Natural sweetener. Stevia And Lippi. (Grow themselves)

Stevia - a perennial herb, cross-pollinated plant, aster family, mostly pollinated by insects. In nature, it reaches a height - 60-80 cm It is a very branched bush.. Leaves are simple with a pair arrangement.
The flowers are white, small. Fibrous root system is well developed. Stevia cultivation period from sowing to harvest collecting leaves is 16-18 weeks. Seedling period thus takes approximately 8-10 weeks. Grow sweet grass in the garden or in the apartment on a window sill - this is a good chance to solve health problems in themselves and their families, without recourse to drugs
. Stevia - southern plant, so the more heat and light it receives, the more will be sweeter. The optimal conditions for the growth of stevia - a sunny, protected from strong winds and drafts location and ambient temperature 22-28 ° C
. The soil. Stevia can be grown in different soils, but saline. But it is better suited to her light sandy or sandy substrates, filled with humus or compost with a slightly acidic (pH 5, 5-6), a reaction medium - to such growing stevia in their homeland. Heavy clay soils need to be improved by the addition of river sand, humus, turf.
Important is the texture of the soil. Land should be light and loose. Do not use peat - peat mixtures stevia feels depressed. Liming the soil as undesirable.
For growing seedlings since autumn is necessary to prepare in advance for the preparation of components pochvosmesi - black soil, forest humus soil and sand. In the forest, forest plantations under the trees or shrubs can be removed neperegnivshie upper leaves, then to select overrotten hard soil layer - this will be the forest humus soil. Further humus and forest land is desirable proseit through a sieve with round holes with a diameter of 5 mm.
Stevia - a unique sweetener. The leaves of Stevia is sweeter than sugar in a few dozen times, and it can rightly be called a pantry health.

Lippi sweet (Lippia dulcus) or "grass Aztec" belongs to the family Verbenaceae. Homeland Lippi - Central America, Nicaragua. This herb has long been used by the Indians as a sweetener.
Lippe is 500 times sweeter than sugar, besides, it is low-calorie and rich in vitamins, trace elements, which help remove radionuclides and heavy metals, restores the blood, its biologically active substances normalize metabolism, inflammatory processes and suspended decay.
The people more aware other plant sweetener - Stevia. But Lippi actually has more advantages than stevia.
Stevia is sweeter than sugar 300 times, and Lippi in 500. Unlike stevia Lippi prefers partial shade, allowing it to grow on not lit window or save a sunny place for other equally valuable plants in the country. If you need to cook from stevia syrup or make an extract, then Lippi can immediately throw in the tea. Or add chopped in pies and jam. Grassy taste of stevia as a no. Lippi leaves have a pleasant sweet flavor.