23 damn cool way to use an old picture frame

fallen into disrepair, and you are planning to get rid of it? Do not rush. It is possible that this object can still be used, and thus save on the purchase of other necessary things.
< Website has found for you 23 ways to transform the unnecessary frame into useful accessories and home decorations.
frame for a mirror

The most obvious way of "recycling" old picture frame - is to use it to frame the mirror.

From mid-size frame can be pretty tray for small items or fruit.

< br> A bit unexpected use of old frames, is not it? Detailed instructions are here.
Terrarium for plants

Being in a terrarium, plants require less attention. It is a good idea for those who do not have time for a full care of the home garden.
Needle bed

From small frames will go great needle bed. To learn how to make them, please click here.
Live painting

Because the frame can be made for the holder of a vase or even the real vivid picture of succulent plants.

< br> The original way to store jewelery - all at your fingertips, but at the same time serves as an interior decoration. How to turn a frame into the display, described here and here.
Coffee table

Old frame can be used to create a coffee table. Here are the steps.
Message Board

This board is very convenient if you often have to leave notes for family members. Instructions can be found here and here.
Organizer for desktop

With such an organizer you will not have to spend time searching for the right things - they will always be on hand
Stand Gadget

Suitable for placement and charging your tablet or smartphone. How to make a stand, described here.
Board for playing chess

If you like this game, why not try making your own chess board?

These are unusual hours can be made from small frames.

Unnecessary frame can replace the moldings to the walls or ceiling. As they do, look here.

Because frames can also make a beautiful and comfortable shelves. Instructions here.
Dryer herbs

It is useful to those who prepares all kinds of herbs for medicinal and culinary purposes. To learn how to do it, read here.
Stand keys

If you are familiar with the problem of finding the keys in the morning, you'll appreciate this idea.
Towel hanger

It turns out that for towels and bathrobes hangers can liven up the interior of the bathroom. How to make them available here.

How to turn the picture frame in the collage of photos, click here.
Refrigerator magnets

They are perfect for family photos and children's drawings. Instructions for their production here and here.
Bathroom closet room

A great idea, especially if you for some reason want to locker was hiding.

How to decorate a luxurious bed headboard by means of the frame, can be found here.
Events Calendar

This calendar will help you not to forget about the most important events of the week or month. In addition, here you can put your work or school schedule.
Photos on the preview: goodwillionaire.blogspot.com
via goodwillionaire.blogspot.com/2012/01/pinspiration-phabulous-photo-phrame.html
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