How to properly take care of your hair

Has your hair become lifeless and brittle? Do not rush to blame the new shampoo or styling products. Most often, hair problems arise because we care for them incorrectly. Even one small mistake can make hair brittle and cause it to fall out.


Therefore, the editorial board "Site" Today he will tell you how not to care for your hair and what mistakes we make almost every day. Revealing a secret healthy!

Our hair is quite fragile and fastidious, so it requires proper care. And it is not that you need to go and buy expensive professional products, it is much more important to properly wash, dry and lay your hair. Let's see if you're doing the right thing in your day-to-day care.

10 Mistakes in Hair Care
  1. Do not comb your hair before washing
    There may be tangled nodules in the hair, and if you do not comb before washing, then these nodules will get wet and tangle even more. Accordingly, after washing, when you try to comb, you will have to pull out the hair along with these nodules. Therefore, combing before washing is mandatory.
  2. Do not foam shampoo before applying to your hair
    It's important to know. how to properly wash your hairAlthough it seems that there can be no mistakes here. Turns out they can. Rubbing shampoo on your hair damages it. From friction, the scales protrude, because of which the hair then becomes tangled and breaks. Before applying shampoo it should be foamed in the hands. This will make washing more delicate.

  3. Apply shampoo to the front of the head
    The hair in different parts of the head has a different structure. In the back of the head, they are stronger, so you need to apply shampoo exactly there, and then distribute throughout the head.
  4. Do not rinse your hair with cold water
    When we rinse our hair with cold water, the scales close and the hair becomes smooth. In addition, there is stimulation of blood vessels that feed the hair follicles. This will make your hair grow better.


  5. Rub your hair too hard with a towel.
    You can wipe your hair, but you need to do it very carefully so as not to injure them. Actively rubbing the head, you harm the scales, which can make the hair brittle. So it is better to gently squeeze the curls with your hands, get wet with a towel and leave it on your head for no more than 15 minutes.
  6. Use maximum hair dryer power
    We know that drying hair dryers harm hair, but the damage can be reduced if done correctly. It is important to forget about the maximum power of the dryer. Yes, with it, the hair will dry faster, but it will become more tangled and injured. In addition, do not forget to keep the hair dryer at a distance of 15-10 cm from the hair, as well as alternate cold and hot air.


  7. Combing wet hair
    Many people dry their hair and comb it. But this is bad for the hair, because it gets tangled, broken and damaged. If it is necessary for laying, then, of course, it is possible, but in such cases it is better to use a comb with a wide distance between the teeth.
  8. Apply a tool for laying on warm hair
    You can not apply foam or varnish on hair just dried with hot air. The product penetrates deep into the hair and spoils it. It is necessary that the curls cool a little (you can cool them with a hairdryer). That way you prevent unnecessary injury.

  9. combing hair from the roots
    No, you can't scratch from top to tip. So you pull out more hair. You need to start at the tips, untangle the knots, and climb to the roots.
  10. Rarely brush
    Hair can and should be brushed several times a day. The best option is 2-3 times for 3 minutes in different directions. There is hardly time for this in the morning, so do it at least in the evening. First, comb them from the tips to the roots, then in the opposite direction. Then throw the hair in front and comb from the back of the head down. This hair will grow better.


Here are some simple tips that are not difficult to follow. Take this approach as a rule, and you will soon see how the hair is transformed. And do not forget about home masks that will strengthen and saturate the hair.

How do you look after your hair? Perhaps you have special recipes for hair strengthening? Share with us in the comments!


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