Is it possible to plant potatoes from the store?

The potato planting season is approaching. In order to enjoy a generous harvest in autumn, when planting tubers, it is worth considering absolutely all the nuances.

For example, find suitable neighbors. Potatoes will bring an excellent harvest if you plant it next to beans, broccoli, cabbage, corn, eggplant, garlic, lettuce, onions, peas, radishes.

But most importantly, planter. Usually seed tubers of different varieties can be bought in any gardening store. What if the time has come, and the planting material is not at hand or it is hopelessly spoiled?

Will the crop of potatoes from the supermarket, or for this purpose only special seed tubers are suitable? How do tubers from the vegetable store differ from those sold in garden centers? "Site" He'll try to give you answers.

Potatoes can multiply in two ways. Seed: after pollination, berries are formed in the flower, in which seeds mature. Vegetative: reproduction with the participation of tubers of the mother plant.

Nature created tubers precisely for the continuation of the life of mother plants. Remember how potatoes sprout in the cellar in spring. However, growing potatoes from tubers, we reproduce the same genes for many years. The tubers are essentially clones of the original mother bush.

As with any organism, age is not good for potatoes. Over the years, viruses and other pathogens accumulate in tubers. There is degeneration. Usually, experts talk about a 5-7-year period during which potatoes age.

What is a seed potato?

  1. 1st reproduction
    From seed material in greenhouse conditions, a small crop in the form of mini tubers is obtained. The 1st reproduction is seed potatoes grown from those mini tubers. It is of excellent quality, retains all the positive properties of the variety, ideal for planting next year.
  2. 2nd Reproduction (Super Elite)
    Potatoes obtained the following year from the first reproduction. It retains all the characteristics of the variety, but the yield will be slightly lower than that of the first reproduction.
  3. 3rd Reproduction (Elite)
    Potatoes obtained after planting the second reproduction. The price of such planting material is noticeably lower, the same can be said about the quality.

Should I buy potatoes to plant in the supermarket? The potato harvest may not be much different from the elite. But there are a number of nuances that still need to be considered. Even if food potatoes bought in a vegetable store have degenerated by age, they can still be sick.

In tubers from the counter may hide phytofluoro, alternariosis and other diseases of potatoes. In the future, this not only threatens a weak harvest, but can bring a persistent infection to the site, which will then be difficult to get rid of.

Therefore, buying tubers intended for planting, they must be carefully inspected, and for insurance you can even cut. Often, signs of infection may not be visible on the surface, but are clearly discernible inside potatoes.

In our stores, you can often find potatoes from Israel or Egypt, but agree that Egyptian potatoes are hardly the best option for growing in Siberia. Farm potatoes grown in your region are certainly adapted to local conditions and can give a wonderful harvest.

But from potatoes brought from overseas, you can expect anything. There is another circumstance: you can try to cook potatoes bought in the store in various ways and only then make a decision about using them for planting.

This is a great chance not to buy a cat in a bag, but to grow potatoes that fully suit you in taste. It's better, though. planting at the private market. In this case, you will be sure that the potatoes are really local, and not some imported.

Whether to grow potatoes from store tubers, everyone decides for himself. But if you do not have a goal to breed a valuable variety, then the most ordinary potatoes from the market or from the supermarket are quite suitable for planting on the garden plot.


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