Water with lemon on an empty stomach! What is better to drink this morning?

✅-warm water with lemon helps digestion, its atomic structure is similar to the saliva and gastric juice hydrochloric acid.
✅-lemon is very good for the digestive system, as it contains citric acid. It interacts with other enzymes and acids, can easily stimulate the secretion of gastric juice and digestion.
✅- liver produces more enzymes out of the water with a lemon / lime than from any other food according to AF Beddoe, the author of "Biological Ionization in human nutrition».
Water with lemon cleanses the liver. Lemon juice stimulates the liver to release of toxins and water takes these toxins through the excretory system.
✅- Warm water with lemon helps the natural bowel movement.
Water with lemon juice can lead to normal digestive function and excrete toxic substances
✅- Lemon is a powerful antioxidant
Water with lemon essential for normal metabolism, protects the body from free radicals, removes cholesterol and strengthens the immune system and protect us from premature aging.
✅- lemons and limes are high in potassium.
Potassium is an important mineral that works with sodium to smooth the electric power transmission in the brain and nervous system. Depression, anxiety and fear are often the result of low levels of potassium in the blood. The nervous system needs sufficient potassium to provide stable signals to the heart. So that the health of your heart will certainly improve after regular use of water with lemon.
✅- Furthermore, lemon contains calcium and magnesium in a good balance.
Calcium is needed for bone, prevents rickets and osteoporosis, magnesium is important for heart health.
Lemon contains the following vitamins: carotene-0, 01 mg vitamin B1 - 0, 04 mg Vitamin B2 - 0, 02 mg vitamin B5 - 0, 2 mg, vitamin Wb - 0, 06 mg vitamin Su - 9 0 mg vitamin C - 40-70 0 mg vitamin PP-0 and 1. The trace elements calcium, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, sodium, and iron. Vitamin P in combination with vitamin C is an excellent tool for strengthening the blood vessels.
✅- Water with lemon / lime can help lower blood pressure.
Daily intake of one lemon may reduce high blood pressure by 10%. Lemon particularly useful during the initial stage to moderate hypertension when the pressure rises above 160/90 mmHg The effective therapeutic dose - the juice of two large lemons a day. Starting treatment of lemon, it is necessary to regularly measure blood pressure to, as soon as it will decrease (and this is possible after two to three weeks), to reduce the dose of antihypertensive drugs taken, or opt out of them.
✅- Water with lemon / lime creates an alkalizing effect in the body.
Even if you drink it immediately before a meal, it will help your body to maintain a high pH level. The higher the pH, the more resistant your body to disease.
Lemons and all acidic raw fruits and berries, being split in the stomach and create an alkaline reaction, since the organic acids contained in the fresh fruit and berries, as acids do not dissociate, but as alkali cleavage hydroxyl OH group with a negative charge, T. e. group - electron carrier. Therefore, all raw sour berries and fruit alkalized body. As for the lemon is alkaline it can yield due to antioxidant vitamins contained in it, but the taste of the product there is absolutely nothing to do with.
✅- Water with lemon / lime helps to dilute the uric acid that accumulate, leading to pain in the joints and gout.
Water, diluted with natural lemon juice, a positive effect on the work of the joints, reducing pain, not only in joints, but also muscle pain.
✅- Water with lemon / lime helps to reduce mucus in the body.
The lemon juice contains a large amount of vitamin C, which helps digestion and improves immunity.
✅- Water with lemon fat outputs, helping reduce weight and giving the body extra tone.
Some believe that the lemon diet is not necessary. But it is proved that it contains substances that break down fat. In addition, citric acid can enhance the secretion of gastric juice and accelerate metabolism. Pectin can lead to normal blood sugar levels, as well as clean the lymph flow, which is important.
How and when should you drink water with lemon
For this purpose, you should use warm purified or spring water. Take half a cup of warm water without sugar and squeeze to get at least half a lemon or lime. It is better to use a special juicer to get the maximum juice with minimum effort.
you need to drink water with lemon first thing in the morning on an empty stomach and do not sit down to breakfast immediately.
Some recommend to drink water one hour before meals for maximum results.
All health!
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