Recipes from nettle tasty and very useful
Don't miss a moment of the birth of a young nettle. She is gentle and very useful when eating. To collect her best before flowering. Nettle is a valuable plant, a unique natural concentrate of vitamins. Ascorbic acid it is twice more than in fruits of black currant and lemon, the carotene content is higher than in the berries of sea buckthorn, carrot and sorrel, and only 20 nettle leaves provide our body's daily requirement of vitamin A. in Addition, nettle is rich in vitamins K, E and b, and trace elements including iron, magnesium, copper, calcium etc.
The composition of nettle include silicon, flavonoids, phytoncides, organic acids, thanks to which nettle has tonic properties: it increases the body's resistance to many bacteria, toxins, harmful effects of radiation, strengthens the immune system, and also provides a high degree of protection of the body from oxygen deficiency.
Improving overall flow of all energy processes, nettle has a stimulating effect on carbohydrate and protein metabolism, so it is so often recommended in chronic diseases, when the significantly reduced overall resistance of the organism.
Vitamin K nourishes the nettle a powerful hemostatic properties. Vitamin K increases blood clotting and has anti-inflammatory action that allows you to use nettle as a wound healing agent for external use and internal uterine, pulmonary, renal, intestinal and other internal bleeding.
Nettle leaves also contain chlorophyll in its pure form, without admixture of other pigments. Chlorophyll has a strong stimulating and tonic effect on the body, improves metabolism, increases tone of the intestines, the cardiovascular system and the respiratory center, and promotes healing of the affected tissues.
A lot of different dishes! This is the first dishes, i.e. soups, second, salads and cakes, cereals and sauces, burgers, tea and juice.
It is important to understand that the young nettles are still rarely used as the main component of the recipe, more as an addition for taste. For example, as greens. Therefore, it can be put to many ordinary dishes that you usually cook, giving them a new flavor and making it useful.
To a young nettle do not lose their useful properties it is necessary to subject it to heat treatment.
High nettles should be cooked no more than 3 minutes. Even if the scalding with boiling water it ceases to sting and it can be finely chopped for use in salads or other dishes. If you want to keep as much vitamin A then nettle is better to granulate with your hands or a ceramic knife.
In soups, main dishes and porridge young nettle added at the end of cooking. To comply with these rules will not work only in pies and cutlets. Brewing the leaves of young nettles get tea for everybody.
Juice from the leaves of the nettle used for medicinal and cosmetic purposes or for drinks to get young nettle soaked in clean water for several hours, then stir in the gauze press.
Need to collect young nettle from April, to clean the woods, far from roads, landfills, livestock, and industrial enterprises. Use young leaves and tender upper stems. Take healthy green part. In order not to burn yourself, use gloves.
Drying is necessary in the shade, the shelf life of dried nettle not more than 2 years. For pickling young nettles well washed and finely cut, 1 kg is taken from 50 to 100 grams of salt, where it is 2-4 tablespoons. Chopped nettle mix well with salt, lay tightly in a glass jar and close the regular reusable lids. Stored in the cold, like the refrigerator or cellar up to 1 month. For freezing, young nettle also wash well, dry, put in plastic bags or plastic jars of mayonnaise and remove for storage in the freezer.
You will need:
First into boiling water put the diced potatoes for 10 minutes add onions and carrots, after a further 5 min – nettles, and salt to put in soup whipped with a fork egg, vigorously stirring the soup, boil the soup for another 3 minutes and serve with sour cream.
2 liters of water:
Remove the foam, add the chopped small cubes carrots, Bay leaf and butter.
Nettle to wash and remove thick stalks, if any. Cut is not very finely. To nettle not used to sting, you can douse it with boiling water, but better not to do to retain more vitamins, and to cut it in rubber gloves.
Adyghe cheese (paneer) cut into cubes. When vegetables in pan are tender and are easily pierced with a knife (about 10 minutes), add cheese, nettle and salt. Simmer for another 5 minutes on and off. Sprinkle with pepper and serve with sour cream.
That's all! Nettle soup is very fast to cook and turns out delicious and hearty. At the end of cooking, by the way, you can add the sorrel, is even tastier and more useful.
in Hercules pour in some boiling water and place to swell.
at this time, young nettle, quinoa and green feathers of garlic, wash and crush.
our oat mass, add chopped herbs, salt, one egg and a spoon Rast. oil.
knead olasky.
on a heated with rust.oil pan spoon our pancakes. fry both of Toronto Golden brown. you can serve it with milk )
Wipe through a sieve of 200 grams of cottage cheese, mix cottage cheese with a glass of finely chopped leaves of nettle. Add 3 finely chopped garlic cloves, 3 tbsp oil and 1 tsp mustard.
You will need: nettle is young, green onions, dill, parsley, vegetable oil, pepper, salt.
Nettle leaves how to wash and scalded with boiling water, finely chop, combine with finely chopped dill, parsley and chives, salt and pepper and fill with oil.
Nettle leaf is dipped in boiling water for 1-2 minutes, drain in a sieve. Then grind, fill with vinegar, top lay slices of boiled eggs, sprinkle with sour cream.
Young nettle — 600 g eggs — 4 PCs., sour cream — 80 g, vinegar, salt to taste.
You need 100 g of salt, 5 kg nettle, 2 g cumin, 150 g apples, 150 g carrots, Bay leaf, allspice and 50 g of cranberry or lingonberry.
Wash the young nettle shoots and lay in an enamel bowl along with apples, carrots, cranberries or cranberries, Bay leaf, cumin, salt and pepper. Then apply oppression. After 2 weeks the nettle can be used in soup, seasoning for fish and meat dishes.
Plantain and nettle to lower for 1 minute in boiling water, drain in a sieve, slice and add the chopped onion and horseradish. Season with salt and dill, sprinkle with chopped eggs, sprinkle with sour cream.
Young shoots of nettle rinse and run through juicer. Marc pour boiling water, mince and squeeze again. The juice of the first and second spin mix, pour in scalded 0,5 liter jars and pasteurized at a temperature of 65-70°C. Cans of juice store in a cool place.
These juices are used to prepare various seasonings, sauces and drinks.
Prepared young nettle leaves washed, mince.
In boiling water to send rice, cook for 10 minutes, add the diced potatoes, roasted roots, onion. tomato puree, salt, add the sorrel leaves, for 3 minutes until tender, add to the soup prepared a lot of nettles to boil.
Serve with sour cream and cool eggs.
Young shoots of nettle pour over boiling water, drain the water and chop the nettles and mix with boiled rice. Add finely chopped eggs, add salt, season with melted butter.
The list of dishes that can be prepared from nettle are huge – and all because of her centuries been used for food for centuries it was considered one of the main products of healers.
Rich set of biologically active elements explains a wide range of restorative and preventive properties of nettle. Nettle allows you to restore the functions of vital organs and regulate the body functioning as a whole.
However, when using nettle, you should know that she thicken our blood, so people with problems with the blood vessels, heart, hypertension is not recommended for frequent use. You can't eat it, and pregnant women because it can induce premature labor. published
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: www.bytdobru.info/statya/4801-molodaya-krapiva-tselebnaya-sila-kak-sobirat-i-zagotavlivat-retsepty-blyud

The composition of nettle include silicon, flavonoids, phytoncides, organic acids, thanks to which nettle has tonic properties: it increases the body's resistance to many bacteria, toxins, harmful effects of radiation, strengthens the immune system, and also provides a high degree of protection of the body from oxygen deficiency.
Improving overall flow of all energy processes, nettle has a stimulating effect on carbohydrate and protein metabolism, so it is so often recommended in chronic diseases, when the significantly reduced overall resistance of the organism.
Vitamin K nourishes the nettle a powerful hemostatic properties. Vitamin K increases blood clotting and has anti-inflammatory action that allows you to use nettle as a wound healing agent for external use and internal uterine, pulmonary, renal, intestinal and other internal bleeding.
Nettle leaves also contain chlorophyll in its pure form, without admixture of other pigments. Chlorophyll has a strong stimulating and tonic effect on the body, improves metabolism, increases tone of the intestines, the cardiovascular system and the respiratory center, and promotes healing of the affected tissues.
A lot of different dishes! This is the first dishes, i.e. soups, second, salads and cakes, cereals and sauces, burgers, tea and juice.
It is important to understand that the young nettles are still rarely used as the main component of the recipe, more as an addition for taste. For example, as greens. Therefore, it can be put to many ordinary dishes that you usually cook, giving them a new flavor and making it useful.
To a young nettle do not lose their useful properties it is necessary to subject it to heat treatment.
High nettles should be cooked no more than 3 minutes. Even if the scalding with boiling water it ceases to sting and it can be finely chopped for use in salads or other dishes. If you want to keep as much vitamin A then nettle is better to granulate with your hands or a ceramic knife.
In soups, main dishes and porridge young nettle added at the end of cooking. To comply with these rules will not work only in pies and cutlets. Brewing the leaves of young nettles get tea for everybody.
Juice from the leaves of the nettle used for medicinal and cosmetic purposes or for drinks to get young nettle soaked in clean water for several hours, then stir in the gauze press.
Need to collect young nettle from April, to clean the woods, far from roads, landfills, livestock, and industrial enterprises. Use young leaves and tender upper stems. Take healthy green part. In order not to burn yourself, use gloves.
Drying is necessary in the shade, the shelf life of dried nettle not more than 2 years. For pickling young nettles well washed and finely cut, 1 kg is taken from 50 to 100 grams of salt, where it is 2-4 tablespoons. Chopped nettle mix well with salt, lay tightly in a glass jar and close the regular reusable lids. Stored in the cold, like the refrigerator or cellar up to 1 month. For freezing, young nettle also wash well, dry, put in plastic bags or plastic jars of mayonnaise and remove for storage in the freezer.

You will need:
- young nettle,
- 1 egg, carrot,
- onion and/or green,
- potatoes,
- salt.
First into boiling water put the diced potatoes for 10 minutes add onions and carrots, after a further 5 min – nettles, and salt to put in soup whipped with a fork egg, vigorously stirring the soup, boil the soup for another 3 minutes and serve with sour cream.
2 liters of water:
- 2-3 PCs. medium sized potatoes
- 1-2 carrots
- 200 g of Adyghe cheese
- a bundle of young nettles
- 30 g butter
- approximately 1 tablespoon coarse salt
- ground black pepper, to taste
- 2 Bay leaves
- sour cream
Remove the foam, add the chopped small cubes carrots, Bay leaf and butter.
Nettle to wash and remove thick stalks, if any. Cut is not very finely. To nettle not used to sting, you can douse it with boiling water, but better not to do to retain more vitamins, and to cut it in rubber gloves.
Adyghe cheese (paneer) cut into cubes. When vegetables in pan are tender and are easily pierced with a knife (about 10 minutes), add cheese, nettle and salt. Simmer for another 5 minutes on and off. Sprinkle with pepper and serve with sour cream.
That's all! Nettle soup is very fast to cook and turns out delicious and hearty. At the end of cooking, by the way, you can add the sorrel, is even tastier and more useful.
in Hercules pour in some boiling water and place to swell.
at this time, young nettle, quinoa and green feathers of garlic, wash and crush.
our oat mass, add chopped herbs, salt, one egg and a spoon Rast. oil.
knead olasky.
on a heated with rust.oil pan spoon our pancakes. fry both of Toronto Golden brown. you can serve it with milk )
Wipe through a sieve of 200 grams of cottage cheese, mix cottage cheese with a glass of finely chopped leaves of nettle. Add 3 finely chopped garlic cloves, 3 tbsp oil and 1 tsp mustard.
You will need: nettle is young, green onions, dill, parsley, vegetable oil, pepper, salt.
Nettle leaves how to wash and scalded with boiling water, finely chop, combine with finely chopped dill, parsley and chives, salt and pepper and fill with oil.
Nettle leaf is dipped in boiling water for 1-2 minutes, drain in a sieve. Then grind, fill with vinegar, top lay slices of boiled eggs, sprinkle with sour cream.
Young nettle — 600 g eggs — 4 PCs., sour cream — 80 g, vinegar, salt to taste.
You need 100 g of salt, 5 kg nettle, 2 g cumin, 150 g apples, 150 g carrots, Bay leaf, allspice and 50 g of cranberry or lingonberry.
Wash the young nettle shoots and lay in an enamel bowl along with apples, carrots, cranberries or cranberries, Bay leaf, cumin, salt and pepper. Then apply oppression. After 2 weeks the nettle can be used in soup, seasoning for fish and meat dishes.
Plantain and nettle to lower for 1 minute in boiling water, drain in a sieve, slice and add the chopped onion and horseradish. Season with salt and dill, sprinkle with chopped eggs, sprinkle with sour cream.
- Young plantain leaves — 250 g
- nettle — 200 g, onion — 250 g
- horseradish — 100 g, eggs — 2 PCs.,
- sour cream — 80 g
- vinegar, salt to taste.
Young shoots of nettle rinse and run through juicer. Marc pour boiling water, mince and squeeze again. The juice of the first and second spin mix, pour in scalded 0,5 liter jars and pasteurized at a temperature of 65-70°C. Cans of juice store in a cool place.
These juices are used to prepare various seasonings, sauces and drinks.
Prepared young nettle leaves washed, mince.
In boiling water to send rice, cook for 10 minutes, add the diced potatoes, roasted roots, onion. tomato puree, salt, add the sorrel leaves, for 3 minutes until tender, add to the soup prepared a lot of nettles to boil.
Serve with sour cream and cool eggs.
Young shoots of nettle pour over boiling water, drain the water and chop the nettles and mix with boiled rice. Add finely chopped eggs, add salt, season with melted butter.
- On 1 kg of nettle
- 100 g of rice,
- 5 eggs
- 60 g of oil,
- salt to taste.
The list of dishes that can be prepared from nettle are huge – and all because of her centuries been used for food for centuries it was considered one of the main products of healers.
Rich set of biologically active elements explains a wide range of restorative and preventive properties of nettle. Nettle allows you to restore the functions of vital organs and regulate the body functioning as a whole.
However, when using nettle, you should know that she thicken our blood, so people with problems with the blood vessels, heart, hypertension is not recommended for frequent use. You can't eat it, and pregnant women because it can induce premature labor. published
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: www.bytdobru.info/statya/4801-molodaya-krapiva-tselebnaya-sila-kak-sobirat-i-zagotavlivat-retsepty-blyud