Blood purification home folk remedies

Adverse environmental conditions, poor nutrition and harmful addictions lead to slagging of the body. How to clean the blood at home? How effective are folk remedies?
Krapivnoe to clean the blood at home with the help of nettles – this pungent herb is very popular among the traditional healers. Grass put in a clean jar, pour a strong vodka, maintaining a ratio of 1:3. Daily shake the drug, and after 10 days, strain. Take folk remedy three times a day (daily dose is 30-40 drops/100 ml water). The duration of this course is 10 days. You cannot use this cleaning method with increased blood clotting, pathology of the kidneys and liver, as well as at elevated pressure. Your doctor may impose a ban on this tool, if the woman has serious problems with sexuality.
tincture will cenocepacia via press 350 g peeled from the husk of the garlic cloves. Put the resulting mass into a glass container and leave for 1-2 days to settle. When the mixture separated into 2 layers, top drain. Add in a jar of rubbing alcohol (250 ml), cover and leave in the dark and cool for 10 days. Strain, put another 3 days in a cool place. To drink infusion is necessary, combining it with milk, add garlic drops to 50 ml of this healthy drink. The number of drops gradually increase, take them before the main meals (30 minutes before an upcoming meal). In day # 1 rule of taking the drops is 1 drop in the morning/day 2 drops/3 drops in the evening. According to the same scheme, add 1 drop to each portion, until you reach such indicators: with 13 drops in the morning/14 drops a day/15 drops in the evening. From this point start to decrease the rate, subtracting 1 drop (15/14/13; 12/11/10...3/2/1). After that, go to a shock dose of garlic tincture (25/25/25) and drink it until complete exhaustion of stocks. Repeat cleaning 1 time in 5 years. By the way, this remedy not only cleans the blood and liver.
Do not use this method during carrying a child, in the presence of seizures, and kidney pathologies. It is important to remember that every day cleaning should drink 2 liters of unsweetened fluids (priority is water). Alcohol is strictly contraindicated.
Ginger Cleaning blood is quite accessible at home — the following recipe is quite effective. To prepare the drink you will need 1 tbsp. sour or fresh milk (depending on tolerability). Active ingredients: grated ginger (1 tsp), the same amount of natural honey and 1/4 tsp turmeric. Remember that the drink should be at room temperature, so the milk remove from the refrigerator in advance. Mix all ingredients, let them come in power (takes 10 minutes). Take once a day for 2-4 weeks.
Contraindication to the use of this drink are a serious pathology of the gastrointestinal tract. Thrombophlebitis drink you can drink, but will have to abandon one of the components (from the turmeric).
Reviews blood Purification in the home can carry as many say that this course significantly improves health. Choosing the best cleansing recipe, pay attention to contraindications.published
Source: updiet.info/