What to do with the remnants of paint: 10 DIY-ideas
Chairs, flower pots, lamps and dishes - are just a few examples of what you can paint your own. More ideas and instructions - in this article
. Like it or not, painting - one of the most spectacular and the inexpensive way to transform the interior, to create accents and tasteful update the space of any home. So, if you asked the question "what to paint with your own hands?", We have for you some fresh ideas that we have accompanied a detailed guide to action. You might wonder how it is quick and easy process, and the results will rejoice.
1. Kitchen chairs
Update the interior kitchen, dining room or even a balcony, painted the old wooden chairs in bright colors. And they do not necessarily have to be the same - be fantasy! Use the special furniture paint, and then apply a coat of varnish on the chairs.
2. Welcome!
Decide on a bold step: Paint the door a bright color to the entrance to the room immediately create the right mood. Hand painting algorithm is simple: remove the old paint a special chemical composition, then use putty, treat sandpaper and start to paint roller or brush. One of the most reliable, non-toxic and low-colors - alkyd enamel
3. Modernization mirrors
Enter any mirror in the interior of the room by painting the frame. A single fresh coat of paint - and your old mirror has perfectly combined with new furniture! You can, on the contrary, and wear out the frame with a special spray.
4. Look upward
Chandeliers and ceiling lighting lamps rare delight us with a variety of colors. It's time to take matters into their own hands! Try to paint them in soft pastel colors, and you wonder how this seemingly small change will transform the look of the room.
5. The real art
We all know how important accessories, including hanging on the walls of paintings and photographs. Diversify your gallery wall using frames. The beauty is that with their help, you can create a certain mood and style: for example, bright red and yellow will take you to the neon 60's, and severe white give the interior a modern brevity and austerity
6. Let there be light
Table lamp - a real find for someone who wants a little freshen up the interior. They can be painted as a base and the shade itself, inscribing the lamp in the color scheme of the room or creating a bright accent.
7. Kitchen joy
Reload kitchen set - so simple, but at the same time a radical idea, it seems almost complete transformation. Paint the facade, after removing them from the modules, and abrasion with emery sheet. Apply the paint with a roller or spray. Be sure to wait until completely dry before re-collect the headsets.
8. Stairway to Heaven
Great idea for a holiday home in several floors - to paint a ladder element: railings, stairs, support. Choose a paint based on natural linseed oil, start with the top of the steps and of course, experiment with colors and shades.
9. china shop
Paint the dishes by hand - simple. For glass and ceramics suitable acrylic, wood, there is a harmless food paints. Remember that the paint should be applied from the outside, the outside of the trays or pots, to subsequently come into contact with food.
Use a simple and original way of painting DIY-: Wrap the top, for example, spatulas, masking tape, and dip them in paint - you get a spectacular band, able to create original patterns
10. House for plants
Another option to create nice looking accents - painting flower pots. Acrylic paint and clear lacquer coating to help you. You can make and "spotted" surface: a conventional nail polish add to a bucket of water, stir, to omit the pot - a stunning result
Author: Anastasia Komarovskaya
. Like it or not, painting - one of the most spectacular and the inexpensive way to transform the interior, to create accents and tasteful update the space of any home. So, if you asked the question "what to paint with your own hands?", We have for you some fresh ideas that we have accompanied a detailed guide to action. You might wonder how it is quick and easy process, and the results will rejoice.

1. Kitchen chairs
Update the interior kitchen, dining room or even a balcony, painted the old wooden chairs in bright colors. And they do not necessarily have to be the same - be fantasy! Use the special furniture paint, and then apply a coat of varnish on the chairs.

2. Welcome!
Decide on a bold step: Paint the door a bright color to the entrance to the room immediately create the right mood. Hand painting algorithm is simple: remove the old paint a special chemical composition, then use putty, treat sandpaper and start to paint roller or brush. One of the most reliable, non-toxic and low-colors - alkyd enamel

3. Modernization mirrors
Enter any mirror in the interior of the room by painting the frame. A single fresh coat of paint - and your old mirror has perfectly combined with new furniture! You can, on the contrary, and wear out the frame with a special spray.

4. Look upward
Chandeliers and ceiling lighting lamps rare delight us with a variety of colors. It's time to take matters into their own hands! Try to paint them in soft pastel colors, and you wonder how this seemingly small change will transform the look of the room.

5. The real art
We all know how important accessories, including hanging on the walls of paintings and photographs. Diversify your gallery wall using frames. The beauty is that with their help, you can create a certain mood and style: for example, bright red and yellow will take you to the neon 60's, and severe white give the interior a modern brevity and austerity

6. Let there be light
Table lamp - a real find for someone who wants a little freshen up the interior. They can be painted as a base and the shade itself, inscribing the lamp in the color scheme of the room or creating a bright accent.

7. Kitchen joy
Reload kitchen set - so simple, but at the same time a radical idea, it seems almost complete transformation. Paint the facade, after removing them from the modules, and abrasion with emery sheet. Apply the paint with a roller or spray. Be sure to wait until completely dry before re-collect the headsets.

8. Stairway to Heaven
Great idea for a holiday home in several floors - to paint a ladder element: railings, stairs, support. Choose a paint based on natural linseed oil, start with the top of the steps and of course, experiment with colors and shades.

9. china shop
Paint the dishes by hand - simple. For glass and ceramics suitable acrylic, wood, there is a harmless food paints. Remember that the paint should be applied from the outside, the outside of the trays or pots, to subsequently come into contact with food.
Use a simple and original way of painting DIY-: Wrap the top, for example, spatulas, masking tape, and dip them in paint - you get a spectacular band, able to create original patterns

10. House for plants
Another option to create nice looking accents - painting flower pots. Acrylic paint and clear lacquer coating to help you. You can make and "spotted" surface: a conventional nail polish add to a bucket of water, stir, to omit the pot - a stunning result

Author: Anastasia Komarovskaya