалось установить Горяеву, ДНК и человеческая речь имеют одну и ту же математическую структуру. У них одинаковое геометрическое строение, т.е. ДНК построена по законам человеческой речи. Невольно можно вспомнить «в начале было Слово, и Слово было у Бога, и Слово было Бог».
Результаты опыта с пшеницей были потом подтверждены в Великобритании, Франции, США. Разработана программа трансформации человеческой речи в электромагнитные колебания. Они накладываются на искусственные солитоны, а потом подвергаются взаимодействию с генетическим аппаратом растений. В результате качество растений заметно улучшается, убыстряется их рост.
Естественно, что взаимодействие человека и растений изучают не только физики, но и биологи. Кандидат биологических наук М. Н. Прохоров пишет: «Однако сам по себе факт взаимодействия человека с растениями, отмечаемый ещё с прошлого века разными учёными, нас серьёзно интересовал не только с позиций методики опытов, но и с позиций практического использования. Поэтому мною были проведены с 1978 г. лабораторные, а с 1987 г. широкие полевые опыты по возможности НЕПОСРЕДСТВЕННОГО влияния человека на рост и развитие растений и в отдельных случаях — на состояние и поведение животных. Поскольку эти эксперименты проходили во взаимодействии с академическими и сельскохозяйственными ПИИ, различными государственными и общественными организациями, о результатах этой работы имеются многочисленные официальные свидетельства, из которых можно однозначно заключить, что ЧЕЛОВЕК МОЖЕТ ОСУЩЕСТВЛЯТЬ НЕПОСРЕДСТВЕННОЕ УПРАВЛЕНИЕ РАЗВИТИЕМ ОКРУЖАЮЩЕЙ ПРИРОДНОЙ СИСТЕМЫ, и для этого не нужны ни пестициды, ни минеральные удобрения. Это было подтверждено в экспериментах на десятках и сотнях гектаров пашни, с десятками и сотнями тонн зерна и картофеля, в системах типа „Человек — растения“, „Человек — поле“, „Человек — стадо“, а в последнее время начинает подтверждаться и для системы „Человек — металл“ (расплав)».
Но как управлять природой? Что для этого нужно уметь? По словам М. Прохорова, "… для успешной и систематической реализации этой возможности человека в масштабах производства необходимы, помимо общеобразовательной подготовки, два условия: любить окружающую природу (в частности непосредственные объекты воздействия) и второе — НЕПРЕМЕННО ОЩУТИТЬ СЕБЯ ЧАСТЬЮ ПРИРОДЫ… "
Конечно, отдельному человеку масштабы производства не нужны, ведь, ознакомившись с вышеприведёнными фактами, он рано или поздно сам придёт к выводу, что оторванность от природы и жизнь в искусственном пространстве не способствуют здоровью. А возврат в естественную среду и общение с природой, наоборот, приоткрывают заманчивые возможности и позволяют ощутить давно позабытые человеком преимущества такого образа жизни.
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