Raw onions are the source of youth and the strongest cell regenerator! We take the most ordinary onion...
One of the brightest impressions about onions, of course, comes from childhood. I remember how in junior grades at work class the whole class together prepared vinaigrette. It so happened that the difficult mission of cutting onions fell to the lot of my friend, a very fragile and sophisticated boy, a real aristocrat.
He cried seriously: the flow of tears was unstoppable. He didn't even try to resist the power of onion fluids. Fully recognizing their power, bowing his head, he did his job, and impressionable I for a long time could not calmly look at the bulbs, hating them with all my soul.
“Luke, every disease passes in your arms.” Due to the high content essential oils Onions can do wonders. I asked the most effective recipes using onion juice rejuvenation. I will be happy to share with you the chosen ones. It is known that Hippocrates prescribed onions as a good remedy for obesity.
Onion juice Onion mask of "youth"
Onion Elixir "Cell Regenerator"
Properties of onions They really are. A specific onion smell will help with headaches: just inhale a little onion fumes - and soon there will be relief. All thanks to phytoncides, which cause tears when cutting onions.
Every day wipe offYou can strengthen even the worst, brittle and layered nails. So that your hands do not smell like onions, you just need to wipe them with lemon juice.
Fat-burning onion soup
What is useful onions for women? Just 1 bulb a day will make you look gorgeous and feel great. These are not empty words: onions contain vitamins A and C in large quantities, it is the lack of these vitamins that can cause skin withering and hormonal imbalance. Also in an ordinary bulb there is calcium and potassium, which are easily absorbed!
For me, this was a discovery, who would have thought that onions contain elements so necessary for the bone and circulatory system. Make it a habit to eat 1 bulb a day, and you will not need any vitamins from the pharmacy. It is especially important not to forget to eat onions in autumn and winter.
Tell us in the comments how you use onions for health and beauty. I have no doubt that there are many useful recipes that our favorite readers should know about! I wish you good health and long serene years of life.
He cried seriously: the flow of tears was unstoppable. He didn't even try to resist the power of onion fluids. Fully recognizing their power, bowing his head, he did his job, and impressionable I for a long time could not calmly look at the bulbs, hating them with all my soul.

“Luke, every disease passes in your arms.” Due to the high content essential oils Onions can do wonders. I asked the most effective recipes using onion juice rejuvenation. I will be happy to share with you the chosen ones. It is known that Hippocrates prescribed onions as a good remedy for obesity.

Onion juice Onion mask of "youth"
- Thanks. high-zinc Onions can rejuvenate the skin and return it to youth and elasticity. A mask with onions will smooth out wrinkles and lighten the skin.
DepositPhotos - Rub the onions on the grater, add honey to the gruel. Lubricate your face with vegetable oil, preferably olive oil. On oiled skin apply a gruel of onion and honey. When one layer of gruel dries, apply two more such layers alternately. It'll take about 30 minutes. Then wash yourself with warm water and lubricate your face with kefir, which will remove the onion smell and soothe the skin.
DepositPhotos - Such an onion mask should be done with breaks of 2 days. The course is 10 procedures. Thanks to organic acids, onions act magically on the skin: the skin lightens, smooths, gets rid of small defects, such as scars, pigment spots, freckles. The oval of the face becomes clearer and more toned. The mask can be applied not only to the face, it is perfect for any problem areas.
Onion Elixir "Cell Regenerator"
- Onion juice containing ascorbic acid, iodine, phytoncides and flavonoid quercetin is a unique substance that activates the process of rejuvenation and repair of skin cells. I recommend making an elixir for oral administration if there are any problems with the skin, skin irritation, chronic diseases. Also, the elixir significantly improves complexion and is a strong prophylactic against colds.
DepositPhotos - Clean 10 medium bulbs and 1 head of garlic. Pour them with 1 liter of milk and cook on a slow heat for an hour. Remove from the fire, strain and cool the valuable milk. Add 2 tbsp of honey to already cooled milk. Store the elixir in the fridge, in a glass bottle with a tightly closing lid.
DepositPhotos - Take the elixir 5 times a day for 1 tbsp. spoon between meals. This amazing remedy will not only cure the skin and make it rejuvenate, onion-milk drink will support the immune system and strengthen the entire body.
Properties of onions They really are. A specific onion smell will help with headaches: just inhale a little onion fumes - and soon there will be relief. All thanks to phytoncides, which cause tears when cutting onions.
Every day wipe offYou can strengthen even the worst, brittle and layered nails. So that your hands do not smell like onions, you just need to wipe them with lemon juice.
Fat-burning onion soup
- Onions stimulate the gastrointestinal tract, activate metabolism, removes excess fluid and toxins from the body. Very effective is a diet using onion soup: soup should be eaten every day for a week, supplementing the diet with only permitted products. Onion soup will help to lose weight really very quickly, cleanse the blood, improve overall well-being.
DepositPhotos - To prepare onion soup for weight loss, take 6 bulbs, several tomatoes, 1 cabbage head, 2 Bulgarian peppers, 1 bundle of celery or parsley. You can add leafy greens, garlic, zucchini, asparagus, a little carrot to the soup. Peel all vegetables and cut, pour water and boil until ready. You can season the soup with any spices and even hot pepper. During the week daily cook soup and eat it 3 times a day, you can and 4 times. On the first day of the diet, you can eat all fruits, except bananas. On the second day, it is recommended to combine with soup any vegetables, except potatoes, not only fresh, but also boiled. The third day is fruity, but you can also eat vegetables, the fourth - vegetable. On the fifth day, it is recommended to add 500 g of chicken to the menu. The sixth and seventh days of the diet are also vegetables, fruits and 500 grams of chicken.
DepositPhotos - Diet with onion soup is very easily tolerated, because there is no feeling of hunger. In addition, it is extremely beneficial for health. If you last a week, you will not only lose weight, but also clean the vessels, improve the digestive system, strengthen the immune system!
What is useful onions for women? Just 1 bulb a day will make you look gorgeous and feel great. These are not empty words: onions contain vitamins A and C in large quantities, it is the lack of these vitamins that can cause skin withering and hormonal imbalance. Also in an ordinary bulb there is calcium and potassium, which are easily absorbed!
For me, this was a discovery, who would have thought that onions contain elements so necessary for the bone and circulatory system. Make it a habit to eat 1 bulb a day, and you will not need any vitamins from the pharmacy. It is especially important not to forget to eat onions in autumn and winter.

Tell us in the comments how you use onions for health and beauty. I have no doubt that there are many useful recipes that our favorite readers should know about! I wish you good health and long serene years of life.
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