Elektrobayka representatives and other non-standard bicycle equipment

Modern compact brushless motors with high power combined with capacious batteries today is no longer a luxury, but as they say, is almost independent means of transportation. Of course, if we add it to the corresponding elements in the form of a frame and wheels. So, what the world offers us today e-veloprom and what horizons open tomorrow - read our review.
Since in our country elektrobayka - the theme is quite new and is mainly limited to products of Chinese engineers - note, not always bad - yet rated best models for different purposes turn to recognized experts from the Electric Bike Review.
Sandviper from SSR Motosport

The best model according to the review in the category of SUVs. The bike is made in the United States and is second class at the local scale. That is, the speed is limited to 20 mph and the motor power of 750 watts. In this model, the limit speed when driving power is 350 watts. It feeds on the whole complex of Li-Ion batteries 36 V and 10 Ah.
All aluminum construction including a wheel rim, allows to reduce the overall weight of 20 Kg. And, of course, as you have noticed, wide 4-inch cameras allow worn and dirt, and unmelted snow, and sand - if someone will bring back. It is worth the bike quite real money - 1399 $ 25 miles away on a single charge on any Dirt.
Motiv Spark
Best city e-cruiser last two years in America.

Simple in design and reliable like no other - the manufacturer gives a lifetime warranty on hydroformed aluminum frame (18 inches) and two years on the drive. By the way, all the energy potential optimally designed for the city: 70 km on one charge from a compact Li-Ion battery at 48 V and 10 Ah, motor power of 500 W and a maximum speed of 30 km / h.
You can buy it at ofsayte for $ 1750, the weight for the transportation of about 25 kg.
Volton Alation 500
Best Mountain e-bike last year, and is equally good in the city and on the road.

Built in aluminum frame battery Samsung (48 V, 11 Ah) allows you to travel up to 80 km, and 500 W motor accelerates to all the same 30 km / h.
All specifications can be found here, there and buy - 2200 $ with free shipping across the United States.
And now to the emerging technologies and concept bikes. Naturally, electric. Let's start with the 2012 prototype from Audi, still haunting many cyclists in the world. Largely because of the price, of course, because asking for it as much as 20,000 $!

Not only. What other bike you will rush at speeds up to 80 km / h? Yes, and every element of this concept - an engineering marvel. Starting from the unique dvuhpodvesnoy carboxylic frame weighing only 1, 6 kg and flat spokes, aerodynamics are engaged in almost a year, to complex electronics, which punctuated every element of the bike.
How does the operating model in fact, can be viewed here , and we only add that the great works in three modes - pure pedal, combined and "remember me as" - when cut one electric motor 2, 3 kW and maximum torque of 250 Nm.
It is clear that such a miracle any of the categories of permitted vehicles in either the US or in Europe does not fall. So purely as a hobby.
But for very specific applications - from couriers and city services to service workers and even police - your e-bike is planning to produce Ford.

Unfortunately, any outstanding speed data this prototype presented at CNET'15, can not boast - 15 miles per hour, and the motor only 200 watts. But ...
No wonder he was introduced to the Mobile World Congress - in synergy with your smartphone this bike can be very useful and utilitarian. For example, if you activate the application that controls your kardioparametry, when reaching the upper limit of the heartbeat motor bike turns on automatically - you rest.
If you use the navigator, then when turning right and left side of the corresponding steering starts to vibrate. And there are a lot of chips, you can read here . One obvious disadvantage - poor power-to. Battery missing until just a half hour traffic.
Unusual news
And finally, two of the most unusual bike recently.
"Most of all a folding collapsible" - this is the name aluminum mechanical prototype, which when folded does not exceed the size of a standard wheels in 26 inch.

Minimalistic industrial design in the Bauhaus style and imaginary functionality. In the museum unless. But certainly not on our dirt with low-mounted drive.
Remember, Khazanov, "all good" Zaporozhets ", only the machine gun on the roof is not enough!" In general, all awaiting the imminent onset of the Apocalypse, or at least, the invasion of zombies - that such a "bike for survival" from Motoped. < br />

Balanced dvuhpodvesnaya frame combo drive - can and legs to pedal, but if you can find fuel, and then the power unit from Honda XR / CRF50 use is not prohibited. Well, and a specially designed roof rack for the basic necessities in the event of nuclear war:

By the way, in the back instead of the crossbow and it is possible to adapt the gun a little. So keep in mind.
As you can see, in the world of ideas velostroeniya lacking in abundance. But as far as they will be in demand - the question remains open.

Source: geektimes.ru/company/litemf/blog/247136/