Homemade mask recipe with ginger and turmeric
Sometimes you meet people who cheat their age. Usually, those who have a pleasant appearance, even in old age, have a clear mind and a special, very strong energy.
I always rejoice in such meetings: it is nice to see a person who has not wasted himself, but has made efforts. lives every day fully. Lives every day with dignity and beauty to the deepest old age. Perhaps that is happiness...
Description of a simple procedure, which will be discussed now, I got like a trophy as a result of a conversation with a woman who won the age. Mom's employee Genefe Tadeushne It's 84. But the look...
She is full of dignity, slim, her gray hair looks like a fashionable coloring from the salon, and wrinkles are some special. It seems they are, like all grandmothers, but so light, almost imperceptible. I can describe her appearance for a long time because I admire her sincerely.
Genefa Tadeusna said that she started making masks when she was 25. She was already a nurse, and one of the doctors advised her to use it. ginger. Weird? Perhaps even frightening, because it is a very hot product. But what an effect!
Golden Mask of Ginger and Turmeric Ingredients
Home rejuvenation Perhaps without complex cosmetic procedures and ultra-expensive drugs! We will discuss in detail why these ingredients are effective and how they affect the skin.
What is the secret of a homemade gold mask
Common issues
Try to make this homemade mask one time, and you will become a fan of it for many years! I wish you youth in body and soul and good health. Show your friends this informative article.
I always rejoice in such meetings: it is nice to see a person who has not wasted himself, but has made efforts. lives every day fully. Lives every day with dignity and beauty to the deepest old age. Perhaps that is happiness...

Description of a simple procedure, which will be discussed now, I got like a trophy as a result of a conversation with a woman who won the age. Mom's employee Genefe Tadeushne It's 84. But the look...
She is full of dignity, slim, her gray hair looks like a fashionable coloring from the salon, and wrinkles are some special. It seems they are, like all grandmothers, but so light, almost imperceptible. I can describe her appearance for a long time because I admire her sincerely.
Genefa Tadeusna said that she started making masks when she was 25. She was already a nurse, and one of the doctors advised her to use it. ginger. Weird? Perhaps even frightening, because it is a very hot product. But what an effect!

Golden Mask of Ginger and Turmeric Ingredients
- 2 tbsp fresh grated ginger root
- 2 tbsp honey
- 1 tsp turmeric
- Mix finely grated fresh ginger root, honey and turmeric. Put it on your face for 10 minutes. Don't worry, if there's a slight burning sensation, it's a warming mask. Thanks to the warming effect, blood circulation improves and wrinkles are smoothed!
DepositPhotos - Wash the mask with warm water. It would be nice if you got your face wet. pomegranate After that mask. Pomegranate contains an incredible amount of antioxidants and fruit acids, the skin after such rubbing will become insanely tender. This is not a mandatory element of the procedure, but rather an additional, enhancing effect of ginger and turmeric. Use fresh pomegranate juice: make it from a small amount of pomegranate seeds and apply immediately.
Home rejuvenation Perhaps without complex cosmetic procedures and ultra-expensive drugs! We will discuss in detail why these ingredients are effective and how they affect the skin.
What is the secret of a homemade gold mask
- Ginger
Ginger returns the skin elasticity, brings it tone. Getting on the skin, ginger seems to wake her from sleep, circulatory Even deep in the skin. Due to this, the tone of the face becomes healthier and lighter, the skin begins to shine. Fragility goes away, small and deeper wrinkles are smoothed out. Ginger vitaminizes It improves its protective properties. The skin will not react so sharply to temperature changes and other external stimuli, the barrier function of the skin will increase if the procedure is carried out regularly.
If you have dry skin, don’t worry about burning ginger drying it even more. On the contrary, ginger will help to deeply moisturize the skin, miraculously saturating it with useful trace elements.
DepositPhotos - turmeric
Turmeric contains ascorbic acid. Due to its effect on the skin, active collagen production begins. Also present in turmeric niacin, which helps to restore damaged skin cells. Turmeric lightens! Paradoxically, but the powder of nucleus yellow whitens even pigment spots, narrows the pores and makes the skin velvety. If you are worried that turmeric will give your skin a yellowish tint, wipe your face after washing. lemon juiceHe'll take the yellow off.
Any yellowness will be removed and pomegranate juice, which was written above. In addition, the ginger mask is preferably done in the evening, so that in the morning you will definitely not see traces of magic turmeric on your face.
DepositPhotos - Honey
Honey, which is part of this homemade mask, is not an additional component. It contains polyphenols. oxidizing They stop aging, and they also stop zinc, which slows down aging and removes any inflammation. Honey in combination with ginger and turmeric will help not only brighten and rejuvenate the skin, but also remove defects. For example, small scars and scars. Face rejuvenation at home It has many additional bonuses! Even the fluff on the face will thin, there will be no hairs above the lip, because ginger is capable of this: its burning power will destroy the hair follicles, completely unnecessary on the face.
Common issues
- At what age can you wear a gold mask?
The mask is useful for women of any age, the earlier you start it, the better. If a more mature woman does the home rejuvenation procedure, she will notice the result faster, because time has already left a mark on her face. But younger women will also be satisfied with the tonic, moisturizing and brightening effect of the mask. The mask is suitable for women with any type of skin, for each type of skin it has its healing effect.
DepositPhotos - How soon will the result be earthed?
After the first application, this is not a joke. Immediately after washing, many women note that the face seems to be updated, looks more fit. After the third application of the mask, regeneration processes begin in the deep layers of the skin, wrinkles gradually disappear.
DepositPhotos - How often do you wear a mask?
Three times a week. This is the optimal number of procedures, if you do the mask three times, the effect will be obvious. At the same time, the skin will have time to rest and renew itself, because there will be breaks between applications. - When is the best time to wear a gold mask?
The evening is best. Under the influence of ginger, the skin will vaporize, so it is good after the procedure not to go outside, especially in the cold season. Also, the evening is good because you can no longer apply decorative cosmetics to the skin, which has undergone a natural rejuvenation procedure. - Will a homemade gold mask paint my skin yellow?
No, it won't. The recipe indicates the ideal amount of turmeric, it will have a beneficial effect on the skin, but it will not color it. If you have very light skin, you may notice a slight yolk, but it will pass quickly after washing. Rubbing the skin with lemon or pomegranate juice will also help.
DepositPhotos - Are there any contraindications for using this mask?
If your skin is too sensitive, you can hold the mask on your skin for a little less than 5 minutes. It'll still have an effect. But this is only if the skin is indeed excessively sensitive, in other cases it makes no sense to reduce the time of the procedure. If there are vascular stars on the skin, you should also keep the mask a little less. Although many women have noted that ginger strengthens blood vessels, so that the stars soon disappear if you do the mask regularly. - In what cases can the mask not be used?
If the skin has open wounds, damage, mask can not be used: burning ginger will cause a feeling of severe burning.
Try to make this homemade mask one time, and you will become a fan of it for many years! I wish you youth in body and soul and good health. Show your friends this informative article.
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