That's why my kitchen always has a pack of disposable shower caps!
How useful was the usual shower-cap! Recently, my friend, who works as a hairdresser, brought a couple of packages of simple polyethylene caps. You can make hair masks with castor oil, and in principle a useful thing, she assured. Having decided to find out what to do with an unexpected gift, I discovered something new.
For example, famous masters of culinary art use shower caps instead of a pastry syringe! You just need to fill the hat with cream, tie a rubber band, cut off the corner, and you can get down to business. It is amazing how creative some of us are, dear readers.
I hope you will be fascinated by these strange, but still useful ways to use transparent disposable caps!
Disposable hats Non-standard methods of application
Put washed young potatoes in the shower cap, pour large table salt, mix thoroughly. As a result, the peel from the potatoes is cleaned without much effort! Also, through a plastic cap you can beat the meat: it will not be damaged, everything will be perfect.
If you like these simple tricks, show them to others! And don’t forget to share with us your own original ideas for the use of ordinary things.
Author of article
Since childhood, Alexandra Kilimchuk is interested in medicine, grew up in a family of doctors. He is able to prepare a chic breakfast literally from nothing, is not afraid to experiment in the kitchen: he prepares pies without flour, low-calorie mayonnaise, healthy sweets. He never gives up and believes that people are created to help each other. In all her household affairs, Sasha's son is an assistant. Alexandra’s favorite book is The Art of Loving by E. Fromm.
For example, famous masters of culinary art use shower caps instead of a pastry syringe! You just need to fill the hat with cream, tie a rubber band, cut off the corner, and you can get down to business. It is amazing how creative some of us are, dear readers.
I hope you will be fascinated by these strange, but still useful ways to use transparent disposable caps!

Disposable hats Non-standard methods of application
- I love using a tablet or phone instead of a recipe book. To keep the screen clean. Spray, you can protect it with a transparent cap.
- After cleaning, it is better to remove the brush or broom in such an improvised case. Dust and dirt will not spread throughout the house.
- What a stylish striped hat! A great solution if you have appliances with open bowls. Nothing will get dirty if you use plastic protection!
- Food tank! Why not? Conveniently...
- That's right. bag!
- Plenty moisten the mixer or shower nozzle with vinegar and wrap them with a cap, fasten it. You'll be surprised how brilliant they'll be in a couple of hours!
- As few germs as possible on different remotes versatile - a rubber cap!
- How original and stylish. decoration! All you need is plastic hats of different colors and a drop of imagination.
- Homemade hair masks are very easy to make! In addition, if you do not have the strength to wash your hair before going to bed, and the hair is not too clean, you can put on a hat and protect the pillow from contamination.
9860330 - On the picnic often come guests who were not called: ants and other animals. A shower cap is convenient to use as protection from their invasion!
- During the rain, you can cover the bicycle seat with a plastic cap!
510980 - Wearing a hat on the lower part of the flower pot, you will be sure that moisture will remain in the ground and nothing superfluous will be spilled. Of course, after a while, you need to remove it so that the plant is comfortable.
- Waterproof case For shooting in bad weather you can do it yourself! Fix a plastic transparent cap on the camera behind and collect its neck around the lens, pressing tightly to the lens with a rubber band. Push the rest of the polyethylene back and press it with another tight gum. The waterproof case is ready!
- Plastic cap Replace food film if you need to cover a plate with leftover food and put in the refrigerator.
- Excellent replacement for different containers! Nothing is dusty inside.
Put washed young potatoes in the shower cap, pour large table salt, mix thoroughly. As a result, the peel from the potatoes is cleaned without much effort! Also, through a plastic cap you can beat the meat: it will not be damaged, everything will be perfect.
If you like these simple tricks, show them to others! And don’t forget to share with us your own original ideas for the use of ordinary things.
Author of article

Since childhood, Alexandra Kilimchuk is interested in medicine, grew up in a family of doctors. He is able to prepare a chic breakfast literally from nothing, is not afraid to experiment in the kitchen: he prepares pies without flour, low-calorie mayonnaise, healthy sweets. He never gives up and believes that people are created to help each other. In all her household affairs, Sasha's son is an assistant. Alexandra’s favorite book is The Art of Loving by E. Fromm.
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