Turmeric — the elixir of youth
Curcuma is a genus of monocotyledonous herbaceous plants of the Ginger family. Roots and stems of many species of this genus contain essential oils and yellow dyes and are cultivated as spices and medicinal plants.
The beneficial properties of turmeric can be a very long list. Even in the ancient Indian treatises, written in Sanskrit, she attributed the ability "to expel worms from the body", "improve skin color and make it more clean and clear", "to improve the structure of the body" and even "do a person beautiful, like a starry sky."
Surprisingly, modern scientific research has shown that all this is no exaggeration. Moreover, the ability of turmeric are further components of this amazing spice is able even to stop the development of cancer until the later stages of the disease. But about all under the order.
Turmeric and detox
In turmeric contains small doses of vitamins C, B1, B2, B3 and minerals calcium, iron, phosphorus, iodine. But the important thing is that kurumi includes a variety of oils: essential and fatty, phenolic compounds (curcumin), and even fats. This composition makes this spice a powerful tool for purification and regeneration of the body and also useful for the sick and recovering from illness. Turmeric warms, cleanses the blood, improves circulation and stimulates the formation of new blood cells.
Curcumin from the body removes waste and toxins, helps in cases of poisoning by chemicals and insecticides. In addition, in medicine, turmeric is used as a means of facilitating the healing of tissues.
To cleanse the body and improve the tone of the turmeric drink at night with hot milk, butter and honey.
Turmeric and skin is a Mixture of turmeric with various components capable of toning the skin, it is used to treat sprains, bruises, pruritus and for the treatment of boils.
In India turmeric is widely used as a cosmetic to improve the complexion, cleanse the skin and open sweat glands.
Turmeric can also be used for massage and as powder in various skin diseases.
Turmeric and digestion This spice suppresses putrefactive microflora in the intestines, cleanses it from excess mucus, normalizes activity of the gastrointestinal tract and pancreas, reduces the amount of gases. Has stimulating, healing and antibacterial effect, improves metabolism. From diseases of the digestive system, cures indigestion, stomach ulcers and duodenal ulcers.
Turmeric is also a natural antibiotic that can replace some pharmacological counterparts.
Turmeric and Curcumin rejuvenation even in small doses, significantly attenuates the destructive effect of free radicals on cells, slowing the aging process. Regular use of cosmetics turmeric is able to prevent the appearance of wrinkles. Cosmetics turmeric regulates the sebaceous glands, improves the complexion, nourishes, softens and gives the skin a youthful and healthy look.
To maintain youthfulness of body and beauty of the skin turmeric can be taken internally as a spice to dishes or capsules, and externally. Turmeric is not only beneficial for the appearance of the skin, but also helps to get rid of scars and postoperative sutures.
Turmeric and weight loss Directly the intake of turmeric on the extra pounds are not affected, but scientists found that it can prevent the growth of fat cells after weight reduction.
This is indicated by the results of studies published in 2009 by tufts University. It turned out that in the growing adipose tissue formation of new blood vessels. Due to this and increases the weight. Animal studies have shown that the introduction of curcumin in the fat cells stops the growth of new blood vessels, and adipose tissue is not growing. The result is weight loss.
However, this method is for the treatment of obesity in humans is not yet being used — at the moment, research is ongoing.
Precautions ATTENTION! Turmeric should not be taken uncontrollably — the daily rate for the spices no more than 5 grams. In addition, there are a number of contraindications to its application.
Due to the strong effect of this product doctors recommend to consume turmeric at the same time with medicines — this can distort the overall picture of the disease.
Turmeric has a strong choleretic effect, so it is contraindicated in patients with problems of the gallbladder, especially cholelithiasis.
Due to the fact that turmeric stimulates the secretion of gastric juice and activates the pancreas, should be excluded from the diet of patients suffering from pancreatitis and gastritis with high acidity.
Turmeric is contraindicated in cases of hepatitis.
Turmeric is not recommended for use during pregnancy as it increases uterine tone. Furthermore, as a strong allergen, turmeric is able to trigger skin Allergy and rashes on the skin of the baby in the future.published
Source: fitfixed.com

The beneficial properties of turmeric can be a very long list. Even in the ancient Indian treatises, written in Sanskrit, she attributed the ability "to expel worms from the body", "improve skin color and make it more clean and clear", "to improve the structure of the body" and even "do a person beautiful, like a starry sky."
Surprisingly, modern scientific research has shown that all this is no exaggeration. Moreover, the ability of turmeric are further components of this amazing spice is able even to stop the development of cancer until the later stages of the disease. But about all under the order.
Turmeric and detox
In turmeric contains small doses of vitamins C, B1, B2, B3 and minerals calcium, iron, phosphorus, iodine. But the important thing is that kurumi includes a variety of oils: essential and fatty, phenolic compounds (curcumin), and even fats. This composition makes this spice a powerful tool for purification and regeneration of the body and also useful for the sick and recovering from illness. Turmeric warms, cleanses the blood, improves circulation and stimulates the formation of new blood cells.
Curcumin from the body removes waste and toxins, helps in cases of poisoning by chemicals and insecticides. In addition, in medicine, turmeric is used as a means of facilitating the healing of tissues.
To cleanse the body and improve the tone of the turmeric drink at night with hot milk, butter and honey.

Turmeric and skin is a Mixture of turmeric with various components capable of toning the skin, it is used to treat sprains, bruises, pruritus and for the treatment of boils.
In India turmeric is widely used as a cosmetic to improve the complexion, cleanse the skin and open sweat glands.
Turmeric can also be used for massage and as powder in various skin diseases.
Turmeric and digestion This spice suppresses putrefactive microflora in the intestines, cleanses it from excess mucus, normalizes activity of the gastrointestinal tract and pancreas, reduces the amount of gases. Has stimulating, healing and antibacterial effect, improves metabolism. From diseases of the digestive system, cures indigestion, stomach ulcers and duodenal ulcers.
Turmeric is also a natural antibiotic that can replace some pharmacological counterparts.
Turmeric and Curcumin rejuvenation even in small doses, significantly attenuates the destructive effect of free radicals on cells, slowing the aging process. Regular use of cosmetics turmeric is able to prevent the appearance of wrinkles. Cosmetics turmeric regulates the sebaceous glands, improves the complexion, nourishes, softens and gives the skin a youthful and healthy look.
To maintain youthfulness of body and beauty of the skin turmeric can be taken internally as a spice to dishes or capsules, and externally. Turmeric is not only beneficial for the appearance of the skin, but also helps to get rid of scars and postoperative sutures.
Turmeric and weight loss Directly the intake of turmeric on the extra pounds are not affected, but scientists found that it can prevent the growth of fat cells after weight reduction.
This is indicated by the results of studies published in 2009 by tufts University. It turned out that in the growing adipose tissue formation of new blood vessels. Due to this and increases the weight. Animal studies have shown that the introduction of curcumin in the fat cells stops the growth of new blood vessels, and adipose tissue is not growing. The result is weight loss.
However, this method is for the treatment of obesity in humans is not yet being used — at the moment, research is ongoing.
Precautions ATTENTION! Turmeric should not be taken uncontrollably — the daily rate for the spices no more than 5 grams. In addition, there are a number of contraindications to its application.
Due to the strong effect of this product doctors recommend to consume turmeric at the same time with medicines — this can distort the overall picture of the disease.
Turmeric has a strong choleretic effect, so it is contraindicated in patients with problems of the gallbladder, especially cholelithiasis.
Due to the fact that turmeric stimulates the secretion of gastric juice and activates the pancreas, should be excluded from the diet of patients suffering from pancreatitis and gastritis with high acidity.
Turmeric is contraindicated in cases of hepatitis.
Turmeric is not recommended for use during pregnancy as it increases uterine tone. Furthermore, as a strong allergen, turmeric is able to trigger skin Allergy and rashes on the skin of the baby in the future.published
Source: fitfixed.com
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