The juice of nettle: amazing healing properties

Significant Wellness power lies in stinging nettle. Nettle can be consumed in food, and even greater benefits of nettle juice prepared from the young stems and leaves. Because it concentrates the medicinal components and is quickly absorbed. Nettle juice has a beneficial effect on cleansing the body of toxins and increase hemoglobin in the blood. The juice has the ability to increase metabolic processes in the body, resulting in purified and enriched the blood, wastes are removed, start working better all organs and systems.
Renowned Swiss naturopath, V. Shenenberger, who developed the theory of the treatment of various diseases fresh herbs (juice), had higher the value of the spring recovery plants, among which, first and foremost, valued nettle, dandelion, celery. He told the story of a Bavarian king, who has set up such a procedure: after Breakfast all the members of his family from the hands of the pharmacist received two small glasses, one with juice of nettles with the juice of the dandelion, and drank them. The king was aware of where to get health and we?
Researchers tell us that the juice of the nettle will help to get rid of the winter depletion, beriberi, anemia, rashes on the skin of non-infectious origin, even the annoying migraine. Old beauties have supported the health and beauty, daily drinking within a month of 3-4 spoon juice of young nettle, diluted with water in the ratio 1: 3.
Daily treatment with the juice of the nettle is very useful for strengthening of bones (and that's the prevention of osteoporosis), cleaning the liver, bladder, respiratory tract, the normalization of the gastrointestinal tract, and calming of the nervous system.
Increasing metabolism, nettle juice improves the condition of hemorrhoids, arteriosclerosis, rheumatism, gout, diabetes. According to the testimony of Polish scientists, the fresh juice of the nettle shows a therapeutic effect in all stages of prostate adenoma, because it delays development of hypertrophy.
Nettle juice — "ambulance" for injuries: you should stretch your nettle leaves until the juice and apply on the wound. Impressed juice washed the wound, moisten the bandage, which is applied on wounds.
In folk medicine it is believed that nettle possesses anticarcinogenic properties because it is recommended to consume nettle honey (honey mixed with nettle juice, and adding chopped fresh nettle leaves and nuts) to patients with tumors in the GI tract with benign prostatic hyperplasia. This mixture also normalizes blood pressure.
If there is no possibility daily to prepare fresh nettle juice (and drinking it should be, not later that 15 minutes after cooking, otherwise it becomes poor), you can prepare a juice extractor, which also has a positive, though weaker, effect on the body. For this you need to cut the young stems with leaves up to 20 cm (the most useful in April-may), then thoroughly washed, crushed, folded, not consolidating, in a glass jar and pour boiled cold water. After a ten-hour infusion to drink as much as possible.
Spring is the perfect time to spend treatment for the hair. Possessing many therapeutic properties, nettle at the same time is a source of vitamins and minerals that help us recover after the cold season and prevent anemia.
Nettle is rich in biologically active substances, such as iron, magnesium, calcium, potassium and silicon, vitamins a, K, PP, V. Nettle contains 200 times more vitamin C than apples.
Therapeutic effect:
- anti-anaemic, energy, vitamins, minerals;
- hepatoprotective, antimicrobial, gastroectomy, antidiarrheal and ant hemorrhoid;
- expectorant, emollient, antitussive, Antiasthmatic, anti-inflammatory;
- diuretic;
- activating blood circulation;
- anti-diabetic, anti-cellulite, anti-rheumatic, immune-stimulating.
Affecting the digestive system, nettle fights:
— hyperacid gastritis, ulcers and pancreatitis;
— hepatitis, gall stones and cirrhosis;
— indigestion, constipation, enteritis;
— small hemorrhages of the digestive system (4 teaspoons of dried leaves per day);
— will help get rid of intestinal parasites.
Kidney problems:
— calculus of the kidneys and a kidney infection;
— retention of urine, uremia;
— cystitis, urinary incontinence;
— prostatitis;
— gout.
Nettle works wonders for lung disease:
— bronchitis, asthma.
cough, viral infection;
— pneumonia, tuberculosis.
Regulates metabolism
Tincture of nettle has the ability to treat cardiovascular diseases, leukemia and metabolic diseases such as diabetes and obesity. Treatment should last for 21 days and should be repeated after a break of 21 days. Matsouka nettle helps soothe rheumatism, if you take 20 drops three times a day over a long period of time," explains Adrian Florea, specialist in the field of traditional Chinese medicine.
Supports a healthy oral cavity
Helps in the treatment of stomatitis, gingivitis, tonsillitis, amigdalite, oral-pharyngeal infections by rinsing the mouth cavity with the decoction of the leaves of nettle, which has anti-microbial, deodorizing and healing properties.
Restores the scalp
Prepare infusion from 100 g of plant per liter of alcohol. The mixture should infuse for weeks, then twice a day, massaging the roots of her hair. Thus, we activates hair growth. To enhance the effect of the infusions, the hair should be often comb", — the expert recommends.
For the treatment of tuberculosis, prepare a decoction of the root and leaves of nettle mixed with honey cell. Within 60 days I drank three cups of this infusion every 24 hours," says Adrian Florea.
For 4 weeks drink every day three cups of decoction of nettles to overcome anemia and rickets.published
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: www.medved-centr.ru/kopilka/poleznoe-pitanie/krapivnyi-sok-neprevzoidenyi-celitel.html