Doctors warn: “In diabetes mellitus of the first or second type is still not worth it...”
Undoubtedly, if you have diabetes, then apples are indispensable when dieting. It is a fruit that effectively lowers blood sugar. If you eat apples regularly, you can reduce the risk of heart disease, to which diabetics are more susceptible than healthy people.
The skin and flesh of apples is rich in vitamins A, E, PP, K, C, H and vitamins of group B. Apples have a lot of substances useful for the body of diabetics: iodine, phosphorus, potassium, calcium, zinc, fluoride, magnesium, sodium, iron.
Endocrinologists prohibit the use of apples in the form of juices, jams and jam for people suffering from diabetes. But baked apples in diabetes recognized as the most useful. With low heat treatment, the product fully retains its useful qualities.
Baked apples have a very appetizing aroma and amazing taste. The dish successfully replaces harmful treats such as chocolates, cakes, cookies and other dangerous sweets.
Delicious apples in the oven if you have type 2 diabetesIt is permissible to eat no more than 2 apples per day. For baking, it is better to choose green unsweetened varieties with thick skin, such as "granny Smith", "white filling" or "simirenko".
The ingredients
Thanks. pectin decreases the level of insulin in the blood, there is a rapid quenching of hunger and saturation of the body. Think of it! To remove all the toxic substances accumulated in the body during the day, you just need to eat 1 baked apple in the evening. If you do this every day, the effect will be noticeable after a week.
Benefits of apples for the body undeniable. It is necessary to eat apples with peel. This fragrant fruit helps diabetics stay in great shape and maintain good health. Therefore, in the diet of diabetics, apples should be present along with other plant products, but in a strictly defined amount.
You should also monitor your blood sugar levels after eating apples to know how they affect you personally.
Do you know how to reduce your sugar intake? What else would you like to know about foods that are useful for diabetes? Be sure to write a comment in the appropriate section and share this article on your page.
The skin and flesh of apples is rich in vitamins A, E, PP, K, C, H and vitamins of group B. Apples have a lot of substances useful for the body of diabetics: iodine, phosphorus, potassium, calcium, zinc, fluoride, magnesium, sodium, iron.

Endocrinologists prohibit the use of apples in the form of juices, jams and jam for people suffering from diabetes. But baked apples in diabetes recognized as the most useful. With low heat treatment, the product fully retains its useful qualities.

Baked apples have a very appetizing aroma and amazing taste. The dish successfully replaces harmful treats such as chocolates, cakes, cookies and other dangerous sweets.

Delicious apples in the oven if you have type 2 diabetesIt is permissible to eat no more than 2 apples per day. For baking, it is better to choose green unsweetened varieties with thick skin, such as "granny Smith", "white filling" or "simirenko".
The ingredients
- 2 small apples
- 150g lean cottage cheese
- 1 egg
- 1 tbsp dried
- 1 tbsp crushed walnuts
- 0.5 tsp cinnamon
- 0.5 tsp stevia

- Wash the apples and remove the middle of them with a spoon or knife.
- Prepare the filling: cottage cheese mixed with egg, nuts, apricots, cinnamon and stevia. Place the mixture in the refrigerator for 30 minutes.
- In the dishes where the apples will be baked, pour some water.
- Fill the prepared apples with cold filling and put them in the heated oven.
- Bake 20-30 minutes at a temperature of 200 ° C.
- Before serving, decorate the apples with any fresh berries and mint leaf. Bon appetit!
Thanks. pectin decreases the level of insulin in the blood, there is a rapid quenching of hunger and saturation of the body. Think of it! To remove all the toxic substances accumulated in the body during the day, you just need to eat 1 baked apple in the evening. If you do this every day, the effect will be noticeable after a week.

Benefits of apples for the body undeniable. It is necessary to eat apples with peel. This fragrant fruit helps diabetics stay in great shape and maintain good health. Therefore, in the diet of diabetics, apples should be present along with other plant products, but in a strictly defined amount.

You should also monitor your blood sugar levels after eating apples to know how they affect you personally.
Do you know how to reduce your sugar intake? What else would you like to know about foods that are useful for diabetes? Be sure to write a comment in the appropriate section and share this article on your page.
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