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How to plant raspberries: Proper planting, care, fertilizing seedlings

Raspberries attracts children and adults, thanks to its unique taste and medicinal properties. But getting a rich harvest is impossible without regular and careful care of the plant. Moreover, the prerequisites for an abundant fruiting laid at the stage of planting and arrangement of raspberry.

Selecting the optimal time for planting raspberries
If you are planning to breed on the site raspberries, you should think about when it is best to plant it. Definitely call timing is difficult, but in the preparation of a number of factors should be considered for planting.

1. The climatic characteristics of the region. For example, in the southern regions, where the heat comes quickly in the spring and a little rain, it is recommended to plant raspberries in the fall, because the season is long and warm enough that allows young plants to successfully take root in the new location. In the northern regions, on the contrary, it is more effective spring planting, since the fall of the land early freezes, causing possible winterkill plants.

2. Specificity of planting material. In particular, the degree of drought and frost resistance of a particular grade and the beginning of active vegetation of the plant. For example, a black raspberry is better to plant in the spring, because it is less resistant to frost, but has strong roots, which allows it to better tolerate drought. In turn vegetation yellow raspberries starts early, because in the autumn planting it should be.

Besides raspberries, planting and care which requires an individual approach taking into account the variety of characteristics and features of soil, traditionally it propagated in several ways, which also affects the choice of planting dates.

Spring planting grass green offspring who have reached 20 cm, with pre-developed white roots.

For summer planting suitable plants grown in containers, which are for the season will take root and will be ready for the winter.

Autumn thrown annuals root sprouts. The fact that the offspring of ripe and ready to transplant a kidney replacement show, appearing on the root of the neck and the presence of white roots fibrillose.

Where better to plant raspberries?
It is equally important to choose the right site for planting raspberries. The optimal arrangement of raspberry on the site, not blown cold winds and open to the sunlight. The most favorable for the raspberries are slightly acidic loamy soil, water capacity, but at the same time and sufficiently drained. Good yields can be achieved, and on sandy soils if they enrich humus annually.

Location raspberry should be selected, taking into account also what plants will coexist with him. Thus, a raspberry plant near some not recommended fruit trees, potatoes, tomatoes, strawberries and strawberry, as they tend to suffer from the same disease and the common pests. Poor gets raspberry currant and buckthorn, because their roots lie at the same depth and can drown out each other. You should also pay attention to the juxtaposition of different varieties of raspberries. For example, to protect the black raspberries on green mosaic, it is necessary to plant at a distance of not less than 100 m from the bushes red varieties are often carriers of this disease in a latent form.

Soil Preparation
If the issue with the place is already solved, you should begin to prepare the site for planting raspberries. In the autumn the soil is prepared in the past month and a half before planting seedlings. And if you plan to plant raspberries in the spring, then the processing is done in the fall.

First, you need to clear the land of weeds. Next, the ground plowed or dug up by no less than 30 cm deep. By digging is usually applied fertilizer: rotted manure (10-30 kg), potassium sulfate (40-50 g) and superphosphate (60-80 g) per square meter. Peaty soils better enrich the sand by adding 4 buckets per 1 sq. M.

Methods of planting raspberries
In parallel with the preparation of the site should decide how to plant raspberries, namely, to choose a specific method of planting.

The most common methods are considered and ordinary bush. In the first case the distance bushes planted on 1, 5-1, 7 m. In this case, the 4 by the cultivation of fat obtained with the bushes 10 shoots developed. The weak and damaged shoots are cut.

If a member method sprouts thrown in separate pits or trenches. The pits are dug to a depth of 40 cm and 50 cm in diameter, so that they fully placed seedlings roots. raspberry planting technology yamnym way anticipates the addition of fertilizer directly into the hole, if it has not been made at the digging site. Nutrient mixture for one well includes humus or compost (3-5 kg), potassium salt (20-25 g) and superphosphate (30-35 g).

Despite the greater the complexity of the most popular and effective way is considered planting raspberries in the trench, which is prepared 2-3 weeks before planting. Dig them in width of 50-55 cm and a depth of 40-50 cm. Then the bottom is placed a layer of rotted manure 10 cm, evenly distributed through it superphosphate and sprinkled with biohumus.

If a selected area is sufficient topsoil fertile, it is also laid on the bottom. It is possible to add a moderate amount of wood ash.

On small plots practiced raspberry planting in containers. For this purpose, plastic or metal utensils depth and a diameter of about 50 cm. Capacity without a bottom is dug in the ground and filled with a fertile soil and fertilizer. The root system of shrubs planted in this way, will not grow and drown out other plants.

raspberry planting technology
At this point becomes relevant the question "how to plant raspberries?". It is worth noting that the technology will fit slightly different depending on the characteristics of planting material and the chosen method of planting.

As planting material is generally used annual shoots, green offspring (eg for breeding raspberries remontant), as well as root cuttings. Talking about how to plant raspberries, not hurt to recall that the landing is better to choose plants with medium or thin stems and a well-developed fibrous root system.

Planting sprouts
sectional diagram when landing procedure foresees placing plant so that in the row between the individual bushes was about 1 to 2 m, and then the aisle width of 1 do, 5-1, 8 m. The trench technology seedlings in rows positioned at a distance of 30 -50 cm between rows leave the band width and a half to two meters. Tree-like raspberries are planted with aisles of at least 2, 5 meters to the lower kidney was enough light.
Immediately on landing seedling is placed in the center of the hole or trench and well-spreading roots sprinkled with ground shaking slightly, to lumps of soil densely occupied all the space around the roots. Planting depth is determined so that the kidney substitution located at the base of the stem, hiding 2-3 cm into the ground. The soil around the seedling compacted. Each shrub watering, using his 5-6 liters of water. After planting seedlings pruned, leaving 15-20 cm in autumn planting and 30-40 cm in the spring.

Planting cuttings
Also, raspberries are planted cuttings. For this autumn harvested root cuttings suitable 3-5 mm. They are cut into pieces of 10-15 cm. Winter cuttings stored in moist sand in the basement. Early in the spring, on the prepared and fertilized plot make grooves depth of 5 cm and laid them cuttings. The grooves are covered with earth and watered. By the autumn there are plants with an extensive root system and 2-3 shoots. More effective is considered planting cuttings in greenhouses with soil.
Planting seeds
Sometimes gardeners practice landing raspberry seed. Planting material purchased or harvested himself. To do this, take the ripe berries and squeeze it through cheesecloth. The resulting mass can smear on the sheet of paper and a little dry. The seeds are mixed with sand and sown in a cold frame or boxes. landing place should be moist and shaded. When sprouts appear 3-4 leaf, they can dive, placing in small pots or again in a cold frame. So, by the autumn, you can get the seedlings, ready for planting in the ground. It should be borne in mind that the seeds germinate irregularly, and the resulting plants are not always retain the properties of parent.
To grow well and fruiting raspberries, landing and it should be regular maintenance. It is worth noting that different species, whether it is red or fragrant raspberries, the basic rules of planting and care little different. The main thing after landing during the season periodically feed the plants, control pests and weeds, timely pruning and watering, the number of which can be reduced in the raspberry patch zamulchirovat soil with peat, manure or chopped straw.