In Amsterdam ran out of space for Parking bicycles

In Amsterdam 880 000 bikes. And lives in it 800,000. Every day 57% of citizens use bicycles, 43% of Cycling to get to work and back. Parking spaces in the city centre is not enough.

Meanwhile, in Copenhagen came up with Parking for cargo bikes and in Norway leave the bikes in the old station.
The city government has developed a draft Bicycle Parking facility under the ayem. Previously, he was a Bay, but after being fenced off from the sea darling-dam of ay became a lake. Underneath build a Parking for 7,000 bikes.
On the lake is the Central commuter train station and metro. Underground Parking will connect with her tunnel. Given that Parking around the station will leave 21 500 bikes. But that's not all. In addition to underground Parking will add two artificial Islands, with 2,000 points each. Get the largest Bicycle Parking facility in the world.

Now in the Parking lot near the station leave 2000 bikes.
Incorrectly parked bicycles — the gap in the Treasury. City services to take them to "the pound". Evacuation each bike costs about 70€, while the owners buying back their two-wheeled friends for 12€. It would seem — bring the owners more money, and not that expenses will remain with profit. But no. In Amsterdam so developed the market for used bikes that sly owners will be buying new and the old are left to rot in the Parking lot.published

Source: thinkgreen.ru