Ginger with lemon for weight loss

As ginger and lemon have long been used as a cure for many diseases. Both products became famous due to its ability to burn excess fat. Ginger with lemon for weight loss – how to combine the benefits of fancy root and bright citrus?
Useful information useful Than ginger? Its chemical composition includes at least 400 nutrients. The root contains almost all the essential amino acids, carbohydrates, small amount of fats, lots of fiber. Ginger pleases abundance of vitamins (it is necessary to highlight In-group, ascorbic acid, tocopherol, vitamin K). It is composed of micro - and macronutrients – potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, iron, calcium, zinc, etc. the Root of ginger contains essential oil. The calorie content of the product depends on its condition – 100 g of fresh root contains about 80 calories, while the energy value of dry root is increased almost 4 times (it is about 330 kcal/100 g). Benefits of ginger for the figure? It accelerates metabolism, increases the rate of fat burning, boosts the immune system, cleanses toxins, normalizes digestion, relieves muscle pain, sport (and sport to improve the shape almost impossible). Ginger improves skin elasticity – this way you become less visible sagging body and stretch marks — faithful companions of rapid weight loss. The aroma of ginger helps to control the appetite. It is important to remember that ginger has a number of contraindications. These include peptic ulcer disease, pregnancy, lactation, individual intolerance.
Benefits of lemon for the figure? Sunny fruit normalizes the reaction of our internal environment (it belongs to the category of alkaline foods). Calories in it a little (100 grams contains 34 calories). Sour fruit is one of the leaders on the content of ascorbic acid. According to nutritionists, this vitamin speeds up the process of weight loss. Lemon contains fiber – it improves the work of digestive organs, helps to cleanse the body of harmful accumulations. Increase metabolism contribute to organic acids. Lemon has in its composition important for fat metabolism element – calcium. Citrus increases efficiency, improves mood, improves skin tone. Contraindications to use are lemon jade in the acute phase, peptic ulcer disease, pancreatitis, gastritis in the acute stage.
Ginger with lemon for weight loss – most of these products are flavored cooking fat burning drinks. To improve the taste and improve the efficiency of funds add certain components. The drink is recommended to drink between meals or before meals. Depending on the concentration of the beverage and personal endurance single dose can be 0.5-1 tbsp. Remember that the finished ginger drink should be filtered – if this is not done, then their taste will be too intense.
Ginger, lemon and honey for weight loss 100 g ginger root clean and chop. Put the mass into a pitcher, brew with boiling water (1.5 l), leave for 20 minutes. Squeeze in ginger ale juice from 1 lemon, add 1 tbsp of honey. Mix well. If no fresh ginger root, replace it with a powder product (1.5-2 tsp).
From these components it is possible to prepare a composition for anti-cellulite body wraps. Heat in a water bath for 0.5 tbsp. honey (not higher than 40 degrees). Add 5 drops essential oil of lemon and a pinch of ground ginger. The mixture apply on problem areas, wrap film and keep for half an hour.
Ginger, cucumber, lemon for weight loss the Cucumber – low-calorie dietary product that has diuretic properties. This popular vegetable may become a component of the ginger-lemon drink. Well, the mint leaves will add a piquant note. To brew a piece of ginger root (about 4 cm) clean and chop. The lemon and cucumber wash and cut into thin slices. 500 ml of water will precipitate, add the ginger, remove from heat, cover and allow to steep. After 15 minutes, add the slices of cucumber and lemon, and lightly mashed mint leaves. After 10-15 minutes, add 1 tbsp. of honey and mix.
Ginger, lemon, mint for weight loss ginger Root clean and chop (there should be 6 tsp). Press the juice from lemon or lime – measure 6-8 tbsp sour liquid. In a glass bowl, put ginger, pour over the lemon juice, pour boiling water (1.5 l), add the lightly mashed mint leaves, cover and leave to infuse.
Reviews of Ginger with lemon for weight loss can be used, but a special result should not count. This drink can easily support a weight loss program, enhance its effectiveness, but as an independent means to lose weight will not help.
Source: updiet.info/