What should we build a bike?

To this topic I was two long years. Now I can not believe that so much time has passed, but his relentless running. Perhaps Habr not the most suitable place for such publications, not IT, but I wish that those who are interested in the topic, do not repeat my mistakes. And, perhaps, on the basis of my experience at some of interest to get something much better than me. I'll be glad. The theme is very popular among Electric IT-person, and for good reason.
TL; DR - two years a small team of 2 people (I like "builder", and my friend in Moscow as chief designer) has managed to design a frame and the mechanics road elektrobayka and also built his first prototype. Actually, on KPDV - that this is the prototype, yes. Video test pokatushek - at the end of the article.
If you are interested in the story of its creation - ask a cat.
Beginning ... h5>
Long ago, in a galaxy far far away ... In general, I always difficult to give an introduction to something big about what I want to tell, but oh to hell with it. 3 years ago I brought it to life quite remarkable community in which, on the one hand, people gathered quite sane and reasonable to think about global change, and on the other hand - as usual, very lazy and long on the rise. In general, all boils down to a banal fact - everyone spoke, discussed, decided, arguing, intrigue built-scandals-investigation, quarrel, reconciled, argued with each other something, but nothing, absolutely nothing to do in order to ideas global change lives for the better somehow started to be implemented.
But, on the other hand, in every community there are good people with similar interests. It was there that I met my current partner and as it is now developed, a partner in the hobby. Fairly quickly found a common and extensive, interesting topics for discussion. My friend, as I have already concluded that the "righteous inaction" of all others, and little by little he has, like me, the process of withdrawal from active participation in the community. In general, everything was just in time.
In one of those long evenings of a sudden came to me the idea to create something hands, and not just "something", and four-wheel, quite a samoperedvigayuscheesya vehicle. Such lightning itself from constant thought, "How long shall we sit?" Instantly transforms into the mainstream of thought, "Damn! It's cool! This is what you should do! Not wasting a second! "Fast enough books were found on construction replica Lotus Seven Colin Chapman, purchased the necessary literature and I went to many thoughts, like what to do, where to start, what tool is needed. By the way will be said - at the time of the tool I had a few screwdrivers and pliers. All. With such a set is not something that the car - two wires twisted together at home hard. Yes, and I alone have never zhelezyachnik. The most common pogromist, Habré more known for his wild enthusiasm canvas'om and javascript.
Needless to say, after a few weeks of active meditations, donor selection, design and rework different variations of space frame, suspension arms, separation of all systems, replanning, read clever books, the Council had never undertake the construction of something her (and me, if Honestly, now absolutely support this view, but, on the other hand, the glory of the monster that 2 years ago I could not think of a second, which could dissuade me) all your thoughts about what you need somewhere to go, I began to gently tell her someone with whom we at that time, almost every day in touch and often called up. Even were funny moments, when a spouse begins to change in jest jealous "Moscow friend».
Oddly enough, my suggestion to do something was greeted with enthusiasm and we headlong rushed in research.
2 Years before release h5> Our plan was simple to madness - to build something that could be controlled by man and moved by its own power plant. Just at this time, our team of geeks in the office began to wander these same sentiments, the benefit of almost everything - with either car or buy a dream. I came across a wonderful book «Build your own sports car on a budget», so as a base I and Roma (my friend from Moscow) chose this layout: space frame, based on the Roadster Lotus Seven, powerplant with any donor, finishing and starting. But, no matter how good was our plan - the harsh reality of everyday lays its hands on all of our attempts. Once completed the formation of the frame, to find the right donor, calculated at a minimum all of the costs, we came to the conclusion that just does not pull on the money so serious construction aggregate. No joke, alone rod ends suitable strength manages in $ 30-40 apiece, and they had to be, without losses of at least 8 pieces.
Another massive problem that has become before the two of us in full growth - we sorely lacked experience. Now I am well aware of why young engineers were sent to several years in the department, working alongside masters, look at the machines and absorb production. The reason - simple lack any skills in mechanical and thermal processing of metals. By myself I am a very long time to notice that in the editor, looking at the blank, almost does not feel the complexity with which these details will then be made. The whole model is a typical carton, which can bend, break-change as soon as you want, and the angles of, say, 15, 28 degrees - so easy! How many times when I caught myself thinking that nothing that did not ask to tutor on SRT, just look and try ... Fingers of hands and feet is not enough.
Yes and service DVS'ov for me and Roma was a dark forest. No, of course, we quickly found the necessary theory and literature, but to train and look at the results were decidedly not on anything. At the same fear that acquiring a basic knowledge of the subject area for each engine - a single song, accumulating over the years, and we afford that absolutely could not. Too hot heads and young hearts, we needed a result, and the sooner the better!
One of the first examples that we want to get i>
Needless to say, almost every day we were in a phase of active search. Crazy head even considered any type of exotic hydrogen cells ... and that's when someone from his comrades threw me a link not evtv.me. Electric actuator bombshell in our heads. Even without enumerating all his dignity us, above all, delighted minimum necessary parts, less maintenance and the possibility of Direct Drive'a, ie direct connection of the engine to the rear axle without the box, only through a reduction gear. And it's the two of us were very impressed. Nobody knew that after that on the ICE we stop and think and infect electrical disease until the end of his days. But the disease is, in fact, quite pleasant.
But the problem is the price and add to this problem with the batteries had gone nowhere and disappeared. We still sorely lacking money or experience, and something with it had to be done. Found in a network several calculators for calculating transport traction we quickly found out that depending on the weight and the cross-section of transport required power and torque vary quite considerably. And somehow magically and I, and Roma have come to the conclusion that you should start with absolutely no automotive frames and not with the roadster. For elementary experience with metal, we decided to gather a reverse trike. Abandoned space frame, leaving a flat farm, first decided to test samples with conventional gel batteries from upsov, quickly found the "perfect" as it seemed to us, the motor 1250 watts of power with one of the Korean velokomplektov and designed it all into a single structure. < br />
All preparatory steps we spent, in total, several winter and spring months to April last year, went to projects ready by about 80% as required for the construction of the base. It remained the case for small.
Let the show begin h5> A month had gone in search of a suitable garage. Eventually found a two-story box for two cars, but without any repairs. Bare sand on the floor, heh. However, we are not very demanding and it is enough to us. Bought welding machine and powder (fluxed) wire to it, and another month or more I dug into the shallow design of the garage, construction, assembly, any tables, chairs, acquiring the necessary tools and consumables. In general, our package assembled at the moment, is not so large in volume. Drill a small Bulgarian, sharpener, cutter, welder, Chinese "milling" hobbiyny stanochek and hand tools. At the same time one of your friends gave me their old sofa with an armchair and a coffee table, so that there was even a small garage soft seating area. In the same month I was studying welding. YouTube - truly a great thing for this, as many educational materials and people who are willing to share their practices on the video, I probably will not find anywhere else. I have long said that the basis of their training and employment specialties tytruba just made for each other, that either you watch a video, or a long and tedious looking for a friendly wizard, which will be ready to mess with you until you at least something you do not learn, but I waved. And he was not right. On a personal example, I myself confirmed that a little bit of cooking on video tutorials you can.
Along the way, I graduated and Roma Mit'ovsky rate 6.002 and become a little more versed in the issue of electrical circuits and load calculation of all electrical innards. By itself, the electrical circuit was simple - 8 batteries connected in block 4s2p, 48V, 18Ah, 18kg weight, all that is input to the controller output - connect to the engine and the throttle handle. The engine itself, the controller and all that comes with it - Korean kit for converting a bicycle elektrotsikl (http://www.cyclone-tw.com/order-1chain.htm, at that time we took the most powerful available - 1200W / 48V, now a version to 1650W). For the tests - the most it. Since the end of June, we plunged into the construction of the frame, the order of turned parts (by the way - thing is insanely expensive compared to the price of iron, that is), learning all the tricks of cutting, welding, machining steel in all possible and impossible forms, prepare yourself for improvised and devices (both desktops with steel countertops in the garage cooked by me). Suitable metal delivery was found on one of the Metal with delivery cheerful driver Ashot on razdolbany gazelle.
By the end of construction came to the conclusion that the cored wire - a full, dorogushchie fins and HS, it is better not to cook anything, or so if nothing at all (in the birch from the generator). The local garage uncles bought a balloon filled with carbon dioxide and arranged to take him with me to the garage. About how we tighten it with a friend on the second floor stairs - a single song that had to crank out more this year. Pleasure is not the best. Pretty long promuchalas with steering - does not work properly and accurately cut and then weld the knuckles and waited almost a month cantilever sleeve to "front" the bridge. And after that long sought bicycle shop where they Lace the spokes. But I still deserve some valid opinions when velomasteru came into possession of two perfectly machined steel sleeves with full "Ring" steel axle diameter is 15mm.
Along the way, had to deal with minor conflicts at home, I had time to order podnadoest wife, as almost all spent the weekend in the garage. Now I am truly grateful to her that she has to suffer them all my antics and endures my absence at home. All spun tightly enough, and I did not pay attention to a billion small problems. If before I thought to drive the market in the other end of town and buy some necessary detail - a feat, but now I ride starts almost every Saturday. Never enough fasteners, bolts, nuts, small sheets of iron, bits, wire, wood, pipes, rods, adapters, fasteners ... The list is endless. As soon as you start to do something - always, always some little things is not enough and you need to either put up with it, or engage in perfectionism and stretch the project "until better times" for years and years ...

The build process trike frame, pictures are clickable i>
The design of the steering at me then cause the greatest confusion. Similarly, I cook and the learned, and the process of assembling the steering was more like a hell of flour and persuasion sculpin have a kitten, but we still managed. With the brakes, it was decided not to bother too much and the front wheels lodged couple Avid Juicy 5, set right on the knuckles welded to them through the plate, the suspension was absent as a class. Not dostvtochno clever design engine mount assembly has caused me a monstrous storm of emotions, then any error in the project I start firmly associated with the phrase "Sharpener namodelil, #% @!". The decision to use the BMX-od wheel was a mistake - the motor torque at ratio 7/9 lacked teeth to the dynamics of the movement was at least as something acceptable and we did not sleep the engine, so I had to change the rear hub with BMX-driver on a conventional freewheel (freewheel ) 24 of the tooth. Thus increasing the moment, consider, almost 3 times, we were able to achieve acceptable results. The final chord was welding supports under the chair, the chair of the assembly and final assembly and connecting the circuit of our apparatus.
September 22 after the evening trying to sweep found overshoot chain links under load. The next day, in the morning, I quickly are milled from a piece of steel angle mount for chain tensioner, we successfully welded and checked out the test. And now the test still failed.
A couple of days with Roma we were just in the euphoria. What we've been discussing, to design, remodel, which is why arguing and quarreling - finally beginning to live! It was just indescribably. For the next week I spent debugging and fine skating on neighboring yards. Scarecrow grandmothers and mothers peacefully strolling stupid surveys how to get to the school stadium, or where to turn. But it was very fun and memorable! I do not know on what it's like ... Undisturbed joy of creation, when it begins to work what you've been thinking and doing that for so long, pride in their work, though not very high quality, but a strong and coherent, the pleasure of simple pokatushek, adrenaline rush downhill ... Whew, describe the whole range of emotions can be infinite. But it is necessary to try, no words will give what you feel in this moment.

The final hack. Images are clickable. I>