The unique technology of planting potatoes
Having tried all methods of planting potatoes, I came to the conclusion that you need to look for another way less time-consuming, but with the ability to obtain higher yields. I found this method of planting, the soot in this way for several years. It does not drip, not a Spud, not the field and get high yields of potatoes.
I strengthened the view that organics may disclose all the features of the plants, saving time and effort. Just for good compost you can see and appreciate the quality of the Western and domestic brands as most of them are created for organic soils. Sure: organics, we can not escape. Works: to learn to compost and to arrange the fixed beds – one times for many years.
Do I have the right to touch the topic of farming? I assume three facts.
1. Traditional intensive agriculture and science has stalled and is unable to improve the business. This path has led to soil degradation. Yields in the world stopped growing 40 years ago. However, the recommendations of scientists and policy governing bodies are very much in this vein.
2. Among our many gardeners are really interested to increase the effectiveness of their gardens. But the traditional system does not provide alternative exits, because she needed a hostage. For the purchase of chemicals, expensive cultivators, any stimulants for plant growth, etc.
Takes only what is beneficial to someone. We live in a society of trade problems. In this sense, our world looks very curious: someone always creates problems, scares the others and offers assistance and all dutifully forked. Hard to believe, but almost all of the major problems created artificially.
We chase, like squirrels in a wheel: the "solution" of one problem creates others, and we pay, pay and pay. "After hamburgers, ice cream and chips don't forget the AVC-kids!" — And zantac for the stomach, Galstena to the liver and balsam Bittner, then again, you can poison yourself chips and buy medicines. I wonder why the need for a "Center for healthy hair"?, close to the "center of medicinal vodka." Numb with involvement and care, we do not see the new "science" of recipients of the profits. But, most importantly, do not notice that we create it!
Someone in our country was profitable to pay for the quality and quantity. Not the result, but dutifully served the time. Not achievements in health, and sick leave. Not success, but faithful to the science. Here and now to disentangle it all. That's sick. Dig their houses, and complain about the climate and the hard life. According to our faith and give us!
3. There are farmers who have received yields far above the average, without involving expensive and time-consuming operations. I think it should be known to everyone.
Dear gardeners! Soberly looking at wildlife and our fields, let us be clear on a fact: the fertility of our soils create a not we. We, with all our processing, tillage, irrigation and fertilizers constantly destroying.
The fertility of the soil make living organisms. They successfully engaged millions of years. Actually soil their product.
Therefore — thank God and thank you all for the opportunity to publicize the experiences and thoughts of intelligent farmers.
This manuscript is not leadership. It's just a collection of successful experience with the attempt of the study. Whether to use this information, and how, you decide for yourself.
The unpredictability of our climate, high temperature differences, day and night, dry or rainy summers, excessive rainfall in late August and early September confirmed selected me over many years of trial and error methods of cultivation of one of my favourite crops – potatoes.
From the literature, from talking with knowledgeable people, from practical experience, I formed the basic principles and approaches for the successful cultivation of potatoes.
Blind copying of techniques and tips, even the best or nothing. Must be creative and understanding of the biological laws of their culture, and processes occurring during its cultivation, that's where I allows to obtain consistently high yields, independent of the vagaries of the weather and conditions of the site itself.
Vegetable container is a high bed, the walls of which are built of brick, logs, timber, boards, stone, slate ... Width 100 — 120 cm, any length, height 10-25 cm Beds stretch from the North to the South. And the passages between them – 50 – 80 cm, which can be mulch, sand, sawdust, roofing material, cardboard, etc. I prefer the lawn once a month which cuts the trimmer. Some passages are zamulchirovat sawdust. The beauty of the garden, which looks more like a Park, leaves no one indifferent. Weed no, the site is clean and beautiful.
Each ridge is 2 rows of potatoes planted along the edges of the staggered 35 — 40 cm between potatoes. In this geometry there is a vast reserve of productivity, it has long been observed: the plant will grow almost twice as good those in the middle – they have more light and space for growth. And here – all plants are extreme. Wide aisle and need in order to give them the light and open space. A small area of organics gives more than a large area of soil. Those who have at least one season job on the ridges, convinced of the enormous potential of this method and simply cannot return to traditional technology. Working in the furrows, a person experiences joy not only from a good harvest, but also from the process of growing vegetables.
Box – the box is filled with organic matter. Put down plant residues (grass, straw, leaves, Newspapers, etc.), then compost or feeding (own production); in the upper layer is placed on the ground with passages, you can add the sand. Thus, it populates the box.
• Requires material costs in the first year to build the beds. This tiny flaw makes the container available to most gardeners. If you approach this issue from the farmer's point of view, which first put into production, which further brings them income. Do abroad. We are not used to it, we need all at once without the slightest effort, and work.
Example: If we decide to make a bed length of 8 meters, a height of 30 cm, a width of 1 meter. We need 9 boards for 4 meters, width 15 cm, Board thickness is 35 mm. (recommended). Cost 1 Board 90 rubles (Board of good quality). A total of 810 rubles. Will include the cost of two bags of manure 100, lime for whitewashing the boards (outside) nails. Total turn around 1000. It does not need to buy compost, sapropel, stimulants of growth, etc. during the summer, no weeding, no Spud. In this box we will be able to place 52 of the Bush potato, planted in a staggered manner through 30cm. In the fall we get an average of 2.5 kg. of potatoes with each plant. Each year, the crop will grow, a lot will work, if you follow agronomic practices. I have had on average 3.5 kg of Bali, I think this is not the limit. Total obtain 52х2,5=130 kg. delicious home potatoes. The average cost of potatoes is now 25 rubles. 130х25=3250 roubles. Subtract the cost of the box get 3250-1000=2250 roubles is our income.
Now consider how much area we have spent for potatoes. 8x1=8 sq. m. If we planted under the shovel: from the Bush usually nakatyvaet an average of 0.7 kg with good farming. 130 divide by 0.7 equals 186 of the bushes we had to plant potatoes. Translate to area. If the length we have a garden of 8 metres (as length of the box), then the width should be about 5 meters. It get 7 rows. Between the rows of 70 cm, between plants 30 cm Footprint equal 8 x 5=30 sq. m. total for the same volume of harvest 30 – 8 = 22 sq m of land available. This you will not have this additional land to till, to weed, to dig, process, etc. You will free up a large amount of time during the summer, you can spend it on other cultures or vacation with family, children or grandchildren. In this place you can plant perennials or to put the barbecue grill.
• This patch works for several years (to fill up her waste, plant remains, after digging potatoes to sow green manure, etc.) When planting potatoes is not necessary in the hole to make a compost or rotted manure. This garden bed is a compost.
• Humus is not washed out, as the garden is fenced
• Contains a large amount of nutrients, water storage
• Easy weeding, watering, fertilizing
• No stagnant water
• Does not require hilling
• Requires no digging, just hoeing on 5 – 7 see
• You can make early planting of potatoes
• Productivity increased by 100% and above.
• The tubers are clean with no visible signs of disease
• Potato stores well.
• Beautiful and easy to use.
• Takes up minimal space, doesn't create mud and mess.
Many gardeners may not agree with this method of planting. It is very costly in the first year. But You try on the site to make a single bed — box, for the sake of experiment.
God forbid you make all read on faith. Never conditions one experiment is not repeated in another experiment. On plants affected hundreds of thousands of variables. In your fields they are only yours and you have to adapt to them yourself. Any manuscript is only able to understand, but to learn to do is always have myself. This is the main law of success. Even learning a simple case with no results, if no training exercise. Try a little, watch and, please try to understand what is happening. Let it not pass you open and news.
The love of this wonderful plant potatoes. Love to root that feeds the majority of the peoples of our planet. This is perhaps the main. If people arriving on your site will engage in your favorite plants with a light heart, with pleasure, his attitude will manifest itself in a great mood, and health, and of course in a generous harvest. published
materials used: Laminin Y. I. Kurdyumov N. I.
submitted article: Igor Liadov.
Source: www.liveinternet.ru/users/lyudmila_shevchenko/post283741032/

I strengthened the view that organics may disclose all the features of the plants, saving time and effort. Just for good compost you can see and appreciate the quality of the Western and domestic brands as most of them are created for organic soils. Sure: organics, we can not escape. Works: to learn to compost and to arrange the fixed beds – one times for many years.
Do I have the right to touch the topic of farming? I assume three facts.
1. Traditional intensive agriculture and science has stalled and is unable to improve the business. This path has led to soil degradation. Yields in the world stopped growing 40 years ago. However, the recommendations of scientists and policy governing bodies are very much in this vein.
2. Among our many gardeners are really interested to increase the effectiveness of their gardens. But the traditional system does not provide alternative exits, because she needed a hostage. For the purchase of chemicals, expensive cultivators, any stimulants for plant growth, etc.
Takes only what is beneficial to someone. We live in a society of trade problems. In this sense, our world looks very curious: someone always creates problems, scares the others and offers assistance and all dutifully forked. Hard to believe, but almost all of the major problems created artificially.
We chase, like squirrels in a wheel: the "solution" of one problem creates others, and we pay, pay and pay. "After hamburgers, ice cream and chips don't forget the AVC-kids!" — And zantac for the stomach, Galstena to the liver and balsam Bittner, then again, you can poison yourself chips and buy medicines. I wonder why the need for a "Center for healthy hair"?, close to the "center of medicinal vodka." Numb with involvement and care, we do not see the new "science" of recipients of the profits. But, most importantly, do not notice that we create it!
Someone in our country was profitable to pay for the quality and quantity. Not the result, but dutifully served the time. Not achievements in health, and sick leave. Not success, but faithful to the science. Here and now to disentangle it all. That's sick. Dig their houses, and complain about the climate and the hard life. According to our faith and give us!

3. There are farmers who have received yields far above the average, without involving expensive and time-consuming operations. I think it should be known to everyone.
Dear gardeners! Soberly looking at wildlife and our fields, let us be clear on a fact: the fertility of our soils create a not we. We, with all our processing, tillage, irrigation and fertilizers constantly destroying.
The fertility of the soil make living organisms. They successfully engaged millions of years. Actually soil their product.
Therefore — thank God and thank you all for the opportunity to publicize the experiences and thoughts of intelligent farmers.
This manuscript is not leadership. It's just a collection of successful experience with the attempt of the study. Whether to use this information, and how, you decide for yourself.
The unpredictability of our climate, high temperature differences, day and night, dry or rainy summers, excessive rainfall in late August and early September confirmed selected me over many years of trial and error methods of cultivation of one of my favourite crops – potatoes.
From the literature, from talking with knowledgeable people, from practical experience, I formed the basic principles and approaches for the successful cultivation of potatoes.
Blind copying of techniques and tips, even the best or nothing. Must be creative and understanding of the biological laws of their culture, and processes occurring during its cultivation, that's where I allows to obtain consistently high yields, independent of the vagaries of the weather and conditions of the site itself.
Vegetable container is a high bed, the walls of which are built of brick, logs, timber, boards, stone, slate ... Width 100 — 120 cm, any length, height 10-25 cm Beds stretch from the North to the South. And the passages between them – 50 – 80 cm, which can be mulch, sand, sawdust, roofing material, cardboard, etc. I prefer the lawn once a month which cuts the trimmer. Some passages are zamulchirovat sawdust. The beauty of the garden, which looks more like a Park, leaves no one indifferent. Weed no, the site is clean and beautiful.
Each ridge is 2 rows of potatoes planted along the edges of the staggered 35 — 40 cm between potatoes. In this geometry there is a vast reserve of productivity, it has long been observed: the plant will grow almost twice as good those in the middle – they have more light and space for growth. And here – all plants are extreme. Wide aisle and need in order to give them the light and open space. A small area of organics gives more than a large area of soil. Those who have at least one season job on the ridges, convinced of the enormous potential of this method and simply cannot return to traditional technology. Working in the furrows, a person experiences joy not only from a good harvest, but also from the process of growing vegetables.
Box – the box is filled with organic matter. Put down plant residues (grass, straw, leaves, Newspapers, etc.), then compost or feeding (own production); in the upper layer is placed on the ground with passages, you can add the sand. Thus, it populates the box.
• Requires material costs in the first year to build the beds. This tiny flaw makes the container available to most gardeners. If you approach this issue from the farmer's point of view, which first put into production, which further brings them income. Do abroad. We are not used to it, we need all at once without the slightest effort, and work.
Example: If we decide to make a bed length of 8 meters, a height of 30 cm, a width of 1 meter. We need 9 boards for 4 meters, width 15 cm, Board thickness is 35 mm. (recommended). Cost 1 Board 90 rubles (Board of good quality). A total of 810 rubles. Will include the cost of two bags of manure 100, lime for whitewashing the boards (outside) nails. Total turn around 1000. It does not need to buy compost, sapropel, stimulants of growth, etc. during the summer, no weeding, no Spud. In this box we will be able to place 52 of the Bush potato, planted in a staggered manner through 30cm. In the fall we get an average of 2.5 kg. of potatoes with each plant. Each year, the crop will grow, a lot will work, if you follow agronomic practices. I have had on average 3.5 kg of Bali, I think this is not the limit. Total obtain 52х2,5=130 kg. delicious home potatoes. The average cost of potatoes is now 25 rubles. 130х25=3250 roubles. Subtract the cost of the box get 3250-1000=2250 roubles is our income.

Now consider how much area we have spent for potatoes. 8x1=8 sq. m. If we planted under the shovel: from the Bush usually nakatyvaet an average of 0.7 kg with good farming. 130 divide by 0.7 equals 186 of the bushes we had to plant potatoes. Translate to area. If the length we have a garden of 8 metres (as length of the box), then the width should be about 5 meters. It get 7 rows. Between the rows of 70 cm, between plants 30 cm Footprint equal 8 x 5=30 sq. m. total for the same volume of harvest 30 – 8 = 22 sq m of land available. This you will not have this additional land to till, to weed, to dig, process, etc. You will free up a large amount of time during the summer, you can spend it on other cultures or vacation with family, children or grandchildren. In this place you can plant perennials or to put the barbecue grill.
• This patch works for several years (to fill up her waste, plant remains, after digging potatoes to sow green manure, etc.) When planting potatoes is not necessary in the hole to make a compost or rotted manure. This garden bed is a compost.
• Humus is not washed out, as the garden is fenced
• Contains a large amount of nutrients, water storage
• Easy weeding, watering, fertilizing
• No stagnant water
• Does not require hilling
• Requires no digging, just hoeing on 5 – 7 see
• You can make early planting of potatoes
• Productivity increased by 100% and above.
• The tubers are clean with no visible signs of disease
• Potato stores well.
• Beautiful and easy to use.
• Takes up minimal space, doesn't create mud and mess.
Many gardeners may not agree with this method of planting. It is very costly in the first year. But You try on the site to make a single bed — box, for the sake of experiment.
God forbid you make all read on faith. Never conditions one experiment is not repeated in another experiment. On plants affected hundreds of thousands of variables. In your fields they are only yours and you have to adapt to them yourself. Any manuscript is only able to understand, but to learn to do is always have myself. This is the main law of success. Even learning a simple case with no results, if no training exercise. Try a little, watch and, please try to understand what is happening. Let it not pass you open and news.
The love of this wonderful plant potatoes. Love to root that feeds the majority of the peoples of our planet. This is perhaps the main. If people arriving on your site will engage in your favorite plants with a light heart, with pleasure, his attitude will manifest itself in a great mood, and health, and of course in a generous harvest. published
materials used: Laminin Y. I. Kurdyumov N. I.
submitted article: Igor Liadov.
Source: www.liveinternet.ru/users/lyudmila_shevchenko/post283741032/