What can replace sugar or healthy candies
Seventy four million six hundred sixty thousand three hundred sixty eight
Researchers of ancient cultures claim that stevia was known to the Indians. It they podkladyval mate. Europeans became acquainted with stevia only to the twentieth century. Naturally, "sweet grass" as it was called by the Indians, did not enjoy such popularity as sugar, although sweeter than his three hundred times (and this is not a small exaggeration!). Perhaps the reason for this lies in the fact that no one found a large benefit in the production of sugar substitute. And the properties of stevia became more or less open only from 1930-ies, when Lavelle and Breaded, French chemists began to investigate stevia extract. They were convinced that isolated them from the leaves of the herb substance "stevioside" is completely harmless to animals. In the fifties the work of chemists continued specialists of the National Institute in the US, dealing with the problems of arthritis and metabolism. The results of the experiments confirmed the findings of French scientists: sweet natural substance is harmless and contains no glucose, and is neotomista product.
The discovery of useful properties of stevia was very useful, as it began to appear reports of groups of scientists of different disciplines, which made the conclusion on the basis of their observations that the consumption of sugar has a number of negative side effects. The most common are tooth decay, obesity, metabolic disorders, dysfunction of the pancreas.
Gradually, these developing countries, where the state cares about the health of its citizens (Japan, etc.), were grown stevia for sale. Naturally, the effect of stevia on the human body were analyzed. However, in addition to good, from stevia to be expected. Regular consumption of this herb reduces the level of glucose in the blood, prevents the growth of tumors, strengthens blood vessels, helps to overcome alcohol and nicotine dependence, increases the body's resistance to pathogenic bacteria, improves functioning of internal organs.
Stevia significantly reduces the harm from confectionery. It may seem that this grass is a "smart" gift of nature. Thereby lowering blood sugar, stevia does not affect the normal sugar level. Lowering high blood pressure, stevia is by no means the cause of low pressure. To obtain a more or less tangible effect of using stevia, you need to replace sugar, at least one third of the quantities consumed.
Do not ignore such a treasure of nature? Of course not! The more that stevia can be used in the preparation of a wide variety of dishes, drinks, cocktails, vegetarian mayonnaise, biscuits and so on. published
Source: vegjournal.ru/pitanie/poleznye-produkty/1176-poleznaya-sladost-.html
Researchers of ancient cultures claim that stevia was known to the Indians. It they podkladyval mate. Europeans became acquainted with stevia only to the twentieth century. Naturally, "sweet grass" as it was called by the Indians, did not enjoy such popularity as sugar, although sweeter than his three hundred times (and this is not a small exaggeration!). Perhaps the reason for this lies in the fact that no one found a large benefit in the production of sugar substitute. And the properties of stevia became more or less open only from 1930-ies, when Lavelle and Breaded, French chemists began to investigate stevia extract. They were convinced that isolated them from the leaves of the herb substance "stevioside" is completely harmless to animals. In the fifties the work of chemists continued specialists of the National Institute in the US, dealing with the problems of arthritis and metabolism. The results of the experiments confirmed the findings of French scientists: sweet natural substance is harmless and contains no glucose, and is neotomista product.
The discovery of useful properties of stevia was very useful, as it began to appear reports of groups of scientists of different disciplines, which made the conclusion on the basis of their observations that the consumption of sugar has a number of negative side effects. The most common are tooth decay, obesity, metabolic disorders, dysfunction of the pancreas.
Gradually, these developing countries, where the state cares about the health of its citizens (Japan, etc.), were grown stevia for sale. Naturally, the effect of stevia on the human body were analyzed. However, in addition to good, from stevia to be expected. Regular consumption of this herb reduces the level of glucose in the blood, prevents the growth of tumors, strengthens blood vessels, helps to overcome alcohol and nicotine dependence, increases the body's resistance to pathogenic bacteria, improves functioning of internal organs.
Stevia significantly reduces the harm from confectionery. It may seem that this grass is a "smart" gift of nature. Thereby lowering blood sugar, stevia does not affect the normal sugar level. Lowering high blood pressure, stevia is by no means the cause of low pressure. To obtain a more or less tangible effect of using stevia, you need to replace sugar, at least one third of the quantities consumed.
Do not ignore such a treasure of nature? Of course not! The more that stevia can be used in the preparation of a wide variety of dishes, drinks, cocktails, vegetarian mayonnaise, biscuits and so on. published
Source: vegjournal.ru/pitanie/poleznye-produkty/1176-poleznaya-sladost-.html