A trio of Superfoods that kill cancer
To name a vegetable, spice or anything else edible a "superfood", which means to recognize that it has capabilities that far exceed the properties of other products.
Three Superfoods that have managed to prove their exceptional nutritional value are ginger, turmeric and carrots. Are you surprised by the last product in the list?
Below we will tell you about all their properties, and their potential.
One of the most important General properties are the antioxidants that fight disease. People who eat ginger, turmeric and carrots — especially together — not only reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease, cancer, and diabetes, but many so-called "less serious" but often debilitating ailments such as pain and inflammation.
Not surprisingly, the ginger and turmeric belong to the same Botanical family, Zingiberacea. Both are used in cooking and for thousands of years are considered an effective remedy for numerous diseases.
Their effect is even more increased, when used in tandem, for example, in the form of tea with turmeric and ginger (brew in a Cup of boiling water on a teaspoon of each spice; if you are using grated spices — enough for one third of a teaspoon per Cup.)
Note that, the benefits of these products, in fact, almost all products come from the products themselves, not made of them additives or drugs.
Here's two reasons why these Superfoods can make you raise your eyebrows: You'll find that in most shops, these amazing healthy gifts of land are quite inexpensive, even if they're organic, and organic is always the best choice.
Another surprise awaits you when you learn how delicious the combination of these three products. So, what is the special properties of these three Superfoods?
TurmericTurmeric, or Curcuma longa is a tropical and subtropical rhizome, which means that the spice is contained in the root, although in the Chinese and East India Ayurvedic medicine uses the leaves.
It is famous for its healing properties, and, thanks to the brilliant yellow hue of turmeric get curry, which gives Indian and Chinese dishes piquancy that with nothing to confuse. The turmeric no seed — it is propagated by roots.
Curcumin, arguably the most important active ingredient of this spice, giving it impressive healing properties.
The fact that this compound contains about 150 various therapeutic benefits, including boosts immunity, protects heart and softens the impact of autoimmune diseases. Here are a few benefits of consuming turmeric.
Alzheimer's disease: Studies show that turmeric may help reverse the decline of cognitive functions and dementia. The study of three patients with Alzheimer's disease, within 12 weeks of taking turmeric powder in capsules, they noted significant improvement.
According to the researchers: "decreased Significantly as the patients symptoms and the burden on those who take care of them".
Heart health: Three studies in a Japanese University found that daily supplementation with curcumin improves risk factors for cardiovascular diseases to the same extent as moderate aerobic exercise.
"The results showed that the use of curcumin and aerobic training can increase flow-mediated expansion in postmenopausal women, suggesting their potential ability to improve age-related decline in endothelial function."
Joint pain: the ability to reduce stiffness caused by arthritis - one of the main benefits of this spice.
Studies show that it helps to heal wounds on the skin, suppress the action of enzymes and proteins that contribute to the development of infection, to reduce the number of infected cells and block the reproduction of infected T-cells without causing side effects of conventional drugs.
Epilepsy: Scientists have discovered that curcumin exerts neuroprotective effects in epilepsy and related disorders.
One of the drawbacks of turmeric — is not fast enough the bioavailability of curcumin, and it means that after its use the body is unable to absorb it quickly to take advantage of its useful properties. Interestingly, issledovaniyeyami increasing its availability when adding, say, a teaspoon of fat such as coconut or flax oil in a Cup of tea.
Generous dividends gingerGinger (Zingiber officinale) is essentially part of the stem that grows under the ground — hence the name "ginger root". It originated in Asia and spread to Europe through the Roman merchants, famous as a medicine and as a flavor enhancer.
Ginger is a strong aromatic herb with a warm, "energetic" flavor, thanks to which he became one of the world's most popular spices. Just a few thin shavings is enough to make an incredibly healthful tea. Ginger is often ground into a powder, which can be sprinkled on almost any dish – from soups and cookies to French fries.
The most effective compound of ginger is gingerol is the oil, which also adds flavor. In one article it is noted that, according to the results of the research:
"... The ginger extract may be an even more effective anti-cancer agent than chemotherapy drugs — it kills the cancer cells, leaving healthy cells untouched. Its anti-inflammatory properties can also help to prevent the progression of precancerous cells to cancer".
Here are a few of its benefits:
Inflammation: even pain from various types of arthritis is reduced when taking ginger or ginger tea, or add a generous pinch of it in food
Participants in numerous studies reported a decrease muscle pain, improve the mobility and movements as well as reducing swelling, for example, if knee pain, with regular use of ginger.
Nausea: in addition to improving digestion and elimination problems such as colic, it is known that ginger helps to ease nausea
This includes morning sickness and motion sickness, and even successfully used for patients after surgery or during chemotherapy. According to the Fund George Mateljan:
"In herbal medicine ginger is considered an excellent carminative (a substance promoting elimination of intestinal gas) and intestinal spasmolytic (substance which relaxes and soothes the intestinal tract)...
The explanation for this action of ginger on the elimination of gastro-intestinal disorders offers a recent double-blind studies, which have shown that ginger is very effective for preventing the symptoms of motion sickness, especially in the sea.
In one study it was even proven that ginger is far superior to dramamine..."
Diabetes: scientists conducted a study with the purpose of studying the effects of ginger on the blood sugar level fasting with 41 participants. The final result of a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical study showed that just 2 grams of ground ginger reduced fasting blood sugar by 12 percent.
Memory: it is established that ginger improves memory; in one study, 60 healthy middle-aged women within two months of taking the dose of either plant extracts or a placebo.
After assessing their memory and cognitive function, the researchers concluded that ginger extract "enhances both attention and cognitive abilities without causing side effects."
Properties of carrotsFrom the carrot family Umbelliferae is best suited for countless hearty meals and a convenient, crunchy snack. I usually recommend to consume carrots in moderation because it contains more sugar than any other vegetable aside from beets.
But if it is used as part of an overall healthy diet, the nutrients in carrots can cause a lot of health benefits. Beta-carotene (named after carrots) – her most well-known nutrient, the body is not produced, therefore, the diet they are needed. One article adds:
"... Beta-carotene preserves eyesight, regulates the growth of skin cells, maintains the health of the membranes lining the nose and respiratory tract, and also helps to control the production of proteins. All carotenoids, including beta-carotene also have antioxidant properties."
Phytonutrients like lutein and anthocyanins that have the same useful health-promoting properties such as vitamins and minerals such as vitamins A, B6, C and K, the most useful of them. Studies have shown that the more carotenoids you eat, the longer you will live!
Here are some of the healthy properties of carrots:
According to Foundation George Mateljan: "Many different kinds of carrot antioxidants are most likely acting together, giving benefits to the cardiovascular system, which could not be obtained from them individually if they are separated and used separately, in isolation from each other.
Synergistic effect of carrot antioxidants is a great example of whole food and its uniqueness as a food source".
Heart disease
A 10-year study in the Netherlands has shown that carrots can help prevent cardiovascular disease. The study investigated the foods by color: green, purple/red, white and yellow/orange. The latter was most useful. They reduced the risk of cardiovascular disease; patients who ate more carrots, it decreased by 32 percent.
It is established that phytonutrients carrots, such as falcarinol and falcarinol, prevent inflammation, perhaps by gluing red blood cells reduces the risk of developing full-blown cancerous tumors.
Resource Pharmanews claims that "regular consumption of carrots helps to prevent stomach ulcers and disorders of the gastrointestinal tract."
Beta-carotenes are converted to vitamin a, which is important for vision, especially if you have a deficiency of vitamin A; consumption of carrots helps to prevent such a deficit. Studies also show that beta-carotene protects against cataracts and macular degeneration.
Superfoods kill cancerHere are three excerpts from studies that show how these three Superfoods are effective for the treatment and prevention of certain cancers:
"Although the therapeutic properties of ginger have been known for thousands of years, a significant number of studies in vitro and invivo and epidemiological studies additionally provide substantial evidence that ginger and its active compounds are effective against a broad spectrum of human diseases, including cancer of the gastrointestinal tract.
Found that ginger is effective against various types of cancer of the gastrointestinal tract, such as stomach cancer, pancreatic cancer, liver cancer, cancer of the colon and rectum and cholangiocarcinoma".
"Curcumin is one of the most successful chemopreventive compounds investigated in recent years and is currently undergoing human trials, with the aim of preventing cancer. The mechanism of action of curcumin is complex and likely depends on many factors.
We made an unexpected observation that curcumin strikingly modulates proteins of iron metabolism in cells and in tissues, suggesting that curcumin has properties of an iron chelator".
This study showed that an extract of carrots can induce apoptosis and cause cell cycle arrest in leukemia cell lines.
Now, a simple recipe is to gather all of these three products into one tasty dish: saute a few cups of carrots in a few tablespoons of water to crunched quite a bit. Add a few teaspoons of butter sea salt to taste and half a teaspoon of grated turmeric and ginger (or half this amount if spice powder). When serving, stir or serve a whole is incredibly healthy and delicious side dish. published
Author: Dr. Joseph Mercola
P. S. And remember, just changing your mind — together we change the world! ©
Source: //russian.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2016/08/25/%D0%B8%D0%BC%D0%B1%D0%B8%D1%80%D1%8C-%D0%BA%D1%83%D1%80%D0%BA%D1%83%D0%BC%D0%B0-%D0%BC%D0%BE%D1%80%D0%BA%D0%BE%D0%B2%D1%8C.aspx
Three Superfoods that have managed to prove their exceptional nutritional value are ginger, turmeric and carrots. Are you surprised by the last product in the list?

Below we will tell you about all their properties, and their potential.
One of the most important General properties are the antioxidants that fight disease. People who eat ginger, turmeric and carrots — especially together — not only reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease, cancer, and diabetes, but many so-called "less serious" but often debilitating ailments such as pain and inflammation.
Not surprisingly, the ginger and turmeric belong to the same Botanical family, Zingiberacea. Both are used in cooking and for thousands of years are considered an effective remedy for numerous diseases.
Their effect is even more increased, when used in tandem, for example, in the form of tea with turmeric and ginger (brew in a Cup of boiling water on a teaspoon of each spice; if you are using grated spices — enough for one third of a teaspoon per Cup.)
Note that, the benefits of these products, in fact, almost all products come from the products themselves, not made of them additives or drugs.
Here's two reasons why these Superfoods can make you raise your eyebrows: You'll find that in most shops, these amazing healthy gifts of land are quite inexpensive, even if they're organic, and organic is always the best choice.
Another surprise awaits you when you learn how delicious the combination of these three products. So, what is the special properties of these three Superfoods?
TurmericTurmeric, or Curcuma longa is a tropical and subtropical rhizome, which means that the spice is contained in the root, although in the Chinese and East India Ayurvedic medicine uses the leaves.

It is famous for its healing properties, and, thanks to the brilliant yellow hue of turmeric get curry, which gives Indian and Chinese dishes piquancy that with nothing to confuse. The turmeric no seed — it is propagated by roots.
Curcumin, arguably the most important active ingredient of this spice, giving it impressive healing properties.
The fact that this compound contains about 150 various therapeutic benefits, including boosts immunity, protects heart and softens the impact of autoimmune diseases. Here are a few benefits of consuming turmeric.
Alzheimer's disease: Studies show that turmeric may help reverse the decline of cognitive functions and dementia. The study of three patients with Alzheimer's disease, within 12 weeks of taking turmeric powder in capsules, they noted significant improvement.
According to the researchers: "decreased Significantly as the patients symptoms and the burden on those who take care of them".
Heart health: Three studies in a Japanese University found that daily supplementation with curcumin improves risk factors for cardiovascular diseases to the same extent as moderate aerobic exercise.
"The results showed that the use of curcumin and aerobic training can increase flow-mediated expansion in postmenopausal women, suggesting their potential ability to improve age-related decline in endothelial function."
Joint pain: the ability to reduce stiffness caused by arthritis - one of the main benefits of this spice.
Studies show that it helps to heal wounds on the skin, suppress the action of enzymes and proteins that contribute to the development of infection, to reduce the number of infected cells and block the reproduction of infected T-cells without causing side effects of conventional drugs.
Epilepsy: Scientists have discovered that curcumin exerts neuroprotective effects in epilepsy and related disorders.
One of the drawbacks of turmeric — is not fast enough the bioavailability of curcumin, and it means that after its use the body is unable to absorb it quickly to take advantage of its useful properties. Interestingly, issledovaniyeyami increasing its availability when adding, say, a teaspoon of fat such as coconut or flax oil in a Cup of tea.
Generous dividends gingerGinger (Zingiber officinale) is essentially part of the stem that grows under the ground — hence the name "ginger root". It originated in Asia and spread to Europe through the Roman merchants, famous as a medicine and as a flavor enhancer.

Ginger is a strong aromatic herb with a warm, "energetic" flavor, thanks to which he became one of the world's most popular spices. Just a few thin shavings is enough to make an incredibly healthful tea. Ginger is often ground into a powder, which can be sprinkled on almost any dish – from soups and cookies to French fries.
The most effective compound of ginger is gingerol is the oil, which also adds flavor. In one article it is noted that, according to the results of the research:
"... The ginger extract may be an even more effective anti-cancer agent than chemotherapy drugs — it kills the cancer cells, leaving healthy cells untouched. Its anti-inflammatory properties can also help to prevent the progression of precancerous cells to cancer".
Here are a few of its benefits:
Inflammation: even pain from various types of arthritis is reduced when taking ginger or ginger tea, or add a generous pinch of it in food
Participants in numerous studies reported a decrease muscle pain, improve the mobility and movements as well as reducing swelling, for example, if knee pain, with regular use of ginger.
Nausea: in addition to improving digestion and elimination problems such as colic, it is known that ginger helps to ease nausea
This includes morning sickness and motion sickness, and even successfully used for patients after surgery or during chemotherapy. According to the Fund George Mateljan:
"In herbal medicine ginger is considered an excellent carminative (a substance promoting elimination of intestinal gas) and intestinal spasmolytic (substance which relaxes and soothes the intestinal tract)...
The explanation for this action of ginger on the elimination of gastro-intestinal disorders offers a recent double-blind studies, which have shown that ginger is very effective for preventing the symptoms of motion sickness, especially in the sea.
In one study it was even proven that ginger is far superior to dramamine..."
Diabetes: scientists conducted a study with the purpose of studying the effects of ginger on the blood sugar level fasting with 41 participants. The final result of a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical study showed that just 2 grams of ground ginger reduced fasting blood sugar by 12 percent.
Memory: it is established that ginger improves memory; in one study, 60 healthy middle-aged women within two months of taking the dose of either plant extracts or a placebo.
After assessing their memory and cognitive function, the researchers concluded that ginger extract "enhances both attention and cognitive abilities without causing side effects."
Properties of carrotsFrom the carrot family Umbelliferae is best suited for countless hearty meals and a convenient, crunchy snack. I usually recommend to consume carrots in moderation because it contains more sugar than any other vegetable aside from beets.

But if it is used as part of an overall healthy diet, the nutrients in carrots can cause a lot of health benefits. Beta-carotene (named after carrots) – her most well-known nutrient, the body is not produced, therefore, the diet they are needed. One article adds:
"... Beta-carotene preserves eyesight, regulates the growth of skin cells, maintains the health of the membranes lining the nose and respiratory tract, and also helps to control the production of proteins. All carotenoids, including beta-carotene also have antioxidant properties."
Phytonutrients like lutein and anthocyanins that have the same useful health-promoting properties such as vitamins and minerals such as vitamins A, B6, C and K, the most useful of them. Studies have shown that the more carotenoids you eat, the longer you will live!
Here are some of the healthy properties of carrots:
According to Foundation George Mateljan: "Many different kinds of carrot antioxidants are most likely acting together, giving benefits to the cardiovascular system, which could not be obtained from them individually if they are separated and used separately, in isolation from each other.
Synergistic effect of carrot antioxidants is a great example of whole food and its uniqueness as a food source".
Heart disease
A 10-year study in the Netherlands has shown that carrots can help prevent cardiovascular disease. The study investigated the foods by color: green, purple/red, white and yellow/orange. The latter was most useful. They reduced the risk of cardiovascular disease; patients who ate more carrots, it decreased by 32 percent.
It is established that phytonutrients carrots, such as falcarinol and falcarinol, prevent inflammation, perhaps by gluing red blood cells reduces the risk of developing full-blown cancerous tumors.
Resource Pharmanews claims that "regular consumption of carrots helps to prevent stomach ulcers and disorders of the gastrointestinal tract."
Beta-carotenes are converted to vitamin a, which is important for vision, especially if you have a deficiency of vitamin A; consumption of carrots helps to prevent such a deficit. Studies also show that beta-carotene protects against cataracts and macular degeneration.
Superfoods kill cancerHere are three excerpts from studies that show how these three Superfoods are effective for the treatment and prevention of certain cancers:
"Although the therapeutic properties of ginger have been known for thousands of years, a significant number of studies in vitro and invivo and epidemiological studies additionally provide substantial evidence that ginger and its active compounds are effective against a broad spectrum of human diseases, including cancer of the gastrointestinal tract.
Found that ginger is effective against various types of cancer of the gastrointestinal tract, such as stomach cancer, pancreatic cancer, liver cancer, cancer of the colon and rectum and cholangiocarcinoma".
"Curcumin is one of the most successful chemopreventive compounds investigated in recent years and is currently undergoing human trials, with the aim of preventing cancer. The mechanism of action of curcumin is complex and likely depends on many factors.
We made an unexpected observation that curcumin strikingly modulates proteins of iron metabolism in cells and in tissues, suggesting that curcumin has properties of an iron chelator".
This study showed that an extract of carrots can induce apoptosis and cause cell cycle arrest in leukemia cell lines.
Now, a simple recipe is to gather all of these three products into one tasty dish: saute a few cups of carrots in a few tablespoons of water to crunched quite a bit. Add a few teaspoons of butter sea salt to taste and half a teaspoon of grated turmeric and ginger (or half this amount if spice powder). When serving, stir or serve a whole is incredibly healthy and delicious side dish. published
Author: Dr. Joseph Mercola
P. S. And remember, just changing your mind — together we change the world! ©
Source: //russian.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2016/08/25/%D0%B8%D0%BC%D0%B1%D0%B8%D1%80%D1%8C-%D0%BA%D1%83%D1%80%D0%BA%D1%83%D0%BC%D0%B0-%D0%BC%D0%BE%D1%80%D0%BA%D0%BE%D0%B2%D1%8C.aspx