How to take cinnamon for diabetes
Spices make food tastier and healthier, they give them a special flavor. Some of them help to treat diseases and to prevent them one of these spices – cinnamon. Doctors recommend the use of its patients diagnosed with diabetes, it effectively reduces sugar levels and helps to keep it normal.
Cinnamon for diabetes: use, how to take?
Use spices for patients with high blood sugar levels is the subject of discussion here is not the first year. Some studies show that the spice reduces the level of sugar. But with only one condition: only if you combine the intake of spices with a balanced diet. If you'll only hope on cinnamon and cease to follow the diet, it will not give any result, so you should not have any illusions about this.
Studies have been conducted, in which took part two groups of diabetics. Members of one group did not use spice, representatives of the second added it to the daily diet of ½ tsp Diet of both groups was the same. The results showed that the group that consumed cinnamon, has a lower sugar level.
Don't need to eat cinnamon by the spoonfuls, enough 2-6 grams of ground cinnamon per day, divide this amount into 2-3 doses. You can add it to drinks and meals on request. We suggest to cook cinnamon sticks, so you can be sure in its quality. Alas, more and more manufacturers produce poor quality cinnamon powder in which almost no nutrients.
The benefits of cinnamon for diabetes:
Recipes using cinnamon for diabetes:
Not everyone can use cinnamon to reduce blood sugar levels. Doctors advise to avoid the spice for those who have allergic ulcer or gastritis, liver disease.
If you are taking any supplements, lowering blood sugar, be sure to consult your doctor before using cinnamon.
When compliance with diet and active lifestyle cinnamon really helps to prevent surges of sugar. But eating after taking did you notice deterioration in health, suggest to abandon its further use.
The article is for informational purposes only and is not a call to self. published
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
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Source: delafe.ru/page/korica-pri-saharnom-diabete-kak-pravilno-prinimat
Cinnamon for diabetes: use, how to take?

Use spices for patients with high blood sugar levels is the subject of discussion here is not the first year. Some studies show that the spice reduces the level of sugar. But with only one condition: only if you combine the intake of spices with a balanced diet. If you'll only hope on cinnamon and cease to follow the diet, it will not give any result, so you should not have any illusions about this.
Studies have been conducted, in which took part two groups of diabetics. Members of one group did not use spice, representatives of the second added it to the daily diet of ½ tsp Diet of both groups was the same. The results showed that the group that consumed cinnamon, has a lower sugar level.
Don't need to eat cinnamon by the spoonfuls, enough 2-6 grams of ground cinnamon per day, divide this amount into 2-3 doses. You can add it to drinks and meals on request. We suggest to cook cinnamon sticks, so you can be sure in its quality. Alas, more and more manufacturers produce poor quality cinnamon powder in which almost no nutrients.
The benefits of cinnamon for diabetes:
- Activates enzymes that stimulate the receptors in cells so that they begin to respond to insulin more efficiently. It helps to process glucose in the blood and, if necessary, to adjust its quantity.
- In the composition, cinnamon has polyphenols that act as powerful antioxidants. These polyphenols prevent the harmful effects of free radicals on the body.
- Spice also lowers cholesterol, which also affects the condition of the patient. Besides, cinnamon can protect you from cardiovascular diseases, prevents obesity.
Recipes using cinnamon for diabetes:
- With cocoa, this drink contains the maximum amount of nutrients. For its preparation you need to mix ¼ tsp. of cinnamon and 1 tsp cocoa powder in a glass of hot water (not boiling water). SIP the drink between meals, repeat 2-3 times a day.
- Yogurt – stir in a glass of buttermilk ½ tsp of cinnamon and the same quantity of ground ginger, you can add other spices. Enough to drink 2 cups of this drink a day.
- Add to dishes: it is not necessary to prepare cinnamon and a therapeutic mixture or drinks. Spice will bring no less profit, if you add it to the dish. But note that in the processing of high temperature it loses much of useful properties. Besides, add it to the dish just before eating, as in the interaction with food and oxygen and nutrients becomes less. Daily dose is 1/2 tsp – 1 tsp of ground cinnamon per day.

Not everyone can use cinnamon to reduce blood sugar levels. Doctors advise to avoid the spice for those who have allergic ulcer or gastritis, liver disease.
If you are taking any supplements, lowering blood sugar, be sure to consult your doctor before using cinnamon.
When compliance with diet and active lifestyle cinnamon really helps to prevent surges of sugar. But eating after taking did you notice deterioration in health, suggest to abandon its further use.
The article is for informational purposes only and is not a call to self. published
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
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Source: delafe.ru/page/korica-pri-saharnom-diabete-kak-pravilno-prinimat