The gardener with experience showed how to replace expensive phytolumps
If you have long been engaged in gardening, you probably follow the development of agriculture. Like, you certainly heard, How to illuminate seedlings with a phytolamp And why is this miracle technology used at all? Do you really need to buy a special device? Today the editorial office will try to understand the current issue. We will tell you why phytolumps are so popular and whether it is possible to replace them with something else.
How to highlight seedlings with phytolamp seedlings Thermophilic crops need additional illumination. Especially if the seeds are planted at the end of February, when there is simply not enough sunlight. Ideally, in order for the seedlings to develop well and strengthen, you need to provide it with a stable daylight.
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This task can not be better handled by special lamps. It is important to understand that the light should not work around the clock. At night, the plant synthesizes substances necessary for its growth. The temperature also decreases at night.
Not every lamp is suitable for lighting seedlings. For example, an ordinary incandescent light bulb gives radiation in the infrared spectrum. During use, it is very hot, so it is not suitable for this purpose. Although they were used in practice before.
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Instead of incandescent lamps, fluorescent and LED analogues are often used. Such lamps are convenient to use and more economical. But what is the difference between the phytolamp?
So. lamp It became so popular because it doesn’t give the full spectrum of radiation, but only red or blue. These two spectra are necessary for plants to photosynthesize. In more advanced lamps, the power of each spectrum can be adjusted manually.
Blue and red spectra have different effects on plant development. The first stimulates the growth of the above-ground green part, and the second is responsible for the development of the root system, abundant flowering and fruiting.
However, it is best when the plant gets the full range of colors, not just blue or red. Yes, they may prevail to some extent. But for this, an LED lamp or a simple fluorescent lamp will be enough. No need to spend money on expensive phytolamps.
The budget analogue of the phytolum. light-belt. The easiest way to buy tapes with different spectrum of radiation and collect the lamp with your own hands. The only thing you need to know is the right amount of flowers. 10 red ribbons correspond to 4 blue, 1 green and 1 white.
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When choosing a fluorescent lamp, be sure to consider Color temperature measured in Kelvin. To grow plants, enough lamp from 2700-3200 K. It will provide seedlings with warm white light with a red spectrum of radiation. Also suitable lamp with 6200-6500 K, which is dominated by cold white light with blue spectrum.
The main advantage of LED and fluorescent lamps is that they do not heat up during operation. Therefore, they do not need to be placed at a high altitude above seedlings or other plants. The optimal height is 25-35 cm. If you place the lamp higher, it will work less efficiently.
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If you want to use these analogues of phytolum, consider an important nuance. Conventional LED and fluorescent lamps shine down and light is scattered by 60-90 degrees. Therefore, these lamps need several. At the same time, special lenses are built inside the phytolum. Thanks to them, the dispersion angle reaches 200 degrees.
How to highlight seedlings with a phytolamp: from the editorial board of course, in the matter of additional illumination, everything is very individual. After all, someone will probably say that its seedlings grow just fine and without lamps at all.
For example, in order to seedlings do not stretch, foil can be used. You need to fix it so that sunlight reflects on the plants. They say the method is simple, but it works. Heard of that?
Boldly shared their tricks and advice in the comments. We are sure that they will be useful to our readers. Wait for you downstairs!

How to highlight seedlings with phytolamp seedlings Thermophilic crops need additional illumination. Especially if the seeds are planted at the end of February, when there is simply not enough sunlight. Ideally, in order for the seedlings to develop well and strengthen, you need to provide it with a stable daylight.
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A post shared by Irina (@domik_v_derevne_borovikha)
This task can not be better handled by special lamps. It is important to understand that the light should not work around the clock. At night, the plant synthesizes substances necessary for its growth. The temperature also decreases at night.
Not every lamp is suitable for lighting seedlings. For example, an ordinary incandescent light bulb gives radiation in the infrared spectrum. During use, it is very hot, so it is not suitable for this purpose. Although they were used in practice before.
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A post shared by Svetlana - gardener amateur (@svetlana.sdelaysad)
Instead of incandescent lamps, fluorescent and LED analogues are often used. Such lamps are convenient to use and more economical. But what is the difference between the phytolamp?
So. lamp It became so popular because it doesn’t give the full spectrum of radiation, but only red or blue. These two spectra are necessary for plants to photosynthesize. In more advanced lamps, the power of each spectrum can be adjusted manually.
Blue and red spectra have different effects on plant development. The first stimulates the growth of the above-ground green part, and the second is responsible for the development of the root system, abundant flowering and fruiting.

However, it is best when the plant gets the full range of colors, not just blue or red. Yes, they may prevail to some extent. But for this, an LED lamp or a simple fluorescent lamp will be enough. No need to spend money on expensive phytolamps.
The budget analogue of the phytolum. light-belt. The easiest way to buy tapes with different spectrum of radiation and collect the lamp with your own hands. The only thing you need to know is the right amount of flowers. 10 red ribbons correspond to 4 blue, 1 green and 1 white.
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A post shared by Vertograd Kavkaz (@vertogradkavkaz)
When choosing a fluorescent lamp, be sure to consider Color temperature measured in Kelvin. To grow plants, enough lamp from 2700-3200 K. It will provide seedlings with warm white light with a red spectrum of radiation. Also suitable lamp with 6200-6500 K, which is dominated by cold white light with blue spectrum.
The main advantage of LED and fluorescent lamps is that they do not heat up during operation. Therefore, they do not need to be placed at a high altitude above seedlings or other plants. The optimal height is 25-35 cm. If you place the lamp higher, it will work less efficiently.
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A post shared by Diary of a Happy Summer Girl (@happy_dachnitsa)
If you want to use these analogues of phytolum, consider an important nuance. Conventional LED and fluorescent lamps shine down and light is scattered by 60-90 degrees. Therefore, these lamps need several. At the same time, special lenses are built inside the phytolum. Thanks to them, the dispersion angle reaches 200 degrees.
How to highlight seedlings with a phytolamp: from the editorial board of course, in the matter of additional illumination, everything is very individual. After all, someone will probably say that its seedlings grow just fine and without lamps at all.
For example, in order to seedlings do not stretch, foil can be used. You need to fix it so that sunlight reflects on the plants. They say the method is simple, but it works. Heard of that?
Boldly shared their tricks and advice in the comments. We are sure that they will be useful to our readers. Wait for you downstairs!
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