Health benefits of nettles

In pharmacies a huge selection of medicines, but the wallet does not always allow you to buy them. And the number of side effects from drugs sometimes does not justify the therapeutic effect. Then in the course are proven recipes of traditional medicine. Useful properties of nettle broth It is so diverse that it really seems like a panacea. What if that's true?

Nettle is a hated weed in the garden that neither children nor adults touch. Despite dislike, this plant should look closely, because it is not for nothing that wise great-grandfathers valued nettle for its healing properties. Nettle is not only a delicious summer green soup with an egg, it can cure diseases that can not be counted on the fingers of two hands.

Interestingly, nettle is widely used in both folk and official medicine, and the medicinal properties of the plant are from seeds to the very roots. There are inexpensive but effective syrups, tinctures based on nettles. And in pharmacies you can find dry leaves and nettle roots for preparing decoctions and infusions. Editorial "Site" It will tell you why you no longer need to get rid of nettles, but on the contrary, you should grow it.

Useful properties of nettles
  1. It helps to improve blood clotting. Fresh nettle juice is used for disinfection and healing of wounds and bruises, diaper rash and varicose veins.

  2. Nettle helps reduce the amount of discharge during menstruation and reduce pain. A decoction or infusion of the plant is drunk throughout the week.

  3. Normalizes bowel function. A broth or tea with nettle helps with diarrhea: 2 tbsp. l. nettle roots in crushed form mix with 500 ml of vodka, insist for a week. Drink 30 drops of tincture three times a day.

  4. Stops hair loss. Regular rinsing of hair with a decoction of nettles after washing with shampoo can reduce or even stop hair loss in one to two months.

  5. In addition to decoctions and infusions, green burning nettle is used for sick joints. You need a bunch of nettles whip the sore spot for a month every day. As a result, the joints do not ache for the weather and well-being improves at times. Nettle improves blood circulation and supplies the sore spot with useful substances: formic acid, vitamin C, K, B3, B6, A, calcium, potassium, phosphorus, iron and other minerals.

And that's not all. useful properties of nettles for the human bodyFrom it you can prepare tooth powder, which will relieve bleeding gums and prevent caries better expensive toothpastes. To get the maximum benefit from the plant, you need to know how and when it is better to harvest searing nettle.

Share in the comments if you have tried treatment with nettles. Tell your friends in social networks about the healing properties of searing nettle.


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