The fungus will dry with the root! Take and spread the legs of ordinary...
Best. leg-fungal And any other fungal disease is, of course, a diet. Why do so many people reappear again and again? Because the doctor often prescribes drugs that can remove the symptoms of the disease and its external manifestations, but do not destroy the fungus completely.
As long as the fungus that lives in your body has a nutrient medium, it will multiply. But if you temporarily limit yourself and stop eating foods that contribute to the development of fungal infection, the disease will disappear. Useful to combine antifungal with other treatments. A little below will be a recipe for a very simple but effective foot bath.
Diet vs. fungus Why do we write about diet in the first place? First, all the drugs that are used to treat fungus are toxic and poison the liver. To be treated with them means to deal a serious blow to the body, and, most offensively, it will be a vain sacrifice.
If you continue to eat according to the usual scheme, the fungus will have enough food to still remain in the body. After medical treatment, even the minimum number of surviving fungal cells can provoke a relapse of the disease. To stop this trouble, give up these products for 2 weeks if the stage of the disease is initial, and for a month if the fungus is already in an advanced stage.
Prohibited products
Vegetarian diet It is the best antifungal diet. It is also necessary to completely exclude sugar, starchy products and all flour products. What's left? A few foods, only the most useful for you and neutral for fungal cells.
What to eat and drink
It is necessary to understand that the nasty signs of fungus on the legs and other types of fungus, for example, candidiasis, are terrible, but... Much worse is what happens inside the body, what we don't see. Huge fungal colonies can multiply in the body at cosmic speed. The products of the vital activity of mushrooms can poison the body and cause phenomena such as chronic fatigue, constant headaches, indigestion, various skin diseases, reduced immunity.
Through the circulatory system, the fungus spreads throughout the body and enters all organs. Treatment should be approached responsibly, starting with a diet, and a soda bath will help to get rid of visible unpleasant symptoms.
Remedy against fungus The most simple and affordable nail-fungal You can make soda and salt, which you probably have in the kitchen.
You'll need it.
Solution of soda and salt in room temperature water. Keep your feet in the bath for about 10 minutes. Then wash your feet with soap. Do such a bath every evening, and after 2 weeks there will be no trace of the fungus.
Unfortunately, a huge amount of processed foods in our diet provokes constant fungal diseases. It is desirable to use the most harmful products with a high sugar content extremely rarely. This is an excellent prevention of fungal diseases.
And do not underestimate the danger: some scientists believe that fungus is a decisive factor contributing to the occurrence of cancer. After all, the fungus weakens the body, its protective system ceases to work adequately. While research is being conducted on this topic, do not take risks. Take care of your health and the health of your loved ones! Share this useful material with them.
As long as the fungus that lives in your body has a nutrient medium, it will multiply. But if you temporarily limit yourself and stop eating foods that contribute to the development of fungal infection, the disease will disappear. Useful to combine antifungal with other treatments. A little below will be a recipe for a very simple but effective foot bath.

Diet vs. fungus Why do we write about diet in the first place? First, all the drugs that are used to treat fungus are toxic and poison the liver. To be treated with them means to deal a serious blow to the body, and, most offensively, it will be a vain sacrifice.

If you continue to eat according to the usual scheme, the fungus will have enough food to still remain in the body. After medical treatment, even the minimum number of surviving fungal cells can provoke a relapse of the disease. To stop this trouble, give up these products for 2 weeks if the stage of the disease is initial, and for a month if the fungus is already in an advanced stage.
Prohibited products
- Confectionery, cakes, cakes, chocolate, cocoa.
- Fruits, berries, honey, dried fruits, juices from the package.
- Bread and any pastries, anything that contains flour.
- Rice, potatoes, corn.
- Sausages, canned food, semi-finished products, smoked goods.
- Sauces, all spicy.
- Alcohol.
- Carbonated drinks.
- Mold cheese.
- Meat.

Vegetarian diet It is the best antifungal diet. It is also necessary to completely exclude sugar, starchy products and all flour products. What's left? A few foods, only the most useful for you and neutral for fungal cells.
What to eat and drink
- Chicken eggs.
- Sour milk products without sugar.
- Fresh greens and vegetables (except potatoes, beets and carrots).
- Fish and seafood.
- Soya.
- Nuts and seeds.
- Tea, coffee, herbal broths.

It is necessary to understand that the nasty signs of fungus on the legs and other types of fungus, for example, candidiasis, are terrible, but... Much worse is what happens inside the body, what we don't see. Huge fungal colonies can multiply in the body at cosmic speed. The products of the vital activity of mushrooms can poison the body and cause phenomena such as chronic fatigue, constant headaches, indigestion, various skin diseases, reduced immunity.
Through the circulatory system, the fungus spreads throughout the body and enters all organs. Treatment should be approached responsibly, starting with a diet, and a soda bath will help to get rid of visible unpleasant symptoms.

Remedy against fungus The most simple and affordable nail-fungal You can make soda and salt, which you probably have in the kitchen.
You'll need it.
- 1 tbsp soda
- 1 tbsp salt
- 2 liters of warm water

Solution of soda and salt in room temperature water. Keep your feet in the bath for about 10 minutes. Then wash your feet with soap. Do such a bath every evening, and after 2 weeks there will be no trace of the fungus.

Unfortunately, a huge amount of processed foods in our diet provokes constant fungal diseases. It is desirable to use the most harmful products with a high sugar content extremely rarely. This is an excellent prevention of fungal diseases.
And do not underestimate the danger: some scientists believe that fungus is a decisive factor contributing to the occurrence of cancer. After all, the fungus weakens the body, its protective system ceases to work adequately. While research is being conducted on this topic, do not take risks. Take care of your health and the health of your loved ones! Share this useful material with them.
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