How to Use Aloe for Skin and Hair Care
Aloe belongs to the genus of succulent plants that grow in the wild in Africa and the Arabian Peninsula. In our area, it is grown at home on a windowsill, like an ordinary room vase.
Not to say that aloe is one of the most beautiful houseplants, but definitely one of the most useful. Its woven leaves are used as valuable medicinal raw materials. The thick gel-like liquid contained inside them has many healing properties. The same can be said of his flesh.
We will analyze the composition of aloe. Its pulp contains more than one hundred active substances, including endogenous and exogenous amino acids and a number of enzymes, such as amylase, lipase, cellulose, oxidase, catalase. As well as a whole set of vitamins B6, B2, B1, PP and C.
Aloe is a rich natural source of beta-carotene, iron, germanium, chromium, copper, manganese, calcium, zinc, magnesium. In the plant are salicylic, linolenic, linoleic, stearic acid. No other plant has such a unique combination of ingredients.
In what cases is aloe used and how? Its thick juice is used to treat constipation and stimulate appetite. Mixed in small doses with water: one teaspoon per glass. Take fifteen minutes before meals.
Aloe helps to cure many gastrointestinal diseases. Its anti-inflammatory compounds serve as an excellent breeding ground for symbiotic bacteria that multiply in the gastrointestinal tract. Because of this, after a course of using aloe, metabolism improves significantly.
The leaves of the plant strengthen immunity, they are the source of nine exogenous amino acids and easily digestible protein. Aloe extract contains biogenic stimulants that increase the body's resistance to infections. Six recipes with aloe for shock vitamin therapy can be found by clicking on the link.
Aloe is also a real panacea for the skin. In this article you will find recipes for rejuvenating mask, acne remedies, wash lotion, refreshing cubes against inflammation, masks for winded skin, which include aloe.
Aloe copes with many dermatological problems, as the polysaccharides contained in it stimulate the processes of regeneration and protection of the skin. Allantoin, which is rich in the medicinal plant, stimulates cell renewal. It is used for burns, bruises, pressure sores, herpes, psoriasis. Cut along the aloe leaf is applied to unhealthy areas of the skin.
A mask of aloe leaves, honey, sesame oil and apple cider vinegar helps strengthen hair and get rid of dandruff. Gargling with an aqueous solution of aloe juice treats periodontal disease. And the means of academician Filatov, which includes this ingredient, restores vision.
It is amazing how many benefits a single plant can have. From Aloe vera benefits It's huge. If you do not already know how to raise a home doctor, read about it in our article. If you do not have the opportunity to care for indoor plants, you can always buy tincture, extract or aloe juice at the pharmacy.
Benefits of Aloe for the Body It is indisputable, but when using it, you must not forget about security measures. Possible overdose with internal use of concentrated juice. In this case, there will be unpleasant sensations in the stomach or diarrhea. The way out is to take a break in treatment for at least a day and change portions of the drugs used.
Not to say that aloe is one of the most beautiful houseplants, but definitely one of the most useful. Its woven leaves are used as valuable medicinal raw materials. The thick gel-like liquid contained inside them has many healing properties. The same can be said of his flesh.

We will analyze the composition of aloe. Its pulp contains more than one hundred active substances, including endogenous and exogenous amino acids and a number of enzymes, such as amylase, lipase, cellulose, oxidase, catalase. As well as a whole set of vitamins B6, B2, B1, PP and C.
Aloe is a rich natural source of beta-carotene, iron, germanium, chromium, copper, manganese, calcium, zinc, magnesium. In the plant are salicylic, linolenic, linoleic, stearic acid. No other plant has such a unique combination of ingredients.

In what cases is aloe used and how? Its thick juice is used to treat constipation and stimulate appetite. Mixed in small doses with water: one teaspoon per glass. Take fifteen minutes before meals.
Aloe helps to cure many gastrointestinal diseases. Its anti-inflammatory compounds serve as an excellent breeding ground for symbiotic bacteria that multiply in the gastrointestinal tract. Because of this, after a course of using aloe, metabolism improves significantly.

The leaves of the plant strengthen immunity, they are the source of nine exogenous amino acids and easily digestible protein. Aloe extract contains biogenic stimulants that increase the body's resistance to infections. Six recipes with aloe for shock vitamin therapy can be found by clicking on the link.

Aloe is also a real panacea for the skin. In this article you will find recipes for rejuvenating mask, acne remedies, wash lotion, refreshing cubes against inflammation, masks for winded skin, which include aloe.

Aloe copes with many dermatological problems, as the polysaccharides contained in it stimulate the processes of regeneration and protection of the skin. Allantoin, which is rich in the medicinal plant, stimulates cell renewal. It is used for burns, bruises, pressure sores, herpes, psoriasis. Cut along the aloe leaf is applied to unhealthy areas of the skin.

A mask of aloe leaves, honey, sesame oil and apple cider vinegar helps strengthen hair and get rid of dandruff. Gargling with an aqueous solution of aloe juice treats periodontal disease. And the means of academician Filatov, which includes this ingredient, restores vision.

It is amazing how many benefits a single plant can have. From Aloe vera benefits It's huge. If you do not already know how to raise a home doctor, read about it in our article. If you do not have the opportunity to care for indoor plants, you can always buy tincture, extract or aloe juice at the pharmacy.

Benefits of Aloe for the Body It is indisputable, but when using it, you must not forget about security measures. Possible overdose with internal use of concentrated juice. In this case, there will be unpleasant sensations in the stomach or diarrhea. The way out is to take a break in treatment for at least a day and change portions of the drugs used.