First aid kit on the windowsill: 15 useful properties of aloe Vera for health and beauty
Many people use aloe (or agave), not only as houseplants. It has more than two hundred biologically active substances, each of which has certain properties and has its use. Aloe Vera contains vitamins a, E and C, vitamins of group B. the following is a list of the 15 most frequent applications of this wonder drug for beauty and health. The key is to use the lower large leaves of the plant, which is at least three years.
1. Dandruff and itching scalp
Take 2 tablespoons of aloe juice, 2 teaspoons of honey, a few drops of lemon juice and 1 teaspoon of castor oil. Warm up the mixture on a steam bath and stir it all up. Well RUB into hair and scalp. After 30-40 minutes, wash away with warm water and shampoo.
2. To improve the condition of skin after a sunburn
Aloe Vera helps to restore the affected area from sunburn. Also gives a cooling effect.
3. For the delicate skin of the feet
Foot massage cream with the addition of aloe juice will make the skin of the feet soft as a baby's.
4. Against acne
Wipe face aloe Vera juice and you will reduce the symptoms of acne.
5. For minor burns
For minor burns aloe Vera can help to quickly reduce pain and to remove the traces.
6. When injuries
Small bruises can be removed with the help of aloe. Applied to the injury site of the cut leaf of the plant. The process of resorption of the bruising and swelling will be faster.
7. Herpes
If you had herpes on the lip, the best means than the pulp of this plant you can find. Grab a piece of aloe. Put him in the freezer. Then cut the peel and apply as a compress to the affected area at least 15 minutes.
8. Psoriasis
Aloe alleviates psoriasis. Apply the pulp to the affected places.
9. For oral health
From diseases of the mouth and gums, rinse your mouth with a solution of aloe juice and water (ratio 1:1). Also aloe Vera juice helps with angina, pharyngitis and stomatitis.
10. Anti-wrinkle
To reduce wrinkles, mix aloe Vera juice and any vegetable oil. Apply the product on the skin texture.
11. For healthy and strong hair
Massage hair with aloe Vera gel stimulates their growth and strengthens the roots.
12. From insect bites
Break off the tip of the arrow-shaped leaf of aloe and put it on the bite juice. This will not only soothe the itching but will also help heal quicker.
13. Bloating and pain
Tea with half a teaspoon of aloe Vera juice will soothe the pain in the stomach and eliminates bloating.
14. To improve vision
To improve vision you can use the remedy of academician Filatov's aloe-based.
15. For fresh skin
Masks, which include this component, providing moisturizing effect. The skin looks more fresh and radiant. Now you don't need expensive creams and lotions.
If you have a plant like aloe Vera, then consider that you have a first aid kit. Yes, and keep it in the house troublesome. The aloe Vera plant is unpretentious, pluck the leaves in any season, the most useful properties are the dried leaves with a little tip.
Contraindications to the use of aloe juice: can not be taken in diseases of the kidneys, gastrointestinal tract, pregnancy, uterine bleeding. And also in diseases of the cardiovascular system, cancer and hemorrhoids.published
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! © Join us at Facebook , Vkontakte, Odnoklassniki
Source: budetezdorovy.ru/health/aptechka-na-podokonnike-15-poleznyx-svojstv-aloe-dlya-zdorovya-i-krasoty

1. Dandruff and itching scalp
Take 2 tablespoons of aloe juice, 2 teaspoons of honey, a few drops of lemon juice and 1 teaspoon of castor oil. Warm up the mixture on a steam bath and stir it all up. Well RUB into hair and scalp. After 30-40 minutes, wash away with warm water and shampoo.
2. To improve the condition of skin after a sunburn
Aloe Vera helps to restore the affected area from sunburn. Also gives a cooling effect.
3. For the delicate skin of the feet
Foot massage cream with the addition of aloe juice will make the skin of the feet soft as a baby's.
4. Against acne
Wipe face aloe Vera juice and you will reduce the symptoms of acne.
5. For minor burns
For minor burns aloe Vera can help to quickly reduce pain and to remove the traces.
6. When injuries
Small bruises can be removed with the help of aloe. Applied to the injury site of the cut leaf of the plant. The process of resorption of the bruising and swelling will be faster.
7. Herpes
If you had herpes on the lip, the best means than the pulp of this plant you can find. Grab a piece of aloe. Put him in the freezer. Then cut the peel and apply as a compress to the affected area at least 15 minutes.
8. Psoriasis
Aloe alleviates psoriasis. Apply the pulp to the affected places.
9. For oral health
From diseases of the mouth and gums, rinse your mouth with a solution of aloe juice and water (ratio 1:1). Also aloe Vera juice helps with angina, pharyngitis and stomatitis.
10. Anti-wrinkle
To reduce wrinkles, mix aloe Vera juice and any vegetable oil. Apply the product on the skin texture.
11. For healthy and strong hair
Massage hair with aloe Vera gel stimulates their growth and strengthens the roots.
12. From insect bites
Break off the tip of the arrow-shaped leaf of aloe and put it on the bite juice. This will not only soothe the itching but will also help heal quicker.
13. Bloating and pain
Tea with half a teaspoon of aloe Vera juice will soothe the pain in the stomach and eliminates bloating.
14. To improve vision
To improve vision you can use the remedy of academician Filatov's aloe-based.
15. For fresh skin
Masks, which include this component, providing moisturizing effect. The skin looks more fresh and radiant. Now you don't need expensive creams and lotions.
If you have a plant like aloe Vera, then consider that you have a first aid kit. Yes, and keep it in the house troublesome. The aloe Vera plant is unpretentious, pluck the leaves in any season, the most useful properties are the dried leaves with a little tip.
Contraindications to the use of aloe juice: can not be taken in diseases of the kidneys, gastrointestinal tract, pregnancy, uterine bleeding. And also in diseases of the cardiovascular system, cancer and hemorrhoids.published
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! © Join us at Facebook , Vkontakte, Odnoklassniki
Source: budetezdorovy.ru/health/aptechka-na-podokonnike-15-poleznyx-svojstv-aloe-dlya-zdorovya-i-krasoty
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