How to make a salad in the form of a pig
2019 is the year of the Yellow Earth Pig. In order not to anger the hostess of the year, astrologers do not recommend including in the festive menu pork. They say that luck and luck will not leave your house if you put a little pig in the center of the New Year’s table. And salads served in the form of a coming symbol will amplify the signals to the Universe with requests for a happy future.
Agree, cooking delicious dishes is half the work. But it is beautiful to give them to emphasize the festive mood - a whole art. Therefore, the wording “It's easy.I have the best ideas for you, How to make new year salads and other pig dishes. Be inspired and repeat for the New Year!
How to decorate dishes for the New Year
Eat food, but for 2019 to be successful, start with a clean slate: do 6 important things to do in 2018 by the end of December. Get everything in order for the beginning of your favorite holidays!
The favorites of the New Year's table have always been and will be "coat" and Olivier. They are cooked in every house, and what is the New Year without Olivier?It's easy.!" will always tell you how to prepare a gentle, beautiful and hearty Olivier salad. We hope you will find our advice useful!
Did you like the article? Click Share on Facebook to tell friends how to decorate Pig salad for the New Year.

Agree, cooking delicious dishes is half the work. But it is beautiful to give them to emphasize the festive mood - a whole art. Therefore, the wording “It's easy.I have the best ideas for you, How to make new year salads and other pig dishes. Be inspired and repeat for the New Year!

How to decorate dishes for the New Year
- Everyone’s favorite olive salad or any other salad, you can decorate with slices of boiled sausage and olives. Look what a mischievous pig it is! The dish is perfectly complemented by stars from carrots.
DepositPhotos - Another idea for decorating olives.
DepositPhotos - The ears and five of a pig can be made from toast.
DepositPhotos - What about funny piglets as a quick snack?
DepositPhotos - If, except for Olivier, you do not want to cook for the New Year, take this idea of decoration.
DepositPhotos - For those who are on a diet and on New Year's Eve is not going to overeat, you can prepare a light oatmeal or cottage cheese pudding with fresh strawberries. It looks amazing!
DepositPhotos - Meat cakes will definitely appeal to children!
DepositPhotos - On such a cutting board, you can beautifully serve meat and cheese cutting. The main thing is to find where such a board is sold.
DepositPhotos - The traditional pig It will decorate any festive table.
DepositPhotos - On the eve of the holiday, you can bake with the kids. new-year cookie. It looks, of course, not very, but for the idea and effort five plus.
DepositPhotos - Another option. pig-cake. You can cut such figures with a sharp knife using cardboard blanks. Draw the outline of a piglet on dense cardboard. Dip the cardboard in flour, apply it to the rolled dough and circle the edge with a knife, cutting out the cookies.
DepositPhotos - This idea is probably familiar to everyone. Admit it, did you eat pork eggs as a kid? If not, the New Year is a great opportunity to try them out.
DepositPhotos - Bake New Year’s ginger cookies can anyone. What if I turned it into a work of art? Such a set of gingerbread and give not a shame!
DepositPhotos - What do you think about making dessert really festive?
DepositPhotos - Holiday sandwiches.
DepositPhotos - That's a good idea. pig-cake New Year's Eve.
DepositPhotos - And again. pastry Like pigs. Very appetizing!
Eat food, but for 2019 to be successful, start with a clean slate: do 6 important things to do in 2018 by the end of December. Get everything in order for the beginning of your favorite holidays!
The favorites of the New Year's table have always been and will be "coat" and Olivier. They are cooked in every house, and what is the New Year without Olivier?It's easy.!" will always tell you how to prepare a gentle, beautiful and hearty Olivier salad. We hope you will find our advice useful!
Did you like the article? Click Share on Facebook to tell friends how to decorate Pig salad for the New Year.