After 12 days, the cardiologist cancelled the treatment: too strong effect, be careful!
Of all the spices that you have in the kitchen, cinnamon is not only the most fragrant and alluring, but also useful. A pinch of this spice to your coffee or dessert in addition to improving the taste, has a positive effect on human health. Modern research has proven that cinnamon should add to your diet, especially if you want to improve the cardiovascular system.
The editors of "Site" will gladly tell you about all the beneficial properties of cinnamon. It's just a treasure for your health!
Cinnamon is for the body
This is so useful properties of cinnamon. A large part of the cinnamon sold in supermarkets is Cassia. This plant is the closest relative of true cinnamon, but it is Chinese cinnamon. Cassia bark and cinnamon is different in appearance and chemical composition. It is important to know if you're going to use cinnamon to treat.
We wish you health! Don't forget to share tips with your friends.
The author
Oksana Dudnik Loves painting, ready to admire the pictures all the time! Oksana knows a lot about perfumes, well versed in fashion trends and will give odds to many well-known beauty bloggers. Her love of sport supported by sports category in sailing! Xenia prefers meat dishes, can not imagine a day without them. Favorite book charming girls — "the Emperor" Niccolo Machiavelli.

The editors of "Site" will gladly tell you about all the beneficial properties of cinnamon. It's just a treasure for your health!
Cinnamon is for the body
- From diseases of the cardiovascular system
Daily consumption of pinches of cinnamon has a positive effect on the heart and blood circulation. Cinnamon removes cholesterol, strengthens the walls of blood vessels and the heart, prevents the risk of heart attack and stroke, normalize blood pressure in hypertensive patients.
- For weight loss
It is the ability to inhibit the process of formation of excess glucose puts cinnamon in the first row of spices that promote weight loss. Therefore, if love to eat sweet pies, posipal pastry liberally with cinnamon. Cinnamon is also, according to medical research, actively promotes the breakdown of fats in the digestive system. And this is exactly what you need to accelerate metabolism.
- Diabetes
Because cinnamon bark is known as a means of controlling blood sugar level, people who have diabetes, we recommend adding a quarter teaspoon of ground cinnamon per meal. This spice can help regulate blood sugar levels. It is known that people with this diagnosis are more prone to cardiovascular diseases that this spice helps to prevent.
- Antiseptic
Cinnamon bark has useful antiseptic properties, kills fungi and bacteria that contribute to dental caries. That is why this spice is included with so many toothpastes, mouthwashes for the mouth and freshener. The German doctors confirmed that their studies of the antifungal effect of cinnamon and its effectiveness for vaginal fungus and candidiasis of the urinary tract. In this situation, you can do douching with an infusion of cinnamon and eat tea with her. - For colds and flu
Helps warming tea with cinnamon. In half a liter of boiling water add the cinnamon stick and insist 10-15 minutes, you can optionally add honey, but in a little cold tea. You can also add a slice of orange peel. Tea is warming and delicious. You can also drink milk with cinnamon. In a glass of milk add 1/3 of a teaspoon of ground cinnamon and one tablespoon of honey. Honey added to boiled milk, no warmer than 60 degrees.
This is so useful properties of cinnamon. A large part of the cinnamon sold in supermarkets is Cassia. This plant is the closest relative of true cinnamon, but it is Chinese cinnamon. Cassia bark and cinnamon is different in appearance and chemical composition. It is important to know if you're going to use cinnamon to treat.
We wish you health! Don't forget to share tips with your friends.
The author

Oksana Dudnik Loves painting, ready to admire the pictures all the time! Oksana knows a lot about perfumes, well versed in fashion trends and will give odds to many well-known beauty bloggers. Her love of sport supported by sports category in sailing! Xenia prefers meat dishes, can not imagine a day without them. Favorite book charming girls — "the Emperor" Niccolo Machiavelli.
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