15 mistakes that should be avoided in order to preserve the health of the hair

Beauty consists of many things. But, perhaps, well-groomed and healthy hair occupy a leading position in this ranking.
We are in the Adme.ru have tried to figure out what errors are on the way to the dream of every woman.
Error number 1. Wrong choice of shampoo

In hair care it is very important to correctly select the shampoo. Hair style plays a major role when buying shampoo, or incorrectly selected product can only worsen the situation.
error number 2. Too frequent / rare shampooing

The frequency of shampooing should be individualized, taking into account the type of hair and water quality. If you have greasy hair type, it is better to wash your hair every 1-2 days.
Error number 3. Incorrect application of shampoo

Before you start to wash my hair, the hair must be combed. The amount of shampoo is fundamentally dependent on the length of hair. Excessive amount of shampoo is not necessary. Empirically determine your rate.
When applying shampoo must first lather shampoo in your hands and then apply it on the hair roots. Movement should be massaged and carried fingertips, but in any case, not nails, so as not to scratch the skin. During shampooing is recommended to do massage, it is useful to hair roots.
Error number 4. Forget about the hair moisture and nutrition

Hair very quickly lose moisture so you need to use the balm and hair mask, suitable for your hair type. Balsam applied to the hair after shampoo washed or simultaneously with shampoo. The balm should be applied over the entire length of hair, but not rubbed into the scalp.
| As for the mask, then it is important to know when to stop and apply the maximum weekly
error number 5. Improper water temperature

Many people make the blunder and wash head too hot water, which leaches hair and activates the sebaceous glands. Ideally, the head should be washed with warm or lukewarm water. Such temperature conditions conducive to good dissolution of sebum, easy removal of dirt and improves blood circulation.
Completing the washing procedure is desirable to cool or cold shower, which stimulates blood flow to the hair roots and makes the hair shiny.
Error number 6. dry the hair with a towel

Once washed hair, carefully blotted with a towel from the roots to the tips. Use towels for drying your hair turban is not necessary - you can damage the hair follicle. If you want to dry your hair as quickly as possible, it is better in a similar manner using a simple cotton t-shirt.
Error number 7. The frequent and aggressive combing

With this error, hair may become brittle or rastyanutsya.Posle shampooing do not comb the hair immediately. Wet strands need a little dry and neatly divide his fingers. You can then use a comb with a few teeth ... Otherwise, the hair may become brittle or stretch.
Combing hair should be starting with the tips, gradually rising up to the roots.
Error number 8. Frequent use of styling products

Hair dryer, hair iron, and other similar devices evaporated liquid from the hair, and as a result become brittle and suhimi.Esli your hair needs constant use etiih instruments - applied to the hair thermal protection spray on all length of hair. Vaporized during installation, they will protect the hair from dryness and brittleness.
Error number 9. Incorrect use of the hairdryer

To start with wet hair should be wet towel. Then the hair when blow drying nozzle guide we use - it must be positioned at an acute angle to the hair to dry and in the direction from the roots to the ends. This drying method helps to "close" the flakes.
At the beginning of the process, when the hair is still wet, we can turn the dryer on the maximum temperature in order to accelerate the process, but at least we have gradually drying to lower the temperature so as not to dry up hair. To do this, choose the hair dryer with several drying rezhimami.Zavershaem cold air.
Error number 10. Malnutrition

Unbalanced diet, improper diet leads to the fact that the body can not replenish stocks of vitamins and minerals, and they are essential for the beauty and health of hair. Protein of animal origin food necessary for our hair.
An important role zinc plays and hair. To fill his turn in the egg menu, seafood, cabbage, cauliflower, oatmeal, avocado, prunes. Also do not forget about the need for iron and calcium. They are found in legumes, fish, poultry, liver, wheat, buckwheat, nuts.
Error number 11. Do not watch your health
Sometimes the loss of hair or a sharp deterioration in the condition may indicate the presence of any disease (problems with the gastrointestinal tract, thyroid, hormonal disruptions, stress, diabetes). The fact that the hair are supplied in the last turn, so that the problems with them - an obvious reason to see a specialist, trichologist
error number 12. Forget about hats

Cap or hat to protect hair from the sun, warm hat - from frost, and a special cap for the sauna - from the harmful effects of hot para.Vazhno to headdress did not bring discomfort and peredavlival hair
error number 13. rare. my comb

Combs should be washed under running warm water at least 1 time per week. It is also necessary to timely replace the old with new comb.
Error number 14. Rarely straighten hair

Hair need to trim at least once in two months. Mainly for trimming a split hair ends, thereby block the way of the further splitting of hair.
Error number 15. We sleep with her hair

Owners of medium and long hair at night is best to braid them into a pigtail. The result - your hair will not be tangled and fluffy in the morning. You are much faster introduce myself up.
Preview: Illustrator Maria Bezrukova
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