How to make your own garden on the windowsill?
But why don't we bring a piece of the garden home to our own windowsill? Of course, he will not satisfy all the needs for vegetables, but the main thing is not in quantity, but in quality, not as a result, but in the process. It would seem that you can grow in such a small space as a window sill in a room? Imagine that the choice is large, even if you arrange a garden in three or four flower pots. And it is not only parsley, dill and onions, but such plants as strawberries (strawberries), peppers, legumes and many others. And we will open our garden garden garden strawberry (Fragaria ananassa).
In Russia, strawberries are grown in almost every garden plot, excluding the extreme northern and southern regions. However, despite the huge popularity among gardeners, our “queen of berries” is almost never bred in rooms.
As a rule, they reproduce strawberries with mustaches - daughter leaf sockets that appear on long shoots. Leaf sockets are obtained from the mother plant, which is not allowed to bloom (as soon as the flowers appear, they are immediately removed). At each escape, no more than three outlets are left, after which the shoots are pinched.
If you do not have the opportunity to take planting material from your site - you can buy seedlings in nurseries - this should be done in the traditional strawberry planting months - in April-May or September-October. We advise you to opt for renovated varieties, such as "Queen Elizabeth", "Yellow miracle", "Sakhalin", "Ada", etc., allowing you to harvest all year round.

Before buying seedlings or strawberry seeds, you need to purchase several containers of different sizes. If you propagate strawberries with seeds, you need low plates for sowing seeds and pots with a diameter of 5-7 cm for dive seedlings. For adult plants, it is better to use pots 15 cm high and 20-25 cm in diameter. To drain excess water in the container, you need to arrange drainage. At first, several large clay shards are placed on the bottom with a convex side up, then small stones of ceramzite and washed river sand. The thickness of the drainage layer should be 1⁄4 of the height of the pot. The soil level in the pot should be 2-3 cm below its edge so that water does not flow through the edges. Next we're preparing the soil. The best strawberry culture is on loose, nutritious soils with a weakly acidic or neutral reaction. Sod, leafy land and sand can be used for this (2:2:1). The main component of the soil mixture is sod land, obtained from the sod of cereals and rich in nutrients. Leafy earth is prepared from fallen leaves, which in autumn are raked in heaps and kept for two years, several times shoveling. Leafy earth is very loose, nutritious, gas and water permeable. You can also use ready-made nutritional mixtures for planting.
After adaptation, put pots with our plants on the brightest place of the apartment. In autumn-winter time, strawberries are illuminated with a fluorescent lamp in 4 hours in the morning and 4 hours in the evening. After two months, the first berries appear on the bushes.
For normal growth and development, plants need regular watering and feeding with mineral and organic fertilizers. In room conditions, you can use solutions of mineral, infusions of organic and organic fertilizers, as well as microfertilizers, biofertilizers and plant growth stimulants. The frequency of feeding plants is 2-3 times a month. Strawberries are watered 2-3 times a week, about 100 ml / day. water per plant. Watering plants can be combined with fertilizing complex fertilizer (for 10 liters of water - 30 g of ammonium nitrate, 180 g of superphosphate, 40 g of potassium sulfate, 40 mg of boric acid, 20 mg of manganese potassium, 2 mg of zinc sulfuric acid, 1 mg of copper sulfuric acid, 0.3 mg of molybdenum ammonium). Or use a ready-made complex fertilizer, for example, "Kemira". After flower arrows with buds and flowers appear on strawberries, plants should be regularly shaken or brushed to transfer pollen from one flower to another, which will contribute to their better pollination.
Every year 2-3 times, strawberries remove excess mustache, which, if desired, can be planted in plates for rooting. On fruit-bearing bushes leave only 2-3 shoots bearing mustaches.
Do you want to produce fruit by a certain time? For this, there are special rules, partly reminiscent of the rules of casting flowers. For example, you dream of getting fresh berries for the New Year. To do this, pots with strawberry bushes are sent to rest until November. Plants are transferred to poorly lit unheated rooms, where they are occasionally watered, not allowing the earthen coma to dry out. In early November, pots with plants are transferred to a bright and warm place, watering is increased, 2-3 times a month they are fertilized with fertilizer solutions. And there is a high probability that you will be able to surprise your guests by decorating the New Year's table with fresh strawberries.
Among diseases and pests, strawberries are the most dangerous spider mite, powdery dew, various spots of leaves and rotting fruits. To combat fungal diseases (mulky dew, rot) use a 1% solution of Bordeaux liquid, and spraying is carried out before the appearance of ovaries. From pests, drugs such as "Actelik" or "Aktara" have proven themselves well. However, it is necessary to use all these drugs in an apartment with extreme caution, away from the kitchen and sleeping places.
Source: www.7dach.ru
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