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Overweight and sometim person

This article of doctor of medical Sciences Sablina S. A. (Russia) on the influence of the endocrine glands of the body to the metabolic rate (metabolism). The author gives advice on nutrition, rules and approximate the diet of each sametype person.


The definition of sometype person being carried by a dominant glands of internal secretion:


  • The thyroid gland
  • The pituitary gland
  • The adrenal glands
  • The ovaries (in women)

Each of the glands produces certain hormones that affect the metabolism type, appearance, character, behavioral characteristics.

Features of human body genetically predetermined. Reference skeletal-muscle structure and the relationship between different parts of the body are strictly individual. Growth and body weight are not decisive for the shape type.

Sometim human caused the dominant feature of one of the endocrine glands that produce hormones, which determine the constitutional structure of the figures, the places of greatest accumulation of fat on the body, food tastes, level of activity, the behavior of some traits.


Sometim, depending on the dominant gland


Thyroid (thyroid somati)


People thyroid the type of marked instability in the set of weight: they can eat as many and not recover a single gram. At the same time, due to the tendency to exudation they can in one night suddenly gain weight who do not find an explanation.

For this somatype characterized by rapid change of the emotional status: the energy in a few minutes may be replaced by apathy.

In women, this type has a slender figure with a thin waist, fairly broad shoulders and rounded, but not full, thighs. Chest high with age increases in volume.

Men thyroid of Somalia usually broad-shouldered, with narrow hips and thighs, small buttocks. Their limbs are proportional and slim.

When people thyroid type is fully developed, his body almost perfectly.



Thyroid sometime peculiar cheerfulness. People thyroid type is generally characterized by bursts of energy followed by fatigue. They need a long rest after exertion. Overexertion can lead to sudden weight changes.

Not too good habits like charging for coffee and sweets, Smoking, relaxation by 2-3 alcoholic drinks.


Features weight:

Losing weight and getting fatter randomly. Can eat a lot without gaining weight or per gram, and may suddenly discover those extra pounds. While excess body fat is located in the lower abdomen and thighs, while the upper part remains thin.



They should equally throughout the day to distribute daily caloric. People belonging to this sametype, you can safely eat after 19:00. Important to choose healthy foods.

Interval between meals is 4 h.

You are pure carnivore. Eating protein at every meal, you stimulate the activities of adrenal glands and a few slow down the rate of metabolic processes.


The advantage of people with thyroid view is that they are less at risk of obesity and high cholesterol. However, they quickly tired, prone to stress and frequent mood swings. This is due to the dominant influence of the thyroid gland, so that exchange processes occur very quickly, and entering the body calories are immediately converted into energy.

People have this somatype often marked by negative habits – the common desire of self-stimulation by means of alcohol, caffeine, refined carbohydrates and cigarettes. It overloads the already hyperactive thyroid gland and leads to violations in its activities, which further can cause obesity.

If you have developed excess weight, you need to follow the diet for thyroid type, in which the daily caloric content divided equally between Breakfast, lunch and dinner. Simple nutritious meals will regulate the activity of the thyroid gland.

With each meal you should consume a small amount of protein to stimulate the activity of the adrenal glands and to slow down the rate of metabolic processes.

The menu should include cereals, grains and legumes to maintain optimum level of blood glucose, affects frequent mood swings and a penchant for sweets. Very useful dairy products, and fresh fruit.



You can't skip Breakfast and drink coffee in the morning, otherwise the day, people will always feel the need for stimulants.

Preferred food:

  • fresh vegetables,
  • eggs,
  • lean meats, poultry,
  • fish
  • herbal teas.

Eat moderately:

  • red meat
  • cheese,
  • yogurt,
  • grains,
  • fruit,
  • vegetable oil.

Use rarely:

  • refined starch,
  • sugar,
  • pasta,
  • coffee
  • tea
  • sweets.

The adrenal glands (adrenaline or Android somati)


People that sometime the most efficient. They need less sleep than others. They are friendly, sociable and enjoy the love of others.

At the same time, they are arrogance, stubbornness, consistency and perseverance.

They are always leaders. Love to play sports.

People adrenaline type are very efficient digestive system. Hormones produced by the adrenal glands, stimulate the appetite, increase blood pressure.

The ideal woman of this type has a large, rounded chest, flat butt, strong legs, badly pronounced waist. A woman can face the problem of excess body hair growth of the face and body and acne as a result of the increased activity of male hormones.

Men adrenaline of Somalia courageous and energetic, with a narrow waist, rounded buttocks muscles relief.



People that somatype most leaders, they are vigorous and hardy. So they think that they can bear anything. In order to feel awake and strong, require very little sleep.

On appetite never complain, I love meat and senou food.

Sociable, warm, friendly and consistent. Often bossy, stubborn, know how to insist on.

Male hormones give women this type a powerful charge of energy and vigor. While the revaluation of its forces and stress can lead to serious disruption.


Features weight:

Increased appetite leads to overeating. People that Somalia particularly fond of cold food and salty food. Which leads to obesity. As a result, they often suffer from hypertension and diabetes, besides a good appetite and has "great implications" — a stable excess weight.

When fattening, fat located in the upper part of the body over the pelvis. The result is thickened neck, chest, waist and tummy is obesity the type of "Apple." The most vulnerable part of the body – the front wall of the peritoneum. Despite this, the hips and legs remain slender and muscular. However, if the weight continues to increase, body fat can come down to the hips in the form of a rim. The chest can be small, medium and large, but in obesity it becomes huge due to the accumulation of body fat.


You must be prevegetation.

Dinner after 19:00 is absolutely contraindicated – otherwise, the waist will lose its shape. To cope with the increased appetite, you must eat little and often throughout the day. The interval between meals for 5 hours.



Diet for people adrenaline of Somalia should include plenty of fresh fruits, vegetables and grains.

Sources of protein in the diet needs to be different varieties of legumes, nuts, seeds, fish, low-fat dairy products.

In the weekly diet can include chicken (without the skin) and sometimes a small amount of lean dark meat.

When compiling a sample menu it is necessary to consider that obesity may be associated with diabetes, cardiovascular disease, hypertension and high cholesterol levels.




Preferred products:

  • fresh vegetables,
  • fruit,
  • grains,
  • legumes,
  • dairy products,
  • nuts,
  • herbal tea of parsley.

Eat moderately:

  • game
  • bird
  • fat
  • bread.

Use rarely:

  • lean dark meat,
  • sausage,
  • sausage.

The pituitary gland (pituitary or lymph somati)


People pituitary Somalia have a highly developed intellect and a vivid imagination. They are artistic and attractive. Their appearance gives the impression of a nursery, with a large head and weak body.

People of this type must focus on your physical development, in case of success they can achieve the perfect type.

Women of this type can be well folded. My Breasts are small, almost childlike. The skin is smooth, hair thin.

In men, the pituitary type, flexible, slim body, graceful hands and feet. They are characterized by youthfulness.

The nature of people of this type are resilient and lightweight.


Features weight:

People that sometime have a weak digestive system and low metabolism. They don't like playing sports, fatigue and stress begin to overeat, people often eat even at night, so tend to be overweight.

Their body is almost unchanged from childhood, except that they gain weight through the arms, back, chest. Abdomen rounded, protruding.

Immune system is weaker than other somatypes, so people pituitary more susceptible to colds and allergic diseases.


Dinner should be very light – fruit, vegetables, grains, low protein.

The most favorable time for a meal – the first half of the day.

Dinner after 19:00 should be abandoned, but if circumstances compel, it is better to use seafood or poultry.

The interval between meals for 5 hours.



People pituitary types have the tendency to gain weight.

From-for congestion of the lymphatic system, the body gets tired quickly, produce a lot of mucus and is subject to frequent inflammations of the lymphatic glands.

The following diet is designed to stimulate a sluggish metabolism and blood circulation, as well as favorably influence the activity of the liver and kidneys, which in turn will improve the detoxifying functions of the body.

In addition, this diet helps to remove unnecessary tension from lymphatic system.

The most favorable time for taking food in the morning and your pre-lunch time, when the rate of metabolic processes in the body maximum. Thus, the bulk of calories should come from Breakfast.

In developed sample menu is chosen dishes that are rich in protein and carbohydrates, which contribute to maintain an optimal level of blood glucose in the afternoon.

To enhance the digestive process the diet should include more fresh vegetables, salads, fruits.

The most difficult period starts after lunch, when people are a little tired. At this time, he may feel a false hunger, to break a diet.

From the menu to exclude dairy products (occasionally allowed small amounts of cheese and skim milk). This will help stop unwanted processes in the body and will give impetus to the normalization of the functioning of the system of glands of internal secretion.

The menu should be fruits and vegetables.

Recommended a variety of juices that are beneficial to the liver and kidneys and, in addition, contribute to the prevention of cellulite.

Evening food should be light, as the metabolic processes in the body at this time of day are slow.




Preferred products:

  • fresh vegetables and fruits,
  • grains,
  • legumes,
  • meat
  • chicken without the skin,
  • Turkey
  • fish
  • eggs.

Eat moderately:

  • bird
  • vegetable oil,
  • coffee
  • tea.

Use rarely:

  • dairy products,
  • dark meat,
  • fats,
  • pickles,
  • sweets.

The ovaries (hormonal or gynecolgy somati)


Women hormone Somalia differ from women of all other types and are easily recognizable by the structure of the buttocks. If they gain weight, it is always in the lower part of the body.

Belong to this type can only woman, and all because leading ductless gland is the ovaries.

This feminine, slightly heteropodinae figure with wide hips, curvy buttocks. Slender legs and a rounded belly. Rounded buttocks, thighs noticeable are issued and can touch each other the inner surfaces. Ass usually droops a little. A narrow waist creates a feminine line. Breasts may be small, may be large. The shoulders are usually narrow or medium. The pelvis is usually wide – such women do not have problems with childbirth.

95-70-105 — typical size genecode women.

Sustainable metabolism provides large reserves of energy, including sexual.



Usually these women are more balanced and resilient than the representatives of other types.


Features weight:

Fat jump lower body. Fat is stored primarily in the hips, buttocks, chest, and then in the lower part of the abdomen at the level of the pubic bone.

Unfortunately, this kind of fatty tissue, it is often bumpy and lumpy, leading to a persistent effect of cellulite.

For women of this type very difficult to start losing excess weight. But once you enter the mode – will add optimism. The process will become sustainable. To keep the arrow weights on the right the figure will be easy.

They prefer not to eat in the morning, a little nibble a day, but to eat heartily at night, preferably with wine, dessert, tea.


This somatid requires almost pure vegetarianism.

The peculiarity of the diet is that the food falls on the evening time, when the effectiveness of the body's metabolism is the highest.

Women of this type can safely eat after 19:00, the main thing – not to overeat.

The interval between meals for 5 hours.



Studies show that people ginecologo type often tend to skip Breakfast or settle for tea and a sandwich. Usually they explain this by saying that if you start the morning with a hearty meal, then can not stop and will overeat all day.

While a light Breakfast or no lunch and a small allow you to feel at ease throughout the day and keep your diet under control.

Thus, during the day they eat very little, but you give yourself complete freedom. Some get up to 1,000 excess calories with dinner.

Not surprisingly, they sleep badly and Wake up in the morning completely overwhelmed.

They often suffer from constipation, caused by eating before bedtime and lack of fiber that help to digest food.

People suffering from overweight, you can not skip Breakfast because the first dangerous period of the day (in the sense of desire to eat) is late morning. In the absence of Breakfast, blood sugar levels will remain low. The person feels overwhelmed and lethargic.

The second dangerous period is the night when the person is often in search of something edible.

A specially designed menu with a focus on dinner will bring the saturation and nighttime hunger will not torment.




Preferred products:

  • fresh vegetables and fruits,
  • nonfat yogurt,
  • yogurt,
  • grains,
  • infusion of red clover.

Eat moderately:

  • bird
  • fish
  • skim milk,
  • cheese
  • vegetable oil,
  • coffee
  • tea
  • sweets.

Use rarely:

  • red meat
  • spices
  • sour cream,
  • ice cream,
  • oil
  • fatty desserts.

Also interesting: Which of the four fitness Your archetypes?

Hidden fat — the invisible threat




The human body is a very inert system and therefore needs time to ensure that no harm to change the metabolic processes going in the wrong direction, to deploy them in the right direction to reduce weight and optimize your metabolism.

Therefore, the patient should be ready that the first time (2-3 weeks) apparently nothing happens.

We need a system of correction of metabolism, which will allow you to choose the products according to the hormonal profile and which will restore the balance of metabolic processes in the body, so I don't have to starve and severely limit yourself in everything.

It is sufficient to adjust the diet program and you will always feel energetic and happy, and your figure will become slimmer and slimmer.published


Author: Anastasia S. A., doctor of medical Sciences


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Source: becoral.eu/izbytochnyj-ves-i-somatip-cheloveka/