Cool design of a bike
Manufacturers and designers all over the world do not get tired again and again reinvent velosiped.Segodnya worldwide use more than one billion bicycles, so the bike - the most common means of transport. The most "bicycle" country in Europe - Denmark, the average resident of that country for the year rides a bike 893 kilometers. They are followed by the Netherlands (853 km), Belgium and Germany (300 km).
Modern bicycles prevalence in Europe - the result of the visibility that helps unload the town center from cars, improve the ecological environment and improve human health. To promote the bicycle and cycling in developed countries equip bike paths, open a bicycle rental and bike parking.
And it never ceases to amaze futuristic design and new features of this mode of transport. The most beautiful, most unusual and most advanced modern bikes on the list site.
Most neobychnyeDerevyanny velosipedPervye bikes in the world were created from wood. However, subsequently, the material was almost completely replaced by a metal and plastic. And here the story is back to square one - the Japanese designer Yojiro Oshima developed modern wooden bicycle.
Bike-samokatFrantsuzsky designer Philippe Starck has created an unusual means of transportation. Flick of the bike leg turns into a scooter. Two-wheeled hybrid called Pibal. Powered Starck creation in two ways: it can be pedaled like a bicycle, and maneuver as a scooter.
Bicycle "DIY" By analogy with models of airplanes and ships that need to collect and glue, designer Jurgen Kuipers (Jurgen Kuipers) constructed bike Sawyer. As a material used master tree. Just as in the case of toys, bicycle parts Sawyer placed on solid bars. To the bike go, you need to cut out all the parts and assemble according to the attached diagram. At the international bicycle design competition in Taipei bike Sawyer jury awarded first place.
Bike-grammofonDubbed Feats Per Minute - this bike, and turntable. These plates must be put into a special slot on the wheels of a bicycle, it is brought to the needle that will read information from the plates while driving and output sound. To do this in the back of Dubbed Feats Per Minute installed a sound tube. The speed of music playback on a bicycle-gramophone Dubbed Feats Per Minute will vary, depending on the intensity with which you turn the pedals on it.
Most krasivyeCreateCreate - British brand, famous for exquisite colored fixed-gear bicycle, the so-called «fixed gear». The difference between these bikes from all the others - a fixed gear. To go, you need to constantly pedal and to a complete stop - just stop doing it. In fixed gear a whole horde of fans: these bikes are perfectly hold the balance and are good for tricks. And look, it should be noted, is very impressive. From an aesthetic point of view, especially excelled Create: sleek silhouette, the perfect geometry of the frame and the steering wheel. But most impressive of all colors: multi-colored bicycles at Create even tires.
ElectraMarka Electra appeared in the early '90s in the United States. Its founders decided to create a line of bicycles, riding on which would be not only fast, but also more comfortable. So there were lighter bikes with a wide wheel is surprisingly comfortable - a rarity - wide seat that allows you to ride with the back erect and legs bent at the optimum angle. And of course, it is impossible not to note the powerful Wow-effect, which is produced by their appearance, these bikes with perhaps the most beautiful to date frames. Warranty on them, by the way, give a lifetime.
CreamBrend Schwinn bikes makes it extremely pleasant: concise, elegant, perfectly suitable for city driving measured. Of special mention "confectionery" colors: vanilla, coffee and champagne - probably the most popular designers Creme shades.
MobikyVelosiped, of course, a good thing, but use it in a city like Moscow, is not always convenient. Imagine that you need to get to the center of highly remote areas. Embody this bold idea on its own is unlikely to be as bulky to carry a bike to your destination in the subway - is prohibited. Mark Mobiky offers a compromise: folding bikes. Despite the small diameter of the wheels, in one revolution of the pedals a bicycle covers the same distance as that of a full-size. It weighs a mere 12 kg, but the rider is able to withstand up to 110 kg. One gets the bike for three seconds, after which it does not have to bear in the hands of as many analogues - it can easily be rolled next to him.
Most prodvinutyeSportbayk Power of AudiAUDI Worthersee has five preset modes drive, optimized for different external conditions. Besides this, AUDI Wörthersee has nine speeds, switched manually using a hydraulic drive. In the maximum mode, this bike can accelerate to 80 kilometers per hour. Modern velolyubitelyam do not even need to pedal his bicycle to riding!
Two-wheeled LamborghiniV honor of the 50th anniversary of Lamborghini will release a limited edition bike. Eco mode of transportation was developed jointly with the Swiss bicycle manufacturer BMC. The design is inspired by the two-wheel Lamborghini supercar Lamborghini Aventador. On the bike the equipment Campagnolo Super Record EPS and wheels Campy Bora Carbon Tubular, he painted with yellow paint brand Lamborghini, a winding wheel and seat are made of leather, which the company uses for the upholstery of the seats in their cars.
Anti-theft velosipedBritansky designer Kevin Scott (Kevin Scott) proposed an alternative method to protect the bike against theft. Instead, all kinds of anti-theft devices as the castle itself is used bike Bendy Bicycle, if needed, simply fold and fasten.
Weatherproof velosipedNepogoda regularly brings about changes in the plans of fans of environmentally friendly transport, "hinting" at colds and serious risk on the road due to poor visibility. A simple solution to both these problems offered in the studio GeoSpace, projecting tricycle, protected by a transparent dome made of polyethylene. Not for nothing called the "Firefly", this transport is drawing attention bright lights and no problems bring dry and unscathed owner to the end point of the route.
Bike parkovki
Parking in troutare
The correct keyboard
Amazing clock
Upgrade your garage
via www.adme.ru/vdohnovenie-919705/prokachaj-svoj-garazh-406305/
Modern bicycles prevalence in Europe - the result of the visibility that helps unload the town center from cars, improve the ecological environment and improve human health. To promote the bicycle and cycling in developed countries equip bike paths, open a bicycle rental and bike parking.
And it never ceases to amaze futuristic design and new features of this mode of transport. The most beautiful, most unusual and most advanced modern bikes on the list site.
Most neobychnyeDerevyanny velosipedPervye bikes in the world were created from wood. However, subsequently, the material was almost completely replaced by a metal and plastic. And here the story is back to square one - the Japanese designer Yojiro Oshima developed modern wooden bicycle.

Bike-samokatFrantsuzsky designer Philippe Starck has created an unusual means of transportation. Flick of the bike leg turns into a scooter. Two-wheeled hybrid called Pibal. Powered Starck creation in two ways: it can be pedaled like a bicycle, and maneuver as a scooter.

Bicycle "DIY" By analogy with models of airplanes and ships that need to collect and glue, designer Jurgen Kuipers (Jurgen Kuipers) constructed bike Sawyer. As a material used master tree. Just as in the case of toys, bicycle parts Sawyer placed on solid bars. To the bike go, you need to cut out all the parts and assemble according to the attached diagram. At the international bicycle design competition in Taipei bike Sawyer jury awarded first place.

Bike-grammofonDubbed Feats Per Minute - this bike, and turntable. These plates must be put into a special slot on the wheels of a bicycle, it is brought to the needle that will read information from the plates while driving and output sound. To do this in the back of Dubbed Feats Per Minute installed a sound tube. The speed of music playback on a bicycle-gramophone Dubbed Feats Per Minute will vary, depending on the intensity with which you turn the pedals on it.

Most krasivyeCreateCreate - British brand, famous for exquisite colored fixed-gear bicycle, the so-called «fixed gear». The difference between these bikes from all the others - a fixed gear. To go, you need to constantly pedal and to a complete stop - just stop doing it. In fixed gear a whole horde of fans: these bikes are perfectly hold the balance and are good for tricks. And look, it should be noted, is very impressive. From an aesthetic point of view, especially excelled Create: sleek silhouette, the perfect geometry of the frame and the steering wheel. But most impressive of all colors: multi-colored bicycles at Create even tires.

ElectraMarka Electra appeared in the early '90s in the United States. Its founders decided to create a line of bicycles, riding on which would be not only fast, but also more comfortable. So there were lighter bikes with a wide wheel is surprisingly comfortable - a rarity - wide seat that allows you to ride with the back erect and legs bent at the optimum angle. And of course, it is impossible not to note the powerful Wow-effect, which is produced by their appearance, these bikes with perhaps the most beautiful to date frames. Warranty on them, by the way, give a lifetime.

CreamBrend Schwinn bikes makes it extremely pleasant: concise, elegant, perfectly suitable for city driving measured. Of special mention "confectionery" colors: vanilla, coffee and champagne - probably the most popular designers Creme shades.

MobikyVelosiped, of course, a good thing, but use it in a city like Moscow, is not always convenient. Imagine that you need to get to the center of highly remote areas. Embody this bold idea on its own is unlikely to be as bulky to carry a bike to your destination in the subway - is prohibited. Mark Mobiky offers a compromise: folding bikes. Despite the small diameter of the wheels, in one revolution of the pedals a bicycle covers the same distance as that of a full-size. It weighs a mere 12 kg, but the rider is able to withstand up to 110 kg. One gets the bike for three seconds, after which it does not have to bear in the hands of as many analogues - it can easily be rolled next to him.

Most prodvinutyeSportbayk Power of AudiAUDI Worthersee has five preset modes drive, optimized for different external conditions. Besides this, AUDI Wörthersee has nine speeds, switched manually using a hydraulic drive. In the maximum mode, this bike can accelerate to 80 kilometers per hour. Modern velolyubitelyam do not even need to pedal his bicycle to riding!

Two-wheeled LamborghiniV honor of the 50th anniversary of Lamborghini will release a limited edition bike. Eco mode of transportation was developed jointly with the Swiss bicycle manufacturer BMC. The design is inspired by the two-wheel Lamborghini supercar Lamborghini Aventador. On the bike the equipment Campagnolo Super Record EPS and wheels Campy Bora Carbon Tubular, he painted with yellow paint brand Lamborghini, a winding wheel and seat are made of leather, which the company uses for the upholstery of the seats in their cars.

Anti-theft velosipedBritansky designer Kevin Scott (Kevin Scott) proposed an alternative method to protect the bike against theft. Instead, all kinds of anti-theft devices as the castle itself is used bike Bendy Bicycle, if needed, simply fold and fasten.

Weatherproof velosipedNepogoda regularly brings about changes in the plans of fans of environmentally friendly transport, "hinting" at colds and serious risk on the road due to poor visibility. A simple solution to both these problems offered in the studio GeoSpace, projecting tricycle, protected by a transparent dome made of polyethylene. Not for nothing called the "Firefly", this transport is drawing attention bright lights and no problems bring dry and unscathed owner to the end point of the route.

Bike parkovki


Parking in troutare


The correct keyboard
Amazing clock
Upgrade your garage
via www.adme.ru/vdohnovenie-919705/prokachaj-svoj-garazh-406305/