Colorado beetles in quiet terror, processing potatoes before planting
Sacred question of any summer resident: How to process potatoes before planting? The most important parameter for obtaining a good harvest is the quality of the soil and sowing material. Care, of course, is also important, but not so much. And if everything is clear with the soil from the beginning, then with the quality of potatoes things are a little more complicated.
Methods of processing potatoes, it turns out, not so little. To use them all, of course, too labor-intensive, and not necessary. But using one or two will not be so difficult, but very useful. Let’s try to figure out what you need to do to get an impressive harvest in the fall, without resorting to store chemistry.
Greening potatoes is carried out in autumn, in extreme cases - next spring. To do this, you need to take seed potatoes from the harvested crop. Then spread it in one layer in the shade and leave it for 10 days. During this period, its tubers will be formed. solanine. This substance will protect potatoes from a number of diseases, rodents and even help to overgrow minor damage.
And the potatoes themselves will change color to light green on the side that was in the air.
By itself, the initial sorting will greatly simplify further work. Throw away or recycle rotten, damaged or poor-quality potatoes. The remaining sown potatoes are sorted into solution 10 l of water and 1.5 kg of urea. Just put the tubers in the solution and watch. Potatoes that pop up, not suitable for sowing. And the one that sinks to the bottom is the opposite.
Suitable potatoes washed with clean water and dried. Divide it into 3 categories and plant it in different beds. The size of the plant depends on how fast it is. rise.
Since on the surface of tubers can often be scab, phytophthorosis, alternariosis, rhizoctoniasis, phomosis and so on, without the help of potatoes can not do. But again, this applies only to the most extreme cases when the summer resident has no suspicion that the potatoes are affected, and there is already a firm confidence. And he wants to save at least some of the seed material.
A week before landing, use "Phytosporine", "Planriz";
before landing "Prestige", "Alirin";
two treatments 5 days before landing and before landing "Agat-25K", "Binor";
the day before landing "Complex".
It is very similar to what you need to do to “green” potatoes. Namely, 2 weeks before planting, you need to get potatoes from the cellar and spread it in a warm room. Again, best with one layer. Thus, potatoes will begin to germinate, warm up and even wither a little. The tubers are activated and the “started” potatoes will feel much more confident in the ground, she will not have to waste time waking up.
You can also put potatoes in a greenhouse with a warm (22 degrees) temperature a month before planting. Then gradually, over the same month, lower the temperature until it reaches 8 degrees. At the same time, you should not forget about the high humidity (95%) and sometimes water potatoes with water. This also activates the growth processes in it and, as a result, increases the yield.
To roll in the ash of Zola interacts very well with the tubers of potatoes and has a positive effect on the accumulation of starch in it.
Just wet the potatoes and dump them in the ash, and then plant them in the ground. In addition to increasing the percentage of starch in the total mass of potatoes, ash will also serve as an excellent fertilizer. You can even sprinkle it on the place where the potatoes were sown. It won't hurt.
We have a few tips for you today. We remind you that they do not need to use all, but only if possible. A few hours of work will help to increase the yield, so your need for fried potatoes will decrease significantly next year.

Methods of processing potatoes, it turns out, not so little. To use them all, of course, too labor-intensive, and not necessary. But using one or two will not be so difficult, but very useful. Let’s try to figure out what you need to do to get an impressive harvest in the fall, without resorting to store chemistry.
Greening potatoes is carried out in autumn, in extreme cases - next spring. To do this, you need to take seed potatoes from the harvested crop. Then spread it in one layer in the shade and leave it for 10 days. During this period, its tubers will be formed. solanine. This substance will protect potatoes from a number of diseases, rodents and even help to overgrow minor damage.

And the potatoes themselves will change color to light green on the side that was in the air.
By itself, the initial sorting will greatly simplify further work. Throw away or recycle rotten, damaged or poor-quality potatoes. The remaining sown potatoes are sorted into solution 10 l of water and 1.5 kg of urea. Just put the tubers in the solution and watch. Potatoes that pop up, not suitable for sowing. And the one that sinks to the bottom is the opposite.

Suitable potatoes washed with clean water and dried. Divide it into 3 categories and plant it in different beds. The size of the plant depends on how fast it is. rise.
Since on the surface of tubers can often be scab, phytophthorosis, alternariosis, rhizoctoniasis, phomosis and so on, without the help of potatoes can not do. But again, this applies only to the most extreme cases when the summer resident has no suspicion that the potatoes are affected, and there is already a firm confidence. And he wants to save at least some of the seed material.

A week before landing, use "Phytosporine", "Planriz";
before landing "Prestige", "Alirin";
two treatments 5 days before landing and before landing "Agat-25K", "Binor";
the day before landing "Complex".
It is very similar to what you need to do to “green” potatoes. Namely, 2 weeks before planting, you need to get potatoes from the cellar and spread it in a warm room. Again, best with one layer. Thus, potatoes will begin to germinate, warm up and even wither a little. The tubers are activated and the “started” potatoes will feel much more confident in the ground, she will not have to waste time waking up.

You can also put potatoes in a greenhouse with a warm (22 degrees) temperature a month before planting. Then gradually, over the same month, lower the temperature until it reaches 8 degrees. At the same time, you should not forget about the high humidity (95%) and sometimes water potatoes with water. This also activates the growth processes in it and, as a result, increases the yield.
To roll in the ash of Zola interacts very well with the tubers of potatoes and has a positive effect on the accumulation of starch in it.

Just wet the potatoes and dump them in the ash, and then plant them in the ground. In addition to increasing the percentage of starch in the total mass of potatoes, ash will also serve as an excellent fertilizer. You can even sprinkle it on the place where the potatoes were sown. It won't hurt.
We have a few tips for you today. We remind you that they do not need to use all, but only if possible. A few hours of work will help to increase the yield, so your need for fried potatoes will decrease significantly next year.
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